fibromyalgia sucks ... any suggestions????

ok, so i was officially diagnosed with fibro about 4 years ago, thought the neuro doc was a quack and then accepted it 2 years later when a rheumy doc told me the same thing... so i havepretty much tried every medication out there, had weekly iv infussions, massage, chiropractic care, and steroid injections in my back and sacroiliac joints ... i am sure there is more but really nothing truly worked.... and of course through the process of pain, depression, and total exhaustion i have gained a lot of weight .... so, here i am : )

i just want to hear from others who have maybe some tricks with this fibro... i cut carbs so def interested in good recipes to curb my sugar cravings :)

i am currently down 9.5lbs and a long way to go but happy for my start :smile:


  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    I don't have any real advice, but I suffer from Fibro as well as Lupus and Hashimotos, so I know how you are feeling with the constant struggle. Feel free to add me if you want to journey in this together!
  • jlvgriffin
    jlvgriffin Posts: 23 Member
    Try d-ribose...a powder supplement you take 3 times a day mixed in with water, juice, tea, coffee. Works wonders to get your energy back and improve quality of life, however, does not get rid of it. You need to take it regularly for it to work best. I get it online, but I think you can get it from health food stores. Check out or is also a gret resource for fibro and CFS.
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    I have rheumatoid arthritis, and fatigue is a huge issue with that. I try to eat a lot of green veggies like bell peppers, and celery along with 3 days a week of yoga. It helps a bit. :)
  • flutterby6973
    thank you ladies! i have cut out carbs and sugar too. i did read about the d-ribose but i will def try it now.
  • taberube
    taberube Posts: 11 Member
    Have you tried Benfotiamine (Bio acitve form of Vitamin B1). It has shown good results for treating fibro plus it has many other health benefits. Check it out at
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    I was not diagnosed with fibromyalgia.

    That said, I was having *classic symptoms* and was at the age both my Mother and Mother-in-law were when they started experiencing pain. At the time I worked in retail on my feet and I swear this Angel of a customer walked up to me and asked me if I was okay because she could see the pain in my eyes everytime I moved. She explained how she had fibro and her arms were so bad she had to wear braces and barely move them.

    She started going to a Chiro that specialized in these type of diseases and with him and the help of Clean Eating, she no longer needed the braces and rarely took meds. I had been dealing with the pain for about 5 months (my doc at the time said I must've fell down & forgot then tried to give me steriods w/o even telling my what they were. I was getting pretty depressed at the time so threw away the pills and didn't want to talk to any medical doc) so I gave the clean eating a try. Within weeks I felt better and after a month all the pain and stiffness was gone.

    That was about three years ago and I haven't had any of that pain since. I'm not quite as strict with the clean eating anymore but I still eat fresh or frozen, short ingredient lists that I can understand and no artificial anything. So I suppose if you haven't, you could look into the clean eating diet and give it a try, you have nothing to lose.

    Again though, I wasn't medically diagnosed with fibromyalgia so I'm no expert.
  • katemarjoram
    katemarjoram Posts: 203
    I have a thoracic facet joint injury and on a med for neuropathic pain that is also prescribed to fibro sufferers. The previous med I was on saw me put on 6.5kg (14lbs) in 4 weeks. I have found that increasing my fibre has helped me get my weight back under control and has helped alleviate some of the side effects of the current med I'm on. Feel free to message or add me as a friend.
    MSDPT Posts: 3
    aquatic therapy in a heated pool :)
  • BizzyBee62
    BizzyBee62 Posts: 20 Member
    Another fibromite!!!:smile: I was diagnosed in 1995 with fibro, I also have Hashimoto's and a year ago I was diagnosed with Sjorgren's (autoimmune disease), I have alot of pain and major fatigue and some days are pretty miserable. I have never found one thing that worked for me, the main thing is too get good sleep, that just seems to help everything! I'am really working on getting healthy now, it isn't just about weightloss anymore, it is about feeling good and having a good quality of life:smile: I wish I had some magic suggestion you but honestly, just taking care of yourself, knowing your limits, eating healthy and good sleep are the best medicines for this disorder.
    I wish you the very best:smile:
    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • flutterby6973
    all of this helps... i am making a list and will try one at a time to see what helps... maybe combo of things, who knows