(POST 3) BATTLE OF THE BULGE - Summer Slimdown Challenge!!

prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support
We hit 500 posts again! SO here's our 3rd thread!!!



Are you tired of the belly bulges that form when you sit down? :grumble:

Feel like your dryer shrank your clothes? :noway:

Do you want to be hot and sexy for the summer :glasses: and beyond? :bigsmile:

If you're in need of some new motivation and missed the deadline to join a challenge group:frown: - have no fear, you've found the right spot!!! :happy:

This challenge is for those who are serious and whole-heartedly committed to losing weight and feeling great!!!

We started May 16, 2011, but YOU CAN JOIN AT ANY TIME!! I will add you into the spreadsheet according to when you joined so you can be grouped with those who started at the same time as you to compare progress.

:heart: ALL THE MOST CURRENT RULES CAN BE FOUND HERE: www.wix.com/prplangl4/battleofthebulge PLEASE FOLLOW THE RULES so I can more easily track everyones progress!



  • kirianna55
    kirianna55 Posts: 459 Member
    Your awesome for doing all of this for everyone. This challenge has kept me motivated when I normally would have hit a wall and given up. Thank you so much for everything you do. Everybody keep up the good work :)
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member

    Sunday, June 26 - DAY 41! - 'Share your Success SUNDAY'!

    Today's post brought to you by: soufsidekitho:drinker:

    Try something new!

    I’ve noticed that I have allowed myself to have many excuses for falling off my eating plans. It seems that the unconscious just finds ways to get that food. Well, today I said, “there are no more excuses.”

    Each time I feel that tug to reach for food, I will tell myself, “no more excuses. I will take responsibility for my life and make choices that will ultimately make me happier.” When issues and uncertainty surface, I will learn to turn to thanking God for taking care of everything in the past, present and future. I only need to focus on what is in front of me and around me, and take care of that.

    Today, I challenge you all to stay in the challenge and don't give up!!!! (From Kristy: Don't stop til you get enough and keep on truckin! Some people go too fast and expect results immediately but this is a lifestyle change - so you gotta hold on loosely but don't let go! (If you cling too tightly you're gonna lose control! :wink: :laugh: ) You will slip up from time to time and it may get tricky at times, but tomorrow is a new day and you can get back on track! )

    So… there are no more excuses team. We can and will get victory and reach our goals. Let’s keep on keeping on, because we will get there together.

    MOTIVATIONAL SONGS OF THE DAY brought to you by Kristy :happy:
    1. Dont Stop til You Get Enough - MJ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yURRmWtbTbo
    2. Keep on Truckin - Eddie Kendricks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgAtvJNIdrU
    3. Hold on Loosely - 38 Special http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJtf7R_oVaw
    4. Its Tricky - Run DMC http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cYQV62WhkM
    (fun song to work out to!)

    SHARE YOUR SECRETS TO SUCCESS: Today tell at least 3 people and our BOBers about the positive changes you've seen in your life since joining MFP.

    *I find myself constantly talking to people about this website and the positive changes it has made in my life. I'm not where I wanna be...as far as my weight. However, I'm nowhere where I used to be! I'm a work in progress and still have a long way to go.

    STAY MOTIVATED: VISIT OUR WEBSITE - www.wix.com/prplangl4/battleofthebulge *this will be updated to load faster soon!*
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member

    1. BOB Web site has been updated! Moved some things around and made it quicker to load! Check it out!

    2. Names have been assigned for daily challenges for the next 3 weeks! They are on the home page of the BOB web site and below. You only have to do it 1 day so take your time and really think about it and make it worthwhile!!! All you have to do is copy and paste from the template on the Wix web site or take any of the days on here, paste into a message, and send to me NO LATER THAN the day before your day...easy shmeezy! :happy:

    WEEK 7 CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK: Fill your MFP cups! Drink AT LEAST 8 glass of water DAILY!
    Mon Jun 27 KayleighDawn13
    Tues Jun 28 MitchaMusic
    Wed Jun 29 agilegazelle
    Thurs Jun 30 mishkamichelle
    Fri July 1 Daysea35
    Sat July 2 Vendetta2300
    Sun July 3 Krispy17

    WEEK 8 CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK: Stay afloat! Try not to go over calories every day this week!
    Mon July 4 princessekrystale
    Tue July 5 gatorflyer
    Wed July 6 SiouxPrincess
    Thurs July 7 nosey_rosey
    Fri July 8 mindeyc
    Sat July 9 UltraRunnerGale
    Sun July 10 Ping_A1C2U

