How would you suggest I estimate the calories burned?

I dont have one of those things like a body bug to track calories burned. I just started using Insanity and I have no idea how many calories I burn, or how to log it. How do I do that without a tracker? am I just supposed to guesstimate?

I looked up yesterday, number of calories other people are burning per 45 minutes and it ranged, some people were burning 300 with insanity, all the way up to 800, and ive heard of it being possible to burn up to 1000... =/


  • Phanessa917
    Phanessa917 Posts: 100 Member
    The best way to really know is getting a HRM. You can always guess but you'll never really know because it will just be a "guess" After I bought my HRM, I noticed that i burn calories differently even with the same work out on different days...
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    Well it varies greatly from individual and from intensity, so you can't really guess. a body bug is rather expensive, you can get a heart rate monitor though for under $50 from amazon.
  • xoArielleMarieox
    The best way to really know is getting a HRM. You can always guess but you'll never really know because it will just be a "guess" After I bought my HRM, I noticed that i burn calories differently even with the same work out on different days...

    how much are they??
  • xoArielleMarieox
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    When you go to log your exercise search for "Calisthenics" and a few choices will come up. One will be for vigorous effort and one for light/moderate effort. I use the vigorous effort when I do P90X. When I do this I will usually log about 75% of my time just to be sure I don't overestimate my calorie burn.
  • Phanessa917
    Phanessa917 Posts: 100 Member
    I bought the Polar FT7. I posted on here asking others about it and after some research, I went with that one for my personal taste on style, etc.. But While searching for them, i've seen them for as cheap as $40 on amazon

    I actually thought having a chest strap would be a pain in the *kitten* but since it's more accurate, i don't mind. Plus, I think for women, we;re used to having our bras/sports bra in that area so it's not completely different than wearing those!

    I find that since i've been wearing the HRM, I want to do more and love to see the calories I burn, I find myself getting excited about using it for a work out (I hated working out before) haha so it was also a motivational tool for me! win win!
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    Not saying to get this one, but here is an example to get you started. As you see the price range varies. Also, once more on guessing, I highly discourage it. I burn far less calories than I died 40 lbs ago and when i was not as fit. I can't even come close to working hard enough to get to the calories i used to burn, so point is just get an HRM its the best investment you will ever make in your fitness.
  • nomorefatbitch
    I got a Polar FT4 from Sports Authority. I THINK it ran about $90, but not sure. I only got it about six weeks ago, but I don't ever seem to use it - so on to eBay it will go :(
  • Phanessa917
    Phanessa917 Posts: 100 Member
    Not saying to get this one, but here is an example to get you started. As you see the price range varies. Also, once more on guessing, I highly discourage it. I burn far less calories than I died 40 lbs ago and when i was not as fit. I can't even come close to working hard enough to get to the calories i used to burn, so point is just get an HRM its the best investment you will ever make in your fitness.

    I agree!!!!!
  • Phanessa917
    Phanessa917 Posts: 100 Member
    This is the one I bought and if you look at the pics, I posted one with me wearing it (next to a quarter). I really wanted want to know how big it would look on my small wrist but couldn't find pics so i took the chance but i love it...and had to post a pic for others to see!

    all I wanted was a basic one and this one is perfect for me