What is the deal here with the guys?

Tamijennelle Posts: 36 Member
edited April 2016 in Introduce Yourself
My inbox is flooded with sexual garbage, flirts and other foolishness.
How is an app built for fitness regarded as a hook up/dating site?

Im annoyed. I swear men will stop at nothing to get laid. And they think its cute but really its pathetic.

Seriously, go to a bar or something dudes...or is there something wrong with you that you have to sleeze around on apps.

I ignore. I get called either stuck up or a lesbian.
No degenerate....im just, um, normal. If it was a dating site, then id be open to chatting...but uhhhh THIS IS NOT AN EFFING DATING SITE NOW IS IT STUPID??!!



  • falalaholly
    falalaholly Posts: 27 Member
    if you really dont want the inboxes, try deleting your picture or putting a picture not of you up?
  • billglitch
    billglitch Posts: 538 Member
    I am a guy and I dont talk sex or flirt at all on here. Rarely even comment.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I don't get a ton of that stuff. When I do, I either tell the person to knock it off (if it was just a minor flirt) or I just delete them. I've been on here for 3 years.

    Maybe dudes think if you are on here to lose weight you are easy prey. It's probably easier to hit on fat chicks.

    I'm a fat chick, but I might be a little intimidating. lol.
  • CardiganandFlannel
    CardiganandFlannel Posts: 232 Member
    I would say its an equal amount of men and women trolling for attention.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Is this your first time on an internet forum? Not that I'm saying that it's acceptable behavior, but really...have you never been on an internet forum before?

    Also, a lot of chicks here do exactly the same...not just dudes.

    It's interesting. I've been on the internet for a while and on this forum in particular for years and I've never received unsolicited pics and only a couple of unsolicited sexual messages. That's not "just the way the internet is" in many corners of the net. It seems to be more "that's how some people are and it gets excused away on certain sites where they naturally tend to congregate because of it."
  • King_Spicy
    King_Spicy Posts: 821 Member
    I could probably top your male messages with female messages. Only difference is that they don't offer to send vag pics right away like guys will. Have you seen these forums? They are more social than educational at this point. If you need to learn something, use the search option. The answer is already there. Less socializing = less chances of being found = less chances of flirting.
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    Oh, It's hard to be so beautiful!! Take it with a grain of salt, a few racy messages aren't worth getting angry over. I've received maybe 3 since July of 2015, I ignored/blocked them. My message on my page states clearly that I'm happily married, and that if you cross the line you will be blocked. Seems to have worked. And no, please don't remove your status picture for a couple of yahoos...it's YOU, and YOU deserve to show yourself with pride. Good luck, smile, and worry less about that stuff, and more about making YOU the best YOU you can be!! Much love! xo
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Is this your first time on an internet forum? Not that I'm saying that it's acceptable behavior, but really...have you never been on an internet forum before?

    Also, a lot of chicks here do exactly the same...not just dudes.

    It's interesting. I've been on the internet for a while and on this forum in particular for years and I've never received unsolicited pics and only a couple of unsolicited sexual messages. That's not "just the way the internet is" in many corners of the net. It seems to be more "that's how some people are and it gets excused away on certain sites where they naturally tend to congregate because of it."

    The only forum I've ever belonged to where I didn't see this kind of behavior was on the RV forum I used to be on...probably because it was mostly people 60+. Pretty much every other open social media forum I've been a part of, there has been issues like this both men and women. I don't get a ton of it, but it's there. I just delete and move on.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    Been here over 4 years. There have been a few unwarranted messages. Just block the culprits, and avoid the "chit/chat" threads.

    I would guess that 99% of the people here are pretty awesome, ignore/delete/block the rest.
  • macm40
    macm40 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm a guy and been on and off this site for about 3 years. I have a good mixture of female and male friends that I look for advise and support as we reach for our goals. Not once have I sent inappropriate messages or received inappropriate messages from anyone so please don't refer to this app as a dating site because of a few idiots supposedly sending you "sexual garbage, flirts and other foolishness".

    It's a great site and has a lot of useful info within it, as well as a bunch of great people.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Been here over 4 years. There have been a few unwarranted messages. Just block the culprits, and avoid the "chit/chat" threads.

    I would guess that 99% of the people here are pretty awesome, ignore/delete/block the rest.

    This is true...
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    I know many women on this site with pictures of themselves in a sports bra and bike shorts who are very active in the forums, and none of them have ever mentioned getting more than a random inappropriate message here, so it seems odd that your inbox is "flooded". Do you post often in the ChitChat forum maybe? Are you using the same username as you have used in other places that might have followed you here?
  • JasonRainboze
    JasonRainboze Posts: 168 Member
    haha the crowd is fickle.....:)
  • allieparkia
    allieparkia Posts: 304 Member