It feels like I have given up

it totally sux.

3 weeks into it and I don't want to do it anymore. I probably will continue but I am frustrated.


  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    it totally sux.

    3 weeks into it and I don't want to do it anymore. I probably will continue but I am frustrated.
  • nikii14
    nikii14 Posts: 403 Member
    I know the feeling!! I had posted the same exact comment a few weeks ago. Something about week 3 I guess. Just stick to it....and remember ..bathing suit season is right around the corner...that's the only thing that keeps me motivated. :tongue:

    Good Luck!!:flowerforyou:
  • melathon
    melathon Posts: 246 Member
    No, no, no! No giving up! Now allowed, Lady!! :smile:
    What is it - are you not losing as quickly as you thought you would, are you hungry, what is it?
    Tell us and we can help.
    But give up? Nope.
    Maybe you need to change some things to make it better for you, but you can do it.
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Don't give up!!! Keep pushing through. Give yourself a cheat meal if you have to so you don't feel deprived but please don't give up. We all have times when we feel like giving up because it's just easier to eat unhealthy. But remember the saying "Anything worth having is worth fighting for". Same goes for a healthy lifestyle. You really have to fight those demons that tell you to give in. We are all here for you. Three weeks is not that big of a time span in the grand scheme of things. Look at the big picture and what you want to achieve. It will not happen over night!!!

  • StartingNew
    I know it gets frustrating but you'll get though it!:flowerforyou:
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    I haven't lost anything... and I am eating better than I have done previously. I don't know what is wrong with me. It is like I know all the right things to say to other people and I am always encouraging others and then I get so jealous and happy when I see others losing 12lbs in 3-4 weeks or whatever. I know that they are working so hard to achieve that and I wonder why I am not working that hard.

    Exercise is so hard for me...I am trying to do swimming but even that has challenges. My skin is very sensitive and even the sensitive chlorine affects my skin...I always seem to be trading one challenge for another.

    The only thing I was ever able to do in my life successfully was yoga...did that 6x a week for over a year and well now I just can't afford it.

    I am really upset with myself... it 's like i have all the pieces to the puzzle but I am just to lazy to put them together.

    I also don't understand why I am not losing weight if I am meeting my 1200-1300 calories for the day.

    This week I hurt my neck really badly and its affected my shoulders, arms and most of my back. I am literally out of commission.


    But I am not giving up (my brain isn't) but it feels like my motivation has.
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    Don't give up!!! Keep pushing through. Give yourself a cheat meal if you have to so you don't feel deprived but please don't give up. We all have times when we feel like giving up because it's just easier to eat unhealthy. But remember the saying "Anything worth having is worth fighting for". Same goes for a healthy lifestyle. You really have to fight those demons that tell you to give in. We are all here for you. Three weeks is not that big of a time span in the grand scheme of things. Look at the big picture and what you want to achieve. It will not happen over night!!!


    :smile: I know it won't happen overnight. I had lost weight before and gained it all back but I felt different then. I had this inner drive, mostly which stemmed from a relationship that I had to get out of. 5 yrs of hell and losing weight was the only way I could get out - it was my motivation. Look hot and break up with him and get a new man. skinny, broke up with him and been single and alone ever since. Motivation seems to have disappeared completely.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Boy, I would be tiffed as well if 3 weeks went by and I don't loose anything
    Do you think you may need more calories?
    Are you feeling deprived..maybe add a sweet 100 cal snack to your mix

    Sorry I don't have any more advice
    Hang in there!!!!!

  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    I know how you feel. I had my first major hurdle yesterday - one of my cats is seriously ill and the first thing I thought of was smoking again - the second was chocolate. I made it through the first one (reminding myself how hard it was to quit) and most of the second (had a few cookies, but didn't go overboard) - but I reminded myself how hard I worked to get to this point - 5 months now to lose 10 lbs. Sometimes we can't think why we should go on, but we can remember how hard we worked - and we will eventually succeed.
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member

    I am not really sure what I need at this point. I was never one to do anything to extremes. I have everything in moderation. So I do have my treats while eating or trying to eat really healthy. It might be the exercise part that is making me struggle and exercising is a struggle to itself.

    I am just tired of looking in the mirror. lol
  • aliciask
    Ugh....I know how you feel!

    But don't give up miss lady! We have all been there, are going through it now, or will go through it. You have a huge support system here to motive, inspire, and help you get past those hurdles. Don't get down!
    Tomorrow is a new day.
  • Cloe
    Cloe Posts: 435
    I know it is hard. I'm on medications that make it almost impossible to loose. But look at it this way, we know that we are eating better which is definitely better for our health. Patience is hard I know, but don't give up. With all you have been through it probably is just taking your metabolism time to adjust. Being upset can really play with your body, try to regain your confidence. We are behind you when you need us. "Be strong and move on" is my motto.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    I just now started exercising. I couldn't find anything that I enjoyed. You said you did Yoga but can't afford it . I know that feeling too. I did Jazzercise for a year but now I can't afford it and I think that was one of the reasons I couldn't get myself to exercise, because I LOVED Jazzercise and just didn't want to do anything else. Could you buy some YOGA dvds or tapes and do them at home? If you are eating correctly you should still be losing even though you are not exercising. Maybe you need to eat more calories. I do better if I eat more than 1200 one or two days a week. And don't eat the same thing over and over to where you get bored. That's one of my problems too. I need variety. My husband has to be like my coach and make sure I go upstairs to exercise. I have a whole room full of equipment but nothing peaks my interest. Until the Jillian Michaels DVD for beginners. It's a tough workout but the time goes by really fast.

