Back at it again with the fit bod! (Add me)

285to170 Posts: 330 Member
Hey y'all! I'm new to the mfp community. I've been logging for a few weeks now. I gave up briefly for a few days cause it was such a pain in the butt but didn't stop the healthy eating. I'd love to add some of y'all so I can have more reasons to come on here other than logging.

Now about me. I'm 5'6 and currently 270ish down from 285ish and 20 years old. I used to be extremely fit but I've never been skinny. Three years ago I was a rugby player that weighed 150ish and I was pretty muscular. But after I started university I became extremely sedentary and gained about 40 pounds in two months.

Then I went abroad and was pampered by my family who spoilt me with round the clock extremely unhealthy but absolutely delicious meals and ended up gaining like 90 pounds within 11 months. Lol, funny but not funny.

But I've come to my senses and decided to get my *kitten* together. No excuses. Eating clean isn't a problem for me, eating enough is. I hate cooking with a passion so some times I unintentionally end up being extremely under calorie/macros and end up feeling lethargic and sick. Trying my best to put together quick and nutritious meals and get back to my old fit self.

Would love it if some of you joined me. Thanks for reading! :)


  • Nando_A
    Nando_A Posts: 10 Member
    Would love to help you out bud! Need you support too with mines. You should get a fitbit and we can cheer eachother on. :)
  • 285to170
    285to170 Posts: 330 Member
    I was actually just researching fitness trackers! Ahah totally going to check out Fitbit now thank you! I'm definitely down for giving some support and motivation! We've got this in the bag!
  • mznene89
    mznene89 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey congrats on weight loss so far!! Feel free to add me if u like
  • 285to170
    285to170 Posts: 330 Member
    mznene89 wrote: »
    Hey congrats on weight loss so far!! Feel free to add me if u like

    Thank you! <3
  • TheRiceLord
    TheRiceLord Posts: 24 Member
    Feel free to add me, too. One good thing is that you should be able to lose weight at a faster than normal rate, since you've been fit before. You know, in those diet commercials, they hire really athletic people to get fat and lose it all because they know that those people can lose weight and get ripped at a faster rate, which is good for their product.
  • 285to170
    285to170 Posts: 330 Member
    Feel free to add me, too. One good thing is that you should be able to lose weight at a faster than normal rate, since you've been fit before. You know, in those diet commercials, they hire really athletic people to get fat and lose it all because they know that those people can lose weight and get ripped at a faster rate, which is good for their product.

    Ahah here's to hoping! Getting back to those rugby drills has been... Let's say interesting! Lol never imagined that id get so winded doing something that was so easy back in the day.
  • mumbles2013
    mumbles2013 Posts: 289 Member
    Add me too hun xx you can do this!!!! I'm 202 right now looking to get down to 130. I haven't been there since I was 21!!!! Hitting 30 at the end of the year!!! I'm gonna be here a while and I'm not quiting up this time and neither must you
  • 285to170
    285to170 Posts: 330 Member
    Add me too hun xx you can do this!!!! I'm 202 right now looking to get down to 130. I haven't been there since I was 21!!!! Hitting 30 at the end of the year!!! I'm gonna be here a while and I'm not quiting up this time and neither must you

    You've done a wonderful job thus far! I'm hoping to get down to about 230ish by the end of this year. :) Keep the good fight going girl! We've got this. :D:D;)