jax_006 Posts: 87 Member
edited April 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
So, I got back from my cruise this past weekend! Since I started my journey in January, this is the one time over the past 4 months that I totally let myself go. I enjoyed myself (maybe a little too much) and feel a bit guilty for not working out the past 11 days and also not eating clean during the cruise. Yes, I ate pizza, tacos and had maybe one too many piña coladas but I am realizing this is a journey, not a race, and balance is key! So, even though I gained a few pounds (which I expected) and feel a bit defeated, I am not going to let something like an awesome (and much needed) vacation set me back!! Jumping back on the healthy lifestyle train today and there is no turning back! Going to smash my workouts one workout at a time and I am going back to nourishing my body with wholesome foods

Words of encouragement for anyone out there today feeling down, upset, defeated etc., always remember this:



  • jax_006
    jax_006 Posts: 87 Member
    edited April 2016
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    edited April 2016
    I just got back from vacation at an all inclusive resort in Jamaica. 3 lbs up on Day One. 1.5 lbs up on Day Two. I expect to be back at my pre vacation weight by the end of the week. Most of it is water weight. Not worth stressing about and certainly not worth regretting an awesome trip, even if the scale is higher or takes longer to go back down.

    Sounds like you are in similar mindset OP. Sorry I was confused by your initial posts. ;)
  • jax_006
    jax_006 Posts: 87 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    And... ?

    I just got back from vacation at an all inclusive resort in Jamaica. 3 lbs up on Day One. 1.5 lbs up on Day Two. I expect to be back at my pre vacation weight by the end of the week. Most of it is water weight. Not worth stressing about and certainly not worth regretting an awesome trip, even if the scale is higher or takes longer to go back down.

    I hope you had a nice time! :)
  • DisneyDude85
    DisneyDude85 Posts: 428 Member
    I eat like a king on vaca. Life is too short to watch what I'm eating on a fun trip. Its the day to day choices we make that matter. My brothers and I go to San Diego ever summer to watch the Dbacks play the Padres, and I'm already looking up restaurants I want to eat at :) With the amount of walking we do, and mostly what I eat is fresh, local California cuisine, I estimate I won't gain a pound.

    Glad you had a great time on your cruise! That's on my bucket list. (a Disney cruise, of course :) )
  • jax_006
    jax_006 Posts: 87 Member
    I eat like a king on vaca. Life is too short to watch what I'm eating on a fun trip. Its the day to day choices we make that matter. My brothers and I go to San Diego ever summer to watch the Dbacks play the Padres, and I'm already looking up restaurants I want to eat at :) With the amount of walking we do, and mostly what I eat is fresh, local California cuisine, I estimate I won't gain a pound.

    Glad you had a great time on your cruise! That's on my bucket list. (a Disney cruise, of course :) )

    I agree it's the day to day choices that really matter and a vacation shouldn't make you feel guilty for over indulging! And a Disney cruise is definitely something I am dying to go on, only bc I am a disney nerd :P
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    My husband and I are going to New York City in just under a month. We'll be there for a week and I plan to be at least 10 pounds heavier when I get back. Some of that will be water for sure, but some of it will definitely be fat. I plan to stuff my face with lots of good food and not a single calorie/macro will be counted or even considered. I'll just be right back on track when we get home. I'm not too concerned about it. I value enjoying life more than worrying about temporary weight gain - very few people eat the way they normally do while on vacation. Live yo life!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I always gain on vacation...even with walking miles everyday.

    Those tropical drinks do it...

    I expect the gain and never feel guilty over it...I typically gain about 7lbs...3 or 4 goes the first week back the rest in about a harm no foul.

    However now that you got a handle on the fact it's a lifetime thing are you going to add back those foods into your list now or just special occasions...I ask because I eat all the foodz regardless of vacation or not.

    Tacos aren't that bad (when made at home) and neither is pizza....good macro balance actually.
  • cglouie
    cglouie Posts: 33 Member
    Hubby and I got back from a cruise about a week ago and like you, we completely let go and indulged. We planned to do this and were highly successful at it. :) We've been on this journey for 9 months but have taken the time to enjoy the indulgences of birthdays, anniversaries, vacations, and also giving into the occasional cravings. For us, it's been about changing our lifestyle (not "dieting") and in life, you need to take the time to enjoy the special moments, which normally includes food. Because we now live a healthy and active lifestyle, I don't worry about the temporary weight gain like I used to.