Good Core exercise DVD's

I recently injured my back and apparently am riddled with arthritis all through my lumbar spine. They have suggested surgery, but I'm not ready to go there yet. They also suggested weight loss and a good core program. Money is not available for a trainer and I am finding motivation is an issue to do sit ups at home alone. Any suggestions for a good CORE stabilization DVD that is entertaining and effective?


  • vaughny
    vaughny Posts: 145
    i heard that jillian michaels 6 week 6 pack is good i actually bought but haven't done it yet if you have comcast its free on demand or youtube it to make sure the exercises won't bother your back
  • SarahLovesCheesecake
    Hi do it on rec of your doctor, but I think 30 Day shred level 1 would be easier on you that 6 wk 6 pack, that one is hard....
  • fitrobb
    fitrobb Posts: 16
    I had chronic shoulder pain a couple years back. i tried so many things including accupunture, but it wasn't until I put excercise in the mix, that things began to feel better for longer. In the beginning was a lot of stretching and VERY LIGHT weight. For core strengthening I found that something as simple as laying on the floor and raising feet off the floor, then head, then arms, then legs did a lot. I would lay on stomach and then on back. Just raise one area at a time. I'm with the other posters to check with your doc to make sure it is ok with your injury. As far as motivation, once you begin waking up with less and less pain, I think that will be all the motivation you need regardless of which program you find. All the Best.