How often do you weigh...



  • anna_lisa
    anna_lisa Posts: 486 Member
    I have to weigh myself daily to be accountable. I know based on daily changes it may fluctuate and even following my diet the scale may go up, but a week is too long for me. I am visual so I record it daily as I like to see the graph. And like you, just the little encouragement of showing the scale go down is incredibly motivating. I weigh first thing in the mornings before I get into the shower. Right now my scale only goes to 1/2 lb. increments but I am going to get a different one that shows down to the tenths...again, every little bit counts and I want to see it! Good luck on your journey!

  • anna_lisa
    anna_lisa Posts: 486 Member
    Okay so I might be a little neurotic because I like to record and graph as well and compare and anaylze the data. May be the science geek in me
  • aozley
    aozley Posts: 4
    I try to only weigh once a week BUT sometimes can't resist getting on the scale if I feel like I had a great day the day before. Like yesterday, it was amazing but I regret stepping on the scale this morning, hoping for something, to see that it showed that I had gained 2lbs. :grumble: SO it has me a little down but I know it's my own fault for doing it. It could be muscle gain, retaining water, or whatever. I think I am going to try and give the scale to my husband and tell him to hide it until <insert day> each week. We'll see how that goes!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,008 Member
    I weigh once a day, first thing in the morning, naked, after peeing. I stay on track better with daily weighing, but some do better with weekly or even less frequent. I experimented with not weighing as often, and that didn't work so well for me. I find that discipline keeps my eating more disciplined.
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    :) This thread definitely exceeded my expectations!! I was fully expecting at least a few people calling us daily weighers "obsessive," since that seems to be the normal course of things, but I'm pleasantly surprised.

    I think the moral here is that you should weigh as often as you're comfortable with. If you weigh every day and you understand that there are going to be natural fluctuations (both up and down), but that there should be an overall downward trend... then weigh every day! It only becomes a problem if those numbers on the scale start drastically affecting your mood.

    If you'd like to get a more accurate picture of your weight loss, I recommend putting your weight into a spreadsheet daily. Then in the next column, add up that day's weight, plus the previous seven days, and divide by seven. This will give you a moving average (so your average always depends on today's weight + the previous six days), and it will act to smooth out those natural daily bumps and wiggles so you have a better picture of how your weight changes with time. If the moving average is going in the downward direction, you are on the right track.

    Good luck! :)
  • dannidoc
    dannidoc Posts: 19
    every day first thing in the morning
  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    I am trying for every day (although a few times I knew I was bad and didnt because I didnt want to know).
    If I start a trend of gaining I want to ajust my calories. I can't measure a trend for weeks and weeks if I only weighed once a week. I'd gain everything back before realising I was going wrong :P
  • madivp
    madivp Posts: 112 Member
    I weigh every morning, because I cant stay away from the scales, but I dont get upset with what they say. I am in a lifestyle change I am not on a diet. I am really working on a mind set change, and I am doing better now then I ever have. I have dieted all my life and I am still fat, so I know that diets dont work with me, I have to do a life change. So far my exercise and eating change are working good and it is something I can live with for the rest of my life.
  • LOL I weigh pretty much EVERYDAY!
    But I record my weight every monday ...
  • vatruitt
    vatruitt Posts: 15 Member
    I weigh almost everyday... the exception is when I'm plateauing. If i haven't seen a change in a little while I'll stop for a few days and then weigh again. Keeps me from being worried about my progress.
    However, I only record my weight if there's been a change (up or down).
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