Morning Gym Motivation! HELP!!!

Help me!!!! It happened AGAIN!
My alarm went off at 6am and I was faced with the choice between gym or an extra hour's sleep and guess what? Sleep won! No matter how determined I am while wide awake at night and setting my alarm for the next morning, half-asleep-me is not to be trusted!!
I need help, what do you guys do to get up and get motivated for gym in the mornings? All tips and ideas welcome!


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    You just have to have the determination to make it a priority. If you want it badly enough, you make it happen.

    On the flip saide, maybe if mornings aren't working so well for you, you should try afternoons or evenings.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    get everything ready the night before - for me this includes my lunch prepped and in the fridge, my work clothes in my gym bag, and my workout clothes ready to throw on.

    Don't lie there. Don't press snooze. Alarm goes off, get up, do the necessary, get out the door before your body and brain has a chance to even think about it.

    My gym-day alarm goes off half an hour earlier than my normal-day alarm, but on a normal day I tend to spend an hour pointlessly checking social media before getting up. Don't do that. But the principle of half an hour works better - on a gym-day, when my alarm goes off I often think I could just go back to sleep, but then realise that I'm unlikely to gain much by sleeping for an extra half an hour so I may as well get up. Maybe try shortening your gym time until you get used to the idea.

    There is no motivation for me to get up, I just start moving my body and hope my brain doesn't figure out what is going on until I am part way through my workout.

    I do mornings because I find it far easier to convince myself not to go after work.
  • seanafvet
    seanafvet Posts: 57 Member
    I got to the gym after work so I am tired for bed and not up all night. Plus it is less crowded for me. You just have to get yourself into a mindset that you have to get to the gym to workout if you want to achieve results. Good luck
  • dreamingdaisies
    dreamingdaisies Posts: 5 Member
    My evenings are so full with various clubs and meetings and studying and squeezing a social life in there somewhere that I'm lucky if I make it to the gym once or twice a week after work. I need to either change to a 24hour gym and go after all the other stuff or make mornings work.

    I like the idea of getting moving before your brain realises what's happening, going to see if I can make that work tomorrow! My early morning brain just wants to sleep and be fat forever so just bypassing it is probably best if I can manage it haha!
  • saraAmcd
    saraAmcd Posts: 81 Member
    Put the clock across the room, sleep in gym clothes, prep the night before - including set up delicious coffee. Knowing I have a busy day ahead and that there will be no other opportunity to workout is also one of my motivators.
  • navdeeprana
    navdeeprana Posts: 473 Member
    For instance ig I have to be at gym by 6 am, I out an alarm for 5.20 am , another one 5.25 am , 5.30 am and so on...

    Works for me...but if course determination and yearning is a must...
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Get your stuff ready before bed.

    Realize that if you wait until after work/school/whatever, you may not get to the gym. Or, that the equipment you need/want (squat rack/power cage, in my case) will be unavailable. So you're better off actually doing it in the morning.
  • amandadunwoody
    amandadunwoody Posts: 204 Member
    Is there someone you can meet that early? Or someone you could call on the phone? Being accountable to someone can really help. I was in the habit of walking in the mornings (will start again as it warms up here) and I had to meet my walking partner at6:15. Couldn't stay in bed. Maybe even if there's nobody you can work out with, really have the time scheduled in your mind. Not just the general idea of "I'll get up early and work out" but make it an appointment. Workout starts at 6:15 sharp, or whatever.
  • Hell_Flower
    Hell_Flower Posts: 348 Member
    Just get up and GET IT DONE!!

    No one can do it for you!

    Get everything ready to go the night before so you can roll out of bed, into your kit, grab you bag, out the door. DONE. Get into the habit.

    I don't like GETTING up early, but I like BEING up early. That realisation got me up and out the door many times.
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    It has to matter to you.
    Every morning I get and don't want to go, but my gym clothes are laid out on top of my dresser making me feel like crap if I don't. So I go. Most mornings I'm still feeling like that...but I go. I feel pretty terrific when I weigh in after five days at the gym.
  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    Dude, I have to fight this every morning >.< It's rough. If you're having trouble, pack EVERYTHING the night before. Shower things, work clothes, lunch, whatever. I also suggest sleeping in your gym clothes so you can literally roll out of bed, jam your shoes on, pick up your bag, and go.
  • dreamingdaisies
    dreamingdaisies Posts: 5 Member
    Quick update, I work all week through to Saturday and so I sometimes forget that for normal people Saturday is a different entity! As such, while I managed to be up and ready this morning... The gym was still closed... It's less than a 5 minute walk away so I just walked around the block a few times for a little bit of exercise and came home for a coffee.At least I know I can do it now (though I'm pretty sure I'll never enjoy it haha) thanks for all the tips and motivation guys, I'll give the early morning another go on Monday!
  • tamaraworrall
    tamaraworrall Posts: 166 Member
    At the weekend my alarm is set for 6.20 am and I am up by 6.35 am at the latest and out of the door within 15 minutes.
    It's having the willpower to know how much you want to achieve that goal .
    Even now after losing over 16 stone in weight I'm all enjoying the gym and swimming and every other exercises I do .
    It keeps me fit and healthy and means if I want treats I can :)