Remaining calories



  • F6B2014
    F6B2014 Posts: 1 Member
    Try backing off the floor exercises as you may be muscle building. Let the cardio be the majority of your time and do light floor for a week to stay flexible. Good luck.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    A "reasonably fit" person simply isn't burning that many exercise calories. Your trust in your HRM is misplaced I'm afraid - worth rechecking your set up. You haven't entered kilos instead of pounds perhaps as your burns seem about double what I might expect?
    My biggest recent burn was c. 2250 from over four hours of very intense hill climbing on a bike.

    Your 3000 - 3500 cals a day would be the rough equivalent of a hundred mile cycle - every day!

    You are also seem to be using it for activities where a standard HRM which may give a reasonable estimate for moderate to intense steady state cardio simply can't give you a sensible estimate - this is an example:
    The 900 plus calorie burn this morning was a combination of treadmill intervals 25 Mins followed by floor exercises.
    Sorry but no chance that's right.

    Weight training is a very low calorie burn - on a par with brisk walking, HRMs will over-estimate wildly unless they have a specific mode for strength training.
  • annaskiski
    annaskiski Posts: 1,212 Member
    jds120275 wrote: »

    You keep arguing, yet the fact remains, if you were really burning this much, you would be dropping tons of weight.

    So its time to get real, you are either swallowing a cheesecake between workouts, or you're not burning that much.
  • jds120275
    jds120275 Posts: 12 Member
    No cheesecakes I'm afraid. Just lots of cardio,loads of protein some carbs and healthy fats. Just had my latest bodystat fat weight has gone down 2 kg lean muscle mass has gone up. I'm not arguing by the way just explaining that it is definitely possible to burn 1000 calories during an hour of hard interval training.

    Thanks for the comments anyway.