    Hope this helps. Please don't give up. You are a beautiful girl with so much to offer. Don't give up!!!:flowerforyou:
  • vicharv
    I am at the same point you are. I'm on my third week and I don't see or feel any changes. It took me more than 3 weeks to get where I am so I am more determined than ever. One thing that really helped me in the past is to have my percentage of body fat measured and then have it measured again in 4-6 weeks. I hadn't seen any loss on the scale but saw a 3%-5% loss of body fat-that was motivating. Set a goal if you can-like a 5K or some other event that you're working toward. Good luck!
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    I am on an array of meds too and its throwing me off on tangents. I won't give up (or I hope I wont) but I really need to see progress. I dont expect to lose weight without effort on my part but I really need some progress to further my motivation.

    Thanks guys. It's nice to know that I have such great support. When I was thinner people told me how great I looked and even though I was gaining weight steadily people still told me I was nuts and that I looked fine and who cares that I have gained 10 lbs. Well...60 lbs later *sigh*

    I really that I was motivated this time... I could feel it within and then one day, it's gone. :tongue:

    Thanks guys
  • Ileanak
    Ileanak Posts: 343 Member
    Hang in there girl! We are all going through ups and downs and plateaus.

    For me, just getting moving makes me feel better, even if the scale doesn't move. I started jogging, and I HATE jogging, but I have found that I look forward to pushing it a little more each time .. that is something I feel good about

    today I will jog 17 minutes (I add a minute to the goal every two-three workouts)!

    You can do it!
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    I just now started exercising. I couldn't find anything that I enjoyed. You said you did Yoga but can't afford it . I know that feeling too. I did Jazzercise for a year but now I can't afford it and I think that was one of the reasons I couldn't get myself to exercise, because I LOVED Jazzercise and just didn't want to do anything else. Could you buy some YOGA dvds or tapes and do them at home? If you are eating correctly you should still be losing even though you are not exercising. Maybe you need to eat more calories. I do better if I eat more than 1200 one or two days a week. And don't eat the same thing over and over to where you get bored. That's one of my problems too. I need variety. My husband has to be like my coach and make sure I go upstairs to exercise. I have a whole room full of equipment but nothing peaks my interest. Until the Jillian Michaels DVD for beginners. It's a tough workout but the time goes by really fast.

    Hope this helps. Please don't give up. You are a beautiful girl with so much to offer. Don't give up!!!:flowerforyou:

    It is great that you have your husbands support. I feel like I am totally alone on this one. Maybe that is another reason why I want to give up or at least why my mentality is like I have already given up.
  • Mlieb
    Mlieb Posts: 121
    I woke up this morning and weighed my self. I gained a pound. What is really frustrating is that I was sick yesterday, so sick I could not eat yesterday but still gained weight. I feel better today regarding being sick but am devastated that this past week I have been hanging around 150....with no loss. I cried all morning....I feel frustrated along with you but have comfort at the kind responses you have received. It is good to know that there is support
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    I just now started exercising. I couldn't find anything that I enjoyed. You said you did Yoga but can't afford it . I know that feeling too. I did Jazzercise for a year but now I can't afford it and I think that was one of the reasons I couldn't get myself to exercise, because I LOVED Jazzercise and just didn't want to do anything else. Could you buy some YOGA dvds or tapes and do them at home? If you are eating correctly you should still be losing even though you are not exercising. Maybe you need to eat more calories. I do better if I eat more than 1200 one or two days a week. And don't eat the same thing over and over to where you get bored. That's one of my problems too. I need variety. My husband has to be like my coach and make sure I go upstairs to exercise. I have a whole room full of equipment but nothing peaks my interest. Until the Jillian Michaels DVD for beginners. It's a tough workout but the time goes by really fast.

    Hope this helps. Please don't give up. You are a beautiful girl with so much to offer. Don't give up!!!:flowerforyou:

    It is great that you have your husbands support. I feel like I am totally alone on this one. Maybe that is another reason why I want to give up or at least why my mentality is like I have already given up.
    You are not alone. You have all of us!!!!! We are your support group. Even though we are not physically there, we are there for you. You can do this. Maybe put a picture of yourself the way you want to look and have that be your motivation. Getting off meds could also be a motivator. Hang in there!!!
  • OntheSand
    I know the feeling!! I had posted the same exact comment a few weeks ago. Something about week 3 I guess. Just stick to it....and remember ..bathing suit season is right around the corner...that's the only thing that keeps me motivated. :tongue:

    Good Luck!!:flowerforyou:

    You know, it's interesting... I just started week 3 on Monday and I'm not losing as much as I have the first two weeks... It's so frustrating and really hard not to get discouraged... but just stick with it hun - you 'll reach your goals!!!