Needing motivation. Gained it all back and then some.

I started my journey on MFP about 4 years ago and got to my goal weight in August of 2014.

Business/family/job stresses crept in and I stopped making time for me, partially due to depression from the stress. As the weight crept back on I was less and less motivated to try. :disappointed:

Now I've gained it all back + more.
I currently need to lose 15-20 lbs.

I know that isn't a lot, but it takes me forever to lose due to past ED issues.
I can commit to losing, but I know my demons and have to keep myself in check so that I don't slip back into bad habits.
I would LOVE to lose 3-4 lbs. a month, but I'm so scared of falling back into the ED that I won't let myself go all in out of fear.

Anyone out there in MFP land that has dealt with trying to lose after recovering from ED?

*Looking for advice from people who became overweight after recovering, sorry not looking from advice from people in ED recovery who are still underweight. Not trying to be rude, but it isn't the same struggle.



  • Happymelz
    Happymelz Posts: 536 Member
  • Sheri2016
    Sheri2016 Posts: 197 Member
    Look around you there is motivation all around here and everyone is helping each other but ultimately you have to find the motivation with in your self :) you have the power with in you since you have done it once you will succeed again
  • Mersie1
    Mersie1 Posts: 329 Member
    Hi! Add me if you like. I've battled every ED for over 2 decades. AN- bulimia- orthorexia and bingeing has been the most recent and most persistent. All bec I am still tempted to restrict- not bec calories, but types of food. I still fight having so many rules. That said I am in the best place of recovery I've ever been. I'll be honest, MFP is a tricky one to navigate w a history of ED, but I think with diligent focus and work on coping skills it can be done.

    Hope you're having a great day. Also there is a new ED support group on MFP called Feeding Beautiful.