Lose 20 pounds by July 4th



  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    I am in, Current weight as of 4/18: 184 lbs Goal Weight: 164...long term Goal:155 lbs which would be a 100 lb weight loss for me so this would get me very close!!
  • pam36085
    pam36085 Posts: 1 Member
    I'd like to join in, but I can I do this? It feels like I've been on a diet forever...and the scale doesn't budge.
    Big event coming up in July, would love to be able to dress nicely.
    CW 150
    GW 130
  • KPeterman22
    KPeterman22 Posts: 3 Member
    I'd like to join! CW 150 , GW 130 would love help accomplishing this goal!
  • KPeterman22
    KPeterman22 Posts: 3 Member
    How do you "join" the challenge?
  • swimmeradrianna
    swimmeradrianna Posts: 2 Member
    Im in!
    CW: 160
    Goal for July: 140
    GW: 140!

    I'm actually supposed to reach my goal the week following the 4th if I stick to my 1.5 pounds a week, but maybe this challenge will push me to reach it a week early! :)
  • themba71998
    themba71998 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in.

    Current weight - 321
    Goal weight by - 300 by July 4
    We can do this.
  • emeraldshan
    emeraldshan Posts: 20 Member
    Im soo in!! One of my cousin's just announced she will be getting married on July 8th and I had a baby almost 6 weeks ago! Will love to lose 20 by July 4th... let's do thissss!!!

    CW = 184
    GW = 164
  • cmarwah
    cmarwah Posts: 1 Member
    Hey I'm in too. CW 206 GW 180. Can u add me to this challenge please?
  • shravya93r
    shravya93r Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in.I hope this would help me to stick on..;)
    SW - 198(Feb 25th)
    CW - 190(April 19th)
    GW - 170(june 30th)
  • britneyy32
    britneyy32 Posts: 97 Member
    edited April 2016
    I'm in! Is there a challenge group for this this that we can join ?
  • mom49315
    mom49315 Posts: 2 Member
    April 15: 223
    April 19: 221.4
  • CourtAtkins
    CourtAtkins Posts: 18 Member
    I'm in!!! Goal weight by July 4th (lines up with my summer vacation plans) is 175. That's a little less than 20 lbs from where I'm currently at but if I make 20lbs, even better! I definitely could use the motivation, accountability, and support :)
  • JoshuaSalvage
    JoshuaSalvage Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in! Current weight: 232.2 July 4th goal: 210.0 I had been doing extremely well, but a full time job and work caught up with me. I exercise 5 times a week, so it's the eating that I have to control.
  • Fit4LifeAR
    Fit4LifeAR Posts: 233 Member
    Me too! I am 211.7 as of yesterday morning, so 20 pounds would be great. Here is to 191!
  • BethE36
    BethE36 Posts: 11 Member
    I'd like to join too :smile:

    SW: 194
    CW: 179
    JWG: 159 (July goal)
    GW: 140

  • RadRudiForever
    RadRudiForever Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in! I'm new to MyFitnessPal, but have been doing a weight loss challenge at work weighing in weekly on Fridays.
    I work out doing boot camp and barre classes 4x/week and trying to keep daily calories at 1400. My downfall is dinner/snacks at night after working out. I want to add some running during the week also. What day is the weigh in and is there a facebook page to log or do it all right here? I'm not sure how the challenges work. Thanks, Rudi

    SW 160.8
    CW 140
    GW 136

    4/18: 160.8
  • RadRudiForever
    RadRudiForever Posts: 4 Member
    I posted my weight wrong, it's:
    CW: 160.8
    GW: 140
  • vmcnack
    vmcnack Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in.
    CW: 204
    7.4 GW: 183
  • ArmyofAdrian
    ArmyofAdrian Posts: 177 Member
    I'm in. It's funny because that basically was my goal already when i got the MFP app on 4/15 :)

    Sw 189
    Gw 169
  • rbfdac
    rbfdac Posts: 1,057 Member
    I'm in!

    CW: 260
    GW by July: 240
    Final goal weight: 215

    do we just check in here??