What do you do when you want fast food?

Like burger king, wendys, etc. Sometimes, I just want some friggen french fries and a burger! But then I look up the nutritional information on their website and it usually deters me, but I still want them. Do you guys let yourself eat fast food once in a while? Does it hinder your progress?


  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    I have fast food once in a while. Sometimes I'm mindful, and make reasonable choices. Sometimes not. :laugh:

    Many fast food places have good salads. I also find that I can get a smaller burger & fries and still be satisfied as opposed to the huge ones. I almost always skip pop.
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    Mix and match - healthy entree with junky side (ex. salad w/ small fries), or junky entree with healthy side (burger and apple fries).
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Get a small burger, small fry, side salad and a water. It's not about giving anything up it's about learning portion control. Make sure you fit the calories into your goals and go for it. If you go over a little walk it off.
  • EZGruv
    EZGruv Posts: 215 Member
    "What do you do when you want fast food?"

    I eat it.
  • putnam80
    putnam80 Posts: 69 Member
    i get what i want. i just dont do it often at all any more. to me it has gotten very easy to just say no. but, if i get a craving, i just get it and add it, then either have a nice exercise or just worry about the rest of the week
  • kandire
    kandire Posts: 87
    If I'm really craving fast food I try my best to work it into that days calorie count. I have found in the past cutting fast food out completely led to eating 4 tacos instead of 1 or ordering the largest meal I could find. It's all about moderation for me.
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    Eat it and log it...
  • heathermrls
    yes if you must just eat small portions and make sure you have the calories for it. every now and then my hubby will get something that i really want. instead of me ordering a whole for myself i just take a few bites of his so i can fulfill my cravings but i am not over doing it.
  • Indy_mom
    Indy_mom Posts: 15
    I allow myself to on the weekend. I still pay attention to the nutrition guide and don't go overboard, but I have to indulge sometimes. It's my reward for working so hard all week. It hasn't hindered my weight loss at all, i'm 1.5 lbs from my goal weight of 120lbs :)
  • litljoy2001
    I love burgerking so once a month I get it and I always get the jr whopper no cheese no mayo and that makes it only 360 calories and cuts your fat in half and then I always get the apple fries and dont get soda I get tea unsweet or just water...
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    i ask myself what's more important? losing weight and getting fit or 30 seconds of artery clogging grease, salt overdoses, eating something that by the most slackest of definitions can barely be called meat, wilted veggies treated with chemicals, white buns full of chemicals to keep them fresh for weeks. I always make the right decision. and then i treat myself with something that's still outside my usual food regimen but that isn't going to kill me. yesterday i had a light caramel frappucino. 130 cals, too much sugar, but at least i know it won't kill me. it really upset my stomach though, a nice reminder of why i eat the way i eat.

    did you know that taco bell ground beef is less than 30% real meat? the rest is filler. why the hell would i put that in my body. that's how i got to be 300 lbs in the first place. no thanks. it's not worth the 30 seconds of semi pleasure i might get from it.
  • Garae
    Garae Posts: 116 Member
    I make my own healthy version of what they offer =]
  • pixie101273
    After a while you don't want that stuff anymore...sometimes I am in a hurry and need something...I feel like Smoothie King has some of the best options for "fast food"--just make sure you read nutritional info...to me the gladiator or low carb are your best bets for getting protein and staying away from sugars and carbs...
  • tracybewick
    As long as it is just once in a while and u are careful what u eat the rest of the day, its not a problem.....but i do feel guilty when i log it and realise i cant eat for the rest of the day!!!!!!!!!!
    and i agree order a smaller size :-)
  • Addy0315
    Addy0315 Posts: 48
    I normally get a salad. There are times I want fries but my boyfriend ALWAYS gets the junk and larged sized so I eat one or two of his fries (literally) and then I am good and I stick to my salad. Mcdonalds always makes me feel sick but my kids love it....for the toys. There are days I don't want to cook anything either those are the hard days for me cause I hate making bad decisions because I am to exhausted to cook.

    "Dieting" or "losing weight" is not easy and it's not fair that some people are blessed with high metabolisms and great bodies. I have to work everyday to get there and THEN when I finally get there I gotta work to stay there. This is a lifestyle change and you can't cut out fast food the rest of your life just try to make smart decisions when you go.

  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I either make my own version of it or I work it into my diary. You can't deny everything you crave, it will just lead you to binge. I think of my journey as a lifestyle change, not a diet.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,191 Member
    I go get some fast food. I keep it within my calories unless I am having an intentional cheat day. It has not negatively effected me at all. Due to the sodium levels, I may retain some water, but that is usually gone in a matter of days. Sometimes it doesn't happen at all. Now if that was all I ate, that would be a different story, as last I checked it is pretty much impossible to get veggies at fast food places, but if you watch the movie "Fat Heads" you will find that even on a fast food diet a person can lose fat and improve the health markers like cholesterol, but as I said, having a balanced diet rich in veggies is not possible with fast food. If you eat well the majority of the rest of the time, fast food on occasion within your caloric budget is fine. Just don't overdo it.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I havent done it in awhile but when I was first starting out I would get a kiddie meal. Now I prefer a home cooked hamburger if I want one. The taste is so much better.
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    This is where the new you tells the old you: "You can have fast food once a week...is it going to be now or later in the week?" Otherwise it's a NO! Unless of course you're not serious about losing weight and have no expectations for a good loss for the week...just sayin....
  • Cosmic_Unicorn
    Cosmic_Unicorn Posts: 150 Member
    If I really want it, then I'll have it every once in a while. But I always look up nutritional info first and pick something that's not too outrageous. But I've found that I don't REALLY actually want it anymore. Fast food restaurants use cheap ingredients. Soggy white buns and moldy lettuce smothered in mayo just isn't appealing. My homemade bean and veggie burgers and baked sweet potato fries just taste better, and actually have some nutrition in them. That aside, I can't say no the occasional Teen burger and onion rings from A&W. =P