Overdoing it? Or suck it up and push through?

1st post!

I am on day 12 of 30 Day Shred with only 1 break in the first few days. Today I am very heavy feeling and sore. There isn't one muscle group that hurts...its more of an all around ache with just walking around my house. I've had sore muscles but this is different.

My question is...do I push through it or is it wise to take a rest day? For 14 days I have done great with my calories and exercise and I'm afraid of losing momentum. I have 60-80lbs to lose.

Tomorrow is also my weigh in day so I'm wondering how not exercising will affect that :(

Any thoughts would be helpful!


  • fvtfan
    fvtfan Posts: 126 Member
    I would take a rest day - not exercising one day will not affect your weigh-in, but sore muscles will make you retain water.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    have a rest day, do a bit of stretching.

    if you're sore then water weight will possibly mask your weight loss.
  • kirayng2
    kirayng2 Posts: 36 Member
    I know it sounds counterintuitive when you have water weight but drink more water, it will help with your sore muscles. Taking rest days from Shred is fine especially if you haven't done that kind of training before.
  • positivepowers
    positivepowers Posts: 902 Member
    The fact that you're asking the question tells me that you know you need a break. I schedule one rest day a week and it helps me tremendously. I've also noticed that I drop a couple of pounds on my rest day (water weight, but weight nonetheless) and actually schedule my weekly weigh-in days the day after my rest day for that reason.
  • cadpro78
    cadpro78 Posts: 125 Member
    Stay on the diet through, it is a rest from exercises like cardio not from food. Stick to your calories diet.
  • mmjclark04
    mmjclark04 Posts: 54 Member
    I appreciate the thoughts! I think I just needed 'permission' to let myself rest. I really just don't want to make excuses. If people push through this...then I will do it but if its reasonable to take a rest day...then I think one would be wise. Thank ya'll!
  • philippakate197
    philippakate197 Posts: 125 Member
    I'm doing shred and i take every Monday off. Partly because I'm out of the house for 16 hours and I can't easily fit it in, but also because I'm not a machine and my body appreciates the chance to recover. I started shred with the same mindset, that I must just suck it up, but mfp folk advised me to take a rest day and I definitely feel better for it.
  • gamespriteicon
    gamespriteicon Posts: 66 Member
    Take a rest day...a 20-30min walk around the neighborhood or (walk-in-place / pace) the living-room...stretching in the morning and before bed.

    You do not want to push too hard when you are starting out, body needs time to adjust so that you are still able to function. When I push I have a tendency of hurting myself or being too sore to workout for a few days, which means I have to start all over.

    I found the best way to start a new workout routing is to do one day workout one day rest with 20-30min walk or light cardio/stretch video (to keep my me time blocked) at the end of the week I evaluate how my body feels and decide if I need another week or if I am comfortable adding a day (2 day workout 1 day rest). Until I get to 3 day workout 1 day rest. After that I focus on building up the weight I am using or switching up videos.
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    Listen to your body. It's okay to take a rest day. Walk. Stretch. You can still get up and move without straining your muscles.
  • murp4069
    murp4069 Posts: 494 Member
    You need a rest day! They are very beneficial and and only slow your overall momentum if you let them turn into rest days or weeks. Also, be aware of burnout and your long term success. If you injure yourself or you push yourself to a point of not enjoying these activities anymore, you may burnout and stop doing them at all, which is certainly not what you are going for. Good luck!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm quite sure that the 30 day shred wasn't actually intended to be done every day.

    But yeah, I take rest days when my muscles are really fatigued (like today actually).
  • fvtfan
    fvtfan Posts: 126 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I'm quite sure that the 30 day shred wasn't actually intended to be done every day.

    But yeah, I take rest days when my muscles are really fatigued (like today actually).

    I agree - I think people assume that it is a 30 days in a row thing, but it is actually set up as 3 different workouts, 10 days for each. If you read more about it, she definitely recommends rest days.
  • mmjclark04
    mmjclark04 Posts: 54 Member
    Just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone who answered yesterday! I did take a rest day. It was wonderful and today I feel fabulous after my workout!
  • trina1049
    trina1049 Posts: 593 Member
    Hi, @mmjclark04. I just wanted to add that you should schedule regular rest days in between your very active work outs. I'm at the gym 4 days a week and take a rest day from lifting weights and cardio after each work out day. By rest day, I mean that I walk, bike, or swim on the non-gym days. Like everyone said up thread, you need to rest to avoid injuries. It's a long term thing so take some time to find other activities that you enjoy. Best of luck!
  • ErryDayImHustlin
    ErryDayImHustlin Posts: 23 Member
    Rest is critical to improving your physical health. Your body doesnt get stronger while you exercise - in fact the opposite is true! We exercise so that during rest, the body repairs itself to be stronger than it was before and better prepared for the next workout/famine/angry bear/etc.