Eating under and working out, yet still the same or gaining

It's kinda frustrating. I've been constistant with being under my calorie goal and staying active. Yet this past week, the scale kept going up a few pounds. Heck, my clothes are looser and starting to see the weight loss on my face. Will a rest day help? A calorie spike just to trigger weight loss? I also feel backed up with my BMs. You think that could be related? Just want answers.


  • kandell
    kandell Posts: 473 Member
    Try drinking more water for a few days, as in 8 glasses AT LEAST.
  • BeeRodMul
    BeeRodMul Posts: 48 Member
    I do on a daily basis. It may not appear on here but I log it on my Fitbit. Sometimes, I drink 12 glasses a day.
  • BeeRodMul
    BeeRodMul Posts: 48 Member
    In fact, besides the one night I had a glass of wine, all I had was water. No juice or soda. Only water.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,116 Member
    Women tend to have lots of water fluctuations related to your cycle. Some people will hold on to extra water the week before TOM. I tend to retain water around ovulation time more than the actual TOM week. It could be that. Are you weighing your food on a scale? If not it is possible that your calories in is more than you think it is. And it may be that you are constipated. Make sure you are getting plenty of fiber and if you are make sure you are drinking plenty of water too. Fiber can help with constipation, but if you have too much fiber and not enough water with it it can cause constipation. I wouldn't worry just yet. It sounds like normal fluctuations.
  • murp4069
    murp4069 Posts: 494 Member
    If it's only this week I wouldn't worry about small fluctuations. Weight loss will come often quote sporadically with many fluctuations in between. Keep at it with your calorie goals and exercises and the weight will eventually come off so long as you are in a calorie deficit. Make sure your goals are realistic and be patient! We didn't put on weight overnight, and it won't come off overnight either.
  • eileen0515
    eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
    I would look at diet first. Are you using a food scale?
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    It has only been one week. Sounds like fluctuations to me. Gaining a few pounds in a week would require eating around 3500 calories over your maintenance for each pound. Since you're backed up, that could also contribute. A rest day may help in the way of your muscles holding less water for repair, but a calorie spike won't do anything.
  • TheLifeDetoxer
    TheLifeDetoxer Posts: 17 Member
    edited April 2016
    I wouldn't go on what scales say 100% when measuring your success.

    If you're working out, you'll put on some muscle which is the right sort of gain :)

    If you can see a difference in your body and they way your clothes fit, doesn't sound like there's really a problem. Try taking your measurement as well as weighing yourself OR I like to take a full body photo every 2weeks. You can really see the difference! Then you can really see if your loosing jiggle :)

    As for BM's agreed, the water helps! Licorique tea maybe?

    Well done for all your hard work so far!!

  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    Since you say your clothing is fitting looser then maybe you'd do better by measuring yourself instead of using the scales for now. I am the opposite and can tell more by the scales than my clothing because I stay bloated a lot of days. Every body is different. Be sure to weigh and measure your foods.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    I wouldn't go on what scales say 100% when measuring your success.

    If you're working out, you'll put on some muscle which is the right sort of gain :)

    If you can see a difference in your body and they way your clothes fit, doesn't sound like there's really a problem. Try taking your measurement as well as weighing yourself OR I like to take a full body photo every 2weeks. You can really see the difference! Then you can really see if your loosing jiggle :)

    Well done for all your hard work so far!!

    She's not going to put on muscle at a calorie deficit, especially several pounds of muscle in a week. I do agree on waiting it out though.
  • ubermofish
    ubermofish Posts: 102 Member
    Share your diary and the cause will probably become apparent.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Constipation can certainly do it. Sodium can also do it. By default the macros tracked on MFP show sugar instead of sodium I think, edit your settings and start watching your sodium intake. Try and stay at or around the daily recommended amount (it's really really hard to do). Processed/canned/packaged foods all have a ton of sodium. Unless you're buying fresh foods and preparing them yourself without much added salt I guarantee you're going over on sodium which means bloating and water weight.

    Try increasing your water intake daily to at least a gallon of water a day. Reduce or eliminate soda (even diet soda has sodium added). I can easily gain 3-6lbs over night from eating even 1500g of sodium over the daily recommended amount. As far as constipation goes, try mineral oil (take a tablespoon at night before bed with a glass of water) for a few days. It'll usually fix that problem right up.
  • BeeRodMul
    BeeRodMul Posts: 48 Member
    As mentioned, no soda (not even diet). Only had water.

    As for diary, I thought I have it open so you can check. Today I kinda cheated with 3 munchkins for a snack but I stayed away from pastries for a while.

  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    synacious wrote: »
    I wouldn't go on what scales say 100% when measuring your success.

    If you're working out, you'll put on some muscle which is the right sort of gain :)

    If you can see a difference in your body and they way your clothes fit, doesn't sound like there's really a problem. Try taking your measurement as well as weighing yourself OR I like to take a full body photo every 2weeks. You can really see the difference! Then you can really see if your loosing jiggle :)

    Well done for all your hard work so far!!

    She's not going to put on muscle at a calorie deficit, especially several pounds of muscle in a week. I do agree on waiting it out though.

    This^^^ And putting on muscle isn't as simple as just "working out".
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,725 Member
    eileen0515 wrote: »
    I would look at diet first. Are you using a food scale?

    I would look at her mind set first. It's only been a week and it sounds like she's weighing herself every day or close to it.

    OP, it could be anything. Your period, too much sodium, the time you weigh yourself, bathroom habits. It's DEFINITELY not going to be if you're UNDER your calorie goal.
  • ReaderGirl3
    ReaderGirl3 Posts: 868 Member
    OP, your diary is locked so we can't look at it.
  • BeeRodMul
    BeeRodMul Posts: 48 Member
    It's unlocked! :#
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    I normally don't show a loss for 3-4 weeks at a time. Maybe you shouldn't weigh yourself everyday or even every week. It's not always going to be well I ate exactly X in deficit this week so therefore I should lose exactly x amount of weight.
  • BeeRodMul
    BeeRodMul Posts: 48 Member
    One thing I did notice one of the four pieces on the bottom of my scale is off. Anything to do with that?
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Bottom line is usually awful to hear: You are not in a calorie deficit.

    Either you are underestimating your eating or overestimating you exercise.

    Are you using a food scale all the time? Are you accounting for the 'little things' when cooking such as oils and butters etc.