hi im new

Hi i'm new to thisd and i'd really like some friends to give me some encouragment as i seem to lack willpower x


  • heatherleigh12
    You can do this!!!!!!!!
  • HerMajesty_Stronglily
    Hello LfcGal,

    My daughter and I started using Myfitness pal about 5 weeks ago. It has been so helpful! You can do this! :flowerforyou:

    When we started, my dd felt like she was never going to eat anything good again. Now she feels like it is really easy to control her portions and enjoy a smaller amount of her favorite foods. I think the trick to not craving the junk food that we were addicted to has been supplying our bodies with so many high quality nutrients that we feel completely satisfied.

    Just don't give up! If you eat more than you planned, something higher in calories one day...be happy...and say...this is the day I am boosting my metabolism! And go back to a lower calorie day/meal the next day/meal.

    Keep posting! Keep Moving! Keep Losing! And Pray. Good Luck! ~Her Majesty....
  • MrsSOliver
    MrsSOliver Posts: 2 Member
    Hey :)

    Thanks for the comments.

    I'm doin ok so far but i think i am tending to eat when im home alone and bored (when no one can see me eating).
    I need something to keep me active that I enjoy doing because I really seem to have this 'I cant be bothered' attitude with everything at the moment.