65 pounds down!

Ruuffiiooooo Posts: 23 Member
edited April 2016 in Success Stories
A few summers ago my sister got married and I looked like I did in that first picture. I really didn't like it. My other sister was getting married the following summer and I didn't want to look the same in those pictures. I started counting my calories on MFP and doing cardio and lost 45 pounds by summer 2015 putting me at 175 pounds in that middle picture.

From this past summer until January of this year I stayed around 175. In November I went through a bit of heartache and after a little bit of wallowing I decided I wanted to look better and become stronger than I was.

I started doing body weight exercises. At the start all I could do was 3 or 4 pushups so I did them off of my knees as many as I could everyday. I also started doing some leg lifts and that was all. About a month later I could do regular pushups for reps and found a bodyweight routine I could do at home: https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/wiki/kb/recommended_routine

for most of February I did the routine everyday cause I felt like I could. By March I was progressing in the exercises and started doing it every other day cause I was starting to get fatigued. From the get go in January alongside working out I was doing cardio. Either eliptical or a jog plus a 5k walk with my dog everyday.

Nowadays I can do 3x10 diamond pushups and am close to progressing to ring pushups. I've gone from not being able to do any bodyweight dips to being able to do 3x5 on rings. I went from being able to do 0 pull ups to 4. I can hold a regular plank for 2 minutes and have started putting elbows way out forward to make them harder. I'm thinking of getting a weighted vest sometime soon for extra resistance for everything.

For legs it's hard to just do bodyweight work and get big legs. I have a cable machine with a bar attachment that I use for weighted squats. It's the only non-bodyweight workout I do but It has to be done in order to keep legs up to snuff with the rest of me.

DIET: I've been on a 1000 calorie deficit since January. Just this week I'm switching it up to 1000 calorie deficit on non workout days and 300 deficit on workout days. I want to get to about 12% bf before I start bulking up properly. I'm using a 40 carb 30 portein 30 fat macro split right now.

I'm pretty stoked about how far I've come so far. I'm really stoked to start bulking hopefully in a month.




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