Weight Gain Journey

Hey everyone. I'm on here because, like many of you, I want to gain weight. I am 21 years old and 5'4 but I only weigh 94 pounds. I've never weighed more than 98 pounds besides when I was pregnant and I only got up to 117 pounds. I have tried many things in the past to gain weight but no success.

Well last night I was up all night doing research on a product I came across called Apetamin. I watched a countless amount of videos and read hundreds of reviews before deciding to order some. Someone actually recommended this app which is why I'm here. But basically, Apetamin is supposed to slow your metabolism, build your appetite, and help your body store fat more. My plan is to take that until I reach my goal weight of 125-130. I am a very athletic person but I plan to mainly focus on ab workouts so that I don't get a huge stomach while gaining weight everywhere else.


  • shashan0808
    shashan0808 Posts: 11 Member
    Ive been taking apetamin for 9months on and off i went from 120 to now 156.4
  • princessterrie16
    princessterrie16 Posts: 38 Member
    Ive been taking apetamin for 9months on and off i went from 120 to now 156.4

    Wow really? I hope I get similar or better results since I plan on taking them consistently. I ordered 4 bottles lol.
  • shashan0808
    shashan0808 Posts: 11 Member
    Youll be good with four bottles lol i skipped plenty days when i felt i was eating enough to not need it and now i probably took it like 5-6 times in the past two months ive lost weight twice nov 2015 and a week ago but not enough that i couldnt gain it back within a week
  • shashan0808
    shashan0808 Posts: 11 Member
    Apetamin makes it easy to gain 3-7 pounds a week i also drank ensure plus and ate all day long lol
  • mszsun
    mszsun Posts: 12 Member
    edited April 2016
    Same here. I'm 21, 5'5, never weighed more than 100lbs until recently. Knowing how many calories I actually have to eat in a day (2500+ calories) has been eye opening, also weighing food helps because I know if I'm under eating or not. You can work out your TDEE online and add 500 to that number, that gives you a rough estimate of how much you should eat in a day to gain. I don't know anything about Apetamin, good luck with that I hope you see results!
  • lplummer324
    lplummer324 Posts: 78 Member
    Hi, I started taking Apetamin recently as of March 25 and it works! My starting weight was 114 and I now weight 122. I also drink the Ensure Plus and eat as many calories I can. But please workout while taking the Apetamin because you will get a stomach...I'm almost done with my first bottle so I'm definitely gonna purchase another one this week. Good luck!!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Hey everyone. I'm on here because, like many of you, I want to gain weight. I am 21 years old and 5'4 but I only weigh 94 pounds. I've never weighed more than 98 pounds besides when I was pregnant and I only got up to 117 pounds. I have tried many things in the past to gain weight but no success.

    Well last night I was up all night doing research on a product I came across called Apetamin. I watched a countless amount of videos and read hundreds of reviews before deciding to order some. Someone actually recommended this app which is why I'm here. But basically, Apetamin is supposed to slow your metabolism, build your appetite, and help your body store fat more. My plan is to take that until I reach my goal weight of 125-130. I am a very athletic person but I plan to mainly focus on ab workouts so that I don't get a huge stomach while gaining weight everywhere else.

    Apetamin doesn't have an effect on your metabolism. It is a combination before Cyproheptadine (Antihistamine) and Lysine (Amino Acid). Cyproheptadine has a side effect of stimulating appetite and Lyssine, will help with uptake of nutrients. And just like all drugs, they do have some side effects and aren't effective for everyone.

    With that said, if you need help getting calories, I would read this thread to get an ideal of foods that can help you achieve your calorie goal to gain weight.
  • princessterrie16
    princessterrie16 Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you everyone. Hopefully it works for me. And yes I will definitely be working out while taking it because I want to keep my flat stomach and hopefully my boobs don't get too effected.
  • princessterrie16
    princessterrie16 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi, I started taking Apetamin recently as of March 25 and it works! My starting weight was 114 and I now weight 122. I also drink the Ensure Plus and eat as many calories I can. But please workout while taking the Apetamin because you will get a stomach...I'm almost done with my first bottle so I'm definitely gonna purchase another one this week. Good luck!!

    You take the exact recommended dose hat the bottle says to take? Watching YouTube I came across a lot of people who take more or less. Like I believe it's 10ml twice a day (I didn't get it yet it should come in the mail today) but some people took like 15ml twice a day or 5ml twice or just 10ml once. How do you take it?
  • lplummer324
    lplummer324 Posts: 78 Member
    The instructions say take 10ml three times a day, but I take 10ml twice a day. In the morning before breakfast and in the evening before dinner. But its really up to you. So did it come in the mail today?
  • Erik8484
    Erik8484 Posts: 458 Member
    Hey everyone. I'm on here because, like many of you, I want to gain weight. I am 21 years old and 5'4 but I only weigh 94 pounds. I've never weighed more than 98 pounds besides when I was pregnant and I only got up to 117 pounds. I have tried many things in the past to gain weight but no success.

    Well last night I was up all night doing research on a product I came across called Apetamin. I watched a countless amount of videos and read hundreds of reviews before deciding to order some. Someone actually recommended this app which is why I'm here. But basically, Apetamin is supposed to slow your metabolism, build your appetite, and help your body store fat more. My plan is to take that until I reach my goal weight of 125-130. I am a very athletic person but I plan to mainly focus on ab workouts so that I don't get a huge stomach while gaining weight everywhere else.

    So when youre gaining weight you'll end up putting on fat, and if you're lifting heavy also some muscle. Unfortunately, just like we can't control where we burn fat off our bodies, we can't control where we put it on. Our genetics decide our fate.

    In short, if youre genetically unlucky and a stomach first gainer, no amount of ab workouts is going to stop that.

    I hope you gain everywhere you want to though, good luck!!