weight gain/loss and menstruating??

MFP just reminded me to weigh myself today but shark week just started also so I don't know how accurate it would be, how long should I wait before checking the scale?

Also, sub question! Is there anything I can eat/drink to replace the chocolate I usually treat my dying self with? I have little dark chocolate pieces in my home but if there was something really healthy to consume instead of that my life wouldn't be filled with such existential despair every month! >:)


  • ghimm
    ghimm Posts: 38 Member
    Do you typically gain weight on your period? I find I tend to gain just before and lose again once it's started.

    Re: Chocolate. I buy a sugar free hot cocoa mix and I find that very comforting. However, a little bit of chocolate isn't a problem if you have decent self control to stop after just a piece or two. I don't... so there is no chocolate in my house. Good luck!!
  • murp4069
    murp4069 Posts: 494 Member
    Some people skip weigh ins during their TOM. For me I do like to weigh because I like to know what my fluctuations are. You don't have to log it if that's what you want to avoid. If I were you I would weigh and watch my daily fluctuations this week, then you'll know next month exactly what type of fluctuations to expect.

    Personally I'd keep the dark chocolate around. It doesn't sound like you have a ton of it and unless you have some particular reason for avoiding it, having some chocolate regularly is not bad or unhealthy. During my TOM I particularly like comfort and fried foods. I've accepted that and I just make sure to log and keep my portions in check. No adverse effects on weight loss so far and even though it's silly, somehow those foods just make me a feel a little better during that crap time and it's totally worth it. :)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I used to gain a few pounds a day or two ahead of my TOM, then the water weight was gone a couple days later. Very temporary. As long as you figure out what is "normal" for you, no worries.

    I eat chocolate most days of the week. I figure that when I get to maintenance I will always need to manage portions, so I might as well start now.
  • hrsj022
    hrsj022 Posts: 41 Member
    Yeah TOM is due in a day or so I stepped on the scale and was 5lbs up from 2 days ago I have been eating 1200 cal and working out Cardio and strength everyday so I know it's not actual weight gain but I don't like it one bit! I haven't even had a bite of chocolate in weeks!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    I eat small amounts of dark chocolate every day. But if you wanted to eat less, try a magnesium supplement or some of the foods listed below. (I am not vouching for the science behind this - it's something easy and risk-free to try.)

    What your choccy cravings are trying to tell you

    ...While we all get peckish, there’s a difference between feeling hungry and having a sudden urge for a specific food. In fact, intense food cravings can be a sign you’re deficient in certain nutrients.

    So, the next time all you can think about is a juicy steak, Dairy Milk or even ice, pay attention to what your body is trying to tell you and try one of our clever food swaps . . .


    WHAT IT MEANS: Chocolate is rich in magnesium, so strong cravings could indicate a deficiency in a mineral vital for your skin and hair.

    What’s more, levels of the mineral drop during the second half of your menstrual cycle, suggesting a possible link with many of the symptoms of PMS.

    ‘Drinking too much alcohol, tea, coffee and fizzy drinks can also deplete levels of magnesium,’ says Nicola Lowe, professor of nutritional sciences at the University of Central Lancashire.

    TRY: If it has to be chocolate, opt for one that contains at least 75 per cent cocoa, as this will contain more magnesium and less sugar.

    Nuts are actually a richer source, particularly Brazils. Leafy green veg are also good, as are brown rice, wholemeal bread, and pumpkin seeds — though not quite so moreish.

    If you’re a chocoholic and suffer from PMS symptoms such as irritability, headaches, cramps and bloating, it may be worth trying a magnesium supplement

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2721369/What-choccy-cravings-trying-tell-not-mention-yearning-cheese-meat-rice.html#ixzz3f7sXvGy3

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    MFP just reminded me to weigh myself today but shark week just started also so I don't know how accurate it would be, how long should I wait before checking the scale?

    I have a weight loss whoosh exactly a week after my period starts but I continue to weight myself every day cuz all I care about is the trend and do not worry about spikes at ovulation or premenstrually.


  • actualbettycrocker
    actualbettycrocker Posts: 195 Member
    Thanks guyssss I'll figure something out with this information. I definitely had no idea about the magnesium stuff I'll look into it.
  • alone_aqua
    alone_aqua Posts: 28 Member
    I personally never weigh during the days before, during and after my period. It's just frustrating. Iron and other supplements can sometimes help with bloat but its best not to fill your memory with numbers that don't matter.
  • sarahfadell87
    sarahfadell87 Posts: 182 Member
    40 calorie fudgesicles. Lol
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    I weigh every day, Shark Week or no. If I didn't. I'd never know that I gain 2-3# from ToM and I'd think it was me eating too much. If you want to weigh during, it's okay. If you don't want to weigh, it's okay.

    As for the chocolate, I say eat it if it makes you feel better. Be sure to weigh and log what you eat so you're not going over your goal. IMO, there's no substitute for chocolate. Pumpkin seeds have magnesium, but they ain't chocolate.