Underweight but still have belly fat

So I recently lost 9 lbs, even though j was never overweight to begin with. I'm now officially underweight, which wasn't my goal. I just wanted to get rid of the extra belly fat and love handles. I strength train with weights 5 days a week 30 minutes a day, and do cardio for 15-20 minutes a day 6 days a week. I eat around 1000 calories a day (which seems unrealistic, but I truly don't feel hungry! I'm not calorie restricting so don't worry


  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited April 2016
    If you're eating 1000 cals a day then you ARE calorie restricting! ! That's ridiculously low so you need to get your calorie intake upped right away - eat calorie dense foods if necessary (nuts /butters etc)

    Your stomach will flatten over time if you consistently strength train - it takes time.

    To give you an example I started recomp in Sept '15 - it's slow going but my tummy has reduced alot in those 7 months but it'll take several months yet for it to totally flatten. Be patient and get your eating sorted - your body needs more fuel to survive and be healthy.
    (I maintain on 2100-2300 calories!! And I need em all!)
  • nhjohnson81
    nhjohnson81 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in the same boat. After 3 kids (1+ twins) I am weighing in at 7stone7 but still have a belly. I measured around my tummy and think I need to lose about an inch and a bit so isn't look like I have a "pot"! I eat between 1000 cals but maybe more at the weekend I never eat back what I burn off at the gym. I'm hoping that by continuing with the gym and eating well that I'll lose some belly fat and that I'll build a bit of muscle up so that i don't lose anymore from chest, waist and legs.
  • dgobbett
    dgobbett Posts: 53 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    At this point you need to increase your calories to maintenance. Lower the amount of cardio you do and focus on strength training. Having a lean stomach comes from low body fat and adequate muscle. Body weight is irrelevant in that equation, but if you are underweight it tells me that your lean mass is low.

    Your goal now should be recomposition. There is a thread in the maintaining weight section about recomposition that has some great examples of people who have done well with it on this site.

    Agreed, also consider that all of it may not be fat but excess skin due to pregnancy or weight loss of any kind that will firm up with time.
  • hina2398
    hina2398 Posts: 27 Member
    Any ideas as to what to eat? I lowered my carbs and upped my protein but I don't think that's enough.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Increase to maintenance and look into exercises that tone your stomach area. A little pooch is actually normal for women, but it's perfectly possible to tone it down so it looks good.
  • hina2398
    hina2398 Posts: 27 Member
    Should I carbs at night?
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    edited April 2016
    Could be just that time of the month.
    Have you ever been to the gyno?
    Go to make sure it's not something else. It was for me!
  • TanishaMoore613
    TanishaMoore613 Posts: 17 Member
    Really good advice from the others here, take away message
    -Up your calories to at a minimum maintenance or more.
    - Focus on strength training but keep in mind you will not build muscle if you are in any sort of calorie deficit
    - You should be able to put on some good lean mass and gain weight and your pooch will slowly decrease because you will fill out some more
    -It doesn't matter when you eat what it's about what you take in, in general so carbs whenever you like will have the same effect but you might feel sluggish so personal preference.