Have You Had The Moment When You See Yourself Naked and You're OK With It?

Have you stolen a glimpse of yourself entering/exiting the shower and averted your eyes? Because you were having a good day and didn't want to be upset?

Or maybe you could stand naked in front of the mirror and scrutinize every inch. Maybe you just love what you see and could stare for hours.

But what about that first time you saw yourself naked and thought you looked ok? What was that like?

Today I saw myself in the mirror after my shower and it was ok. I'm imperfect and so is my body. But I looked ok. Seeing myself naked felt alright to me for the first time in I-just-don't-know-how-long.

How far into your weight loss journey did that happen for you? Did it impact or change how you went forward in your weight loss journey?


  • rsleighty
    rsleighty Posts: 214 Member
    Nope. I see improvements and it makes me feel good. I seriously doubt I'll ever be happy with my body.
  • AlphaCajun
    AlphaCajun Posts: 290 Member
    Not yet..
  • jessicarobinson00
    jessicarobinson00 Posts: 414 Member
    It just happened..so crazy that I saw this post today!! Just over 2 years in...lots of recomp..and pushing the dirty 30, but YES!!
  • courtneylykins5
    courtneylykins5 Posts: 168 Member
    I can honestly say it depends on the angle I catch a glimpse at. Straight on is fine. But from the side I see my tummy rolls and loose skin hanging down. It's hard work accepting imperfections.
  • shingramgetsfit
    shingramgetsfit Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 23 and have the breasts of a 63 year old. So no, I don't think it will happen until I fix that. Unfortunately diet and exercise won't correct that issue! I really want that moment but I don't think it'll happen for at least a decade, no matter what weight I am able to achieve.
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    I have, just recently actually. I didn't stare for long, as I didn't want to start picking myself apart. But I did happen to notice that I'm smaller than I've been in a long time, and I remember thinking "I'm no VS model, I still look like I'm approaching my 50's, but I think I look pretty great!!"
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    For me it varies day to day. Some days I can look in the mirror naked or clothed and be happy or at least content with what I see. Other days I look in the mirror and hate my reflection. What I do consistently like seeing though is myself getting smaller and my body returning back to an hourglass after starting to become rectangular when I was at my heaviest.
  • radlilstar
    radlilstar Posts: 10 Member
    edited April 2016
    Never in my life. But I will! And when I do...it's going to be awfully hard to keep clothes on me :lol:
  • MissMonicaC4
    MissMonicaC4 Posts: 279 Member
    radlilstar wrote: »
    Never in my life. But I will! And when I do...it's going to be awfully hard to keep clothes on me :lol:

    Hahah thats the attitude. Its really sad to see these responses in all honesty. Right?
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Maybe someday but nope, hasn't happened yet.
  • Cindy01Louisiana
    Cindy01Louisiana Posts: 302 Member
    In mirror facing front, I am not cringing anymore. From the back, that is a completely different story and I hope to be you where you are at the end of the summer.
  • RayDespises
    RayDespises Posts: 11 Member
    Never that I cam remember. I've been morbidly obese since childhood
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Yes, finally! It's a wonderful feeling. There's a huge mirror in front of the shower. I always tried to avoid it before but now I'm loving it!
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    After I lost the weight I was still pretty unhappy with how I looked naked. It wasn't until I had my tummy tuck that I could actually look at myself in the mirror & be happy with what I was seeing. I'm definitely not perfect, but I am very happy with what I see.
  • MissMonicaC4
    MissMonicaC4 Posts: 279 Member
    Ladies.. At the end of tye day.. Big or small dimples and all try to love yourself. I say these words with encouragement as I try to take my own advice haha.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I swear I look better nude than clothed.
  • ObsidianMist
    ObsidianMist Posts: 519 Member
    not the last few days coz I've been bloated from my period, but the few days before that I didn't entirely hate it. I'm 5-10 pounds from goal and finally starting to feel close to good about my body.
  • lmhbuss
    lmhbuss Posts: 282 Member
    I used to hate what I saw in the mirror and then I read a simple statement. "Beauty is not your job. It isn't something you owe to anyone. It is not the rent you pay to justify your existence." It was something I needed to read. Now, (and it took me a long time) I am ok with how I look. Is it perfect? Yes, perfectly functional. Is it magazine pretty? The furthest thing from it. It's my body. It doesn't have to look any particular way. I am pursuing weight loss because I want to be healthy. Yes, being closer to the socially acceptable aesthetic is a nice plus, but at the end of the day I had to learn to be ok with myself before I was capable of the confidence necessary to do what is necessary to take good care of this not VS Model body. You see it on these forums all the time " I want to work out at the gym...but people might look at me." " I want to swim at the Y, but can't bare the thought of being seen in a swimsuit." As though being pretty is a requirement for leaving the house or something. As if people would have the right to judge or be cruel if someone doesn't measure up to some photo shopped image. For myself, I was only able to achieve "Screw it! I'm going to go lift weights" once I decided that I was ok no matter what I looked like. It made achieving health and fitness results a lot easier, and (while I still have those days of self loathing) it made me much happier in general.
  • janet6567
    janet6567 Posts: 129 Member
    I am 66 years old and 35-40 pounds overweight, so seeing myself in the mirror is very distressing right now. I am working on losing weight and getting more fit, but I will never have the body I had at 25 or 35 or even 45. Age just shifts things around and some things sag and droop. So my goal is not "having a beautiful body." My goal is to be able to play with my three year old twin grandchildren and not get tired as quickly; to pick them up and not have my back hurt for two days after, to still be around when they graduate from high school and college and hopefully be able to attend their weddings. I want to be as healthy and fit as I can for as long as possible and to enjoy the rest of my life to the fullest.