24 year old wife and mommy of 3 boys

Hello! My name is Kelli I'm a mother of 3 boys, youngest is 7 weeks old and mommy finally is all done with babies and ready to get a beach body! I am 5'5" and currently weigh 124.5 lbs (which is my pre pregnancy weight for 3rd baby) my goal weight is to be pre pregnancy weight of my 1st which was 115. Most of my weight is in my back stomach and LOVE HANDLES I have fairly small legs butt bust and arms so the reason why I'm not happy with weight is bc of the disposition not the actual number. I am currently trying to do jillian michaels 30 day shred and stay under 1200 calories. Please help!!


  • michelleufcom
    michelleufcom Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Kelli-first off, it's impressive that you've stayed at a healthy weight after all of those kids! Can you tell me a little more about what you eat each day and how often you eat out so that I can help you?
  • kellifountain993
    kellifountain993 Posts: 3 Member
    Yes, I don't eat very healthy I just RELIGIOSLY stay under 1200 calories, in the past 21 days I have went from 127 to 121 so I am loosing weight I just look really unproportional with almost all my fat in the stomach and back. I will make my diary open so you can take a look. Sometimes I put my meals in the wrong meal slot just to save time but every last bite I take of something I log. I have only gone over a very FEW times. Also I have been very sick the past week or so and haven't been doing my exercise, although I am almost ALWAYS on my feet.

    Thanks for your help.