Is 6 days a week of exercise to much?



  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    I exercised 7 days a week cardio classes gym c25k and walking everyday 1-2 hours I tore my calve muscle badly I was told you have to let your muscles rest 3-4 times a week is enough and remember your body gets used to any exercise we do regularly so you'll have to up it eventually if your not having rest days how can you :)
  • briellegrey
    briellegrey Posts: 4 Member
    ncfitbit wrote: »
    I'm with others that say it depends on your intensity. Thirty minutes of moderate intensity seems fine to me. You don't say how old you are. When I was younger I could get away with a lot more than I can now. My body lets me know right away these days if it's too much!

    My bad I'm new to this posting thing. I am 22 yrs old, 5'7, 240lbs, I have a pretty active job and go hiking on the weekends. Currently I'm doing the Ashley Conrad clutch program that involves HIIT (high intensity interval training) so one day I do a sprint circuit 4x, then a strength circuit 4x and then the next day I do just the sprint circuit 10x. So it goes lift one day, cardio one day, rest, lift, cardio, lift, rest. Since this program is more intense I have two days off a week now. On my rest days I still stay active cleaning and organizing. This program Is only 21 days but before I started this I would work out 6x a week and feel okay for the most part. I was curious about "how much is to much" from people who are more knowledgeable than myself. If that makes any sense. Thanks for all the responses!
  • briellegrey
    briellegrey Posts: 4 Member
    And my goal right now is to just get active/ in shape enough to climb the sister mountains in Oregon. Obviously losing weight is at the forefront of this goal but I really just want to become a healthier version of myself.
  • tsalagi82
    tsalagi82 Posts: 76 Member
    Listen to your body. If you start getting aches and pains, take a day off.