Not sure what's happening to me



  • Sweetiepiestef
    Sweetiepiestef Posts: 344 Member
    TJLorre wrote: »
    Sounds like my relationship in the start.
    I never been so happy as i was then with him. It was so heavy, it consumed me.
    Now, 3 years and a baby later, we are still together, have a home, but he recently came clean to me that he was only being so awesome in the start to ensure i keep giving him the booty.
    Yup, i was his toy.
    That spark has long since gone and i really am bored.
    And i resent him because if i knew he was being so insincere, i would have moved on and not let it get to tge point where i got pregnant.
    Hes not an *kitten*...he is educated has his masters, is a vp in the IT sector of his company.....takes care of us, is helpful, but yup....he said this is usually why men come on strong. So my advice....take it slow.
    That honeymoon period does eventually end and you start to see their true nature.
    He changed.


    That was my face exactly. What a jerk!
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    So, the honeymoon period is a powerful time. Personally, I could love a potted plant in the first few months of a relationship. (And I've had boyfriends that turned out to be about as interesting as a potted plant once we hit month four.) Have fun, and don't feel like you have to reign in -- but also don't get too invested too early. I've found that sometimes after the first few months it just sort of fizzles, until one day you're with someone for years and you realize that you're still as recklessly in love as when you started.

    Don't worry about where it's going. Just be sure to take care of yourself and make sure you're taking care of yourself as well.
  • sparklymo
    sparklymo Posts: 54 Member
    Your obviously meant to be, just enjoy each day as it comes, still have your friends and me time.. Life is for living
  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    Dude my husband is my ex's best mate, we were both fresh out of horrible relationships and the Bro code and all that so many many reasons to NOT hook up... god am I glad we both went with what felt right as otherwise I wouldn't have my partner of ten years by my side! You never know where anything may lead and I'm an advocate for all or nothing mentalities!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    ARGriffy wrote: »
    Dude my husband is my ex's best mate, we were both fresh out of horrible relationships and the Bro code and all that so many many reasons to NOT hook up... god am I glad we both went with what felt right as otherwise I wouldn't have my partner of ten years by my side! You never know where anything may lead and I'm an advocate for all or nothing mentalities!

    Are they still friends?!
  • Mapalicious
    Mapalicious Posts: 412 Member
    edited April 2016
    i wanted to let this out but not on Facebook or any other social media. I met this guy a few days ago and he has completely changed my world. We can talk all day and all night and when we're together I just feel at peace and at home. Our intentions were to be just friends at first but things seem to be moving fast so far... We both feel right but scared to death at the same time. I'm not sure what to do or think anymore. There's just too many things that are crazy that's been going on. I've never met anyone like this. I just wanted to let that out.

    So 7 years ago last weekend I met this guy at a party, where we were introduced by a mutual friend. I invited him over to a second party the day later at my house. I was 24 at the time. That next day, which was a Saturday, he came to the party (which was huge, about 200 people). We stayed up all night and talked, and snuggled. I went to lunch with him that Tuesday, and we've been pretty much entirely inseparable ever since. We hung out every single night for months and months, and...

    In 4 months from now, we're getting married, and lived together for 5.5 years now. He is my best friend, my strongest ally, my highest motivator, my protector, my sexy giant (he's 6'7") and my sweetie. I couldn't imagine life without him.

    Do what makes sense. Don't get freaked out because of how it's "supposed to" or "not supposed to" happen. Falling in love is a beautiful, beautiful mind-bending journey. Staying in love is even another one. Be open, be honest, be daring, be loving.
  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    ARGriffy wrote: »
    Dude my husband is my ex's best mate, we were both fresh out of horrible relationships and the Bro code and all that so many many reasons to NOT hook up... god am I glad we both went with what felt right as otherwise I wouldn't have my partner of ten years by my side! You never know where anything may lead and I'm an advocate for all or nothing mentalities!

    Are they still friends?!

    He was his best man :)
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    TJLorre wrote: »
    Sounds like my relationship in the start.
    I never been so happy as i was then with him. It was so heavy, it consumed me.
    Now, 3 years and a baby later, we are still together, have a home, but he recently came clean to me that he was only being so awesome in the start to ensure i keep giving him the booty.
    Yup, i was his toy.
    That spark has long since gone and i really am bored.
    And i resent him because if i knew he was being so insincere, i would have moved on and not let it get to tge point where i got pregnant.
    Hes not an *kitten*...he is educated has his masters, is a vp in the IT sector of his company.....takes care of us, is helpful, but yup....he said this is usually why men come on strong. So my advice....take it slow.
    That honeymoon period does eventually end and you start to see their true nature.
    He changed.

  • 285to170
    285to170 Posts: 330 Member
    I know that this is supposed to be a really serious post but the replies have me in tears from laughter. I think I officially love the mfp community!

    Back on topic. Just go with the flow, do what feels right in the moment. But never forget to be smart about your decisions regardless. Sometimes these whirlwind romances workout for the best sometimes they don't. That's just how life goes.

    I was in the most amazing, breathless, and incomparable relationship a while ago and even though it didn't work out I regret nothing about the time we had together. Relish in the moment and if it doesn't work out remember that that's just how life goes and remember the good times rather than dwell in the bad.
  • SassyRN_77
    SassyRN_77 Posts: 66 Member
    perhaps ladies should start giving booty easily, then men won't have to lie and make false promises.

    wow!!! just wow!!!lol
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    edited April 2016
    I'm gonna be a wet blanket for a sec because I've been there done that and got burnt to a bloody crisp.

    Suddenly popping up relationships that seem so perfect and move so fast? BIG RED FLAG. Take a step back. Don't be rushed into ANYTHING and for the love of God don't let him move in or let him borrow any money. Please for your own sake, be skeptical. Not everyone is what they seem and some people fake it *very* well. Until they get what they want from you, which usually ends up being some form of financial support even if they seem solvent at first.

    In fact, I'd background check him.

    (No, I'm not a bitter old crab; I'm happily married to a good man. Just that I learned some hard lessons before that.)

    Best of luck, truly.