    WEEK 9 CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK: Last week before the second big weigh-in. Triple threat every day: Fill your MFP cups, stay under calories, and do at least 30 minutes of activity DAILY!
    Mon July 11 soshotout
    Tues July 12 art4fun69
    Wed July 13 Hannahrenee86
    Thurs July 14 prtykekedd
    Fri July 15 beautylovetruth
    Sat July 16 mistyrider
    Sun July 17 letsgetserious
  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    thanks. you are incredible for keeping order with this. on to successfully meet the challenges this week.......
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    My confidence level has been boosted to the utmost extreme...i feel as though i can do anything, survive anything, push through when im exercising and i can feel healthiness entering my body when im exercising and when that happens it excites me to know that i am determined to change my life.....I can see changes in my own body and i know at the end of this journey i will be sexy, healthy, and beautiful....i already am beautiful but a little more so at the end:).....this website is outrageously awesome....i get so much out of the camaraderie with everyone, and the encouragement helps me to push as well....everyone can relate to everyone and knows what im going through.....this site is a blessing and i thank God for my friend who told me about it several months ago
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    My trying something new was to venture into the "healthy and organic" foods aisle. Many of the items were even more calories than similar things that I eat. I tried a larabar. It wasn't bad, but at more than 2x the amount of calories than my normal snack bars, I think I'll pass...In my quest to (mostly) eliminate white flour products, I did find whole grain tortilla shells to use for wraps.
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    My trying something new was to venture into the "healthy and organic" foods aisle. Many of the items were even more calories than similar things that I eat. I tried a larabar. It wasn't bad, but at more than 2x the amount of calories than my normal snack bars, I think I'll pass...In my quest to (mostly) eliminate white flour products, I did find whole grain tortilla shells to use for wraps.
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    i wanted to recommend toufayan bakeries wraps...they are low in cholesterol, trans fat, and come in wholesome wheat, garlic pesto flavor, and 2 or 3 different kinds but they are all healthy.....i love wraps now, and i also use organic lettuce and greens to make my salads....who thought that anything other than iceberg lettuce could make great salads:flowerforyou:
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Thanks! I doubt I'll find them in the hills of WV, but I'm returning to the Ann Arbor area and I WILL check those out! I rarely even buy iceburg anymore. I buy the spring greens and fresh spinach for salads. Nothing is better than a fresh summer salad!!!!
  • Hi guys sorry I didn't weigh in last week been super busy! but I did manage to get more then 30 minutes of exercise and for the most part stay under my calories. BUT I have a question its been 25 days of keeping track and exercising and eating well. My scale said I have lost 24 pounds so far is that accurate. I don't want to believe it......
  • kirianna55
    kirianna55 Posts: 459 Member
    So, I have been doing the 30DS and I am on day 6. I am thinking about doing the routine twice to really earn my weigh in tomorrow. I might even swim in my pool afterward. I want to see a change in my body and have the pounds drop. I want to weigh 220 pounds by the end of the summer. I want to be 180 pounds by next April. I haven't decided if I want to go all the way to 160 or not. What do you guys think? I would have to drop to 160 to be at a healthy weight for my height.
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    I am so glad I signed up for MFP -and- joined this challenge. It gave me the kick-in-the-butt I needed to get on the right track. This challenge is motivating me because now I am accountable for weighing in and following through. And I am doing it, one day at a time. I am really excited to weigh in tomorrow!
  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    I owe every pound lost to MFP!!! Since joining both of my sisters have jumped on the band wagon =) They have both lost quite a bit of weight and I am so proud of them !!!!!
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member
    *Week 6 weighins are due! Don't forget to send me your weighins!!!


    (we are in week 7)

    Today's post brought to you by: On of our biggest losers - agilegazelle:drinker:
    (MitchaMusic :wink: - your up tomorrow!)

    Fill your MFP cups! Drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of water DAILY!

    Today I want you to try to push yourself just a little bit further, a little bit harder. :explode: Try to work out for 10 minutes longer than you usually do!! Even if its just taking a walk around the block or even running in place :happy:
    (note from Kristy: agilegazelle consistenly lost 5+ lbs each week...when I asked him how can I be like him he said he does at least 60 mins when he does cardio because someone at the gym told him "dude you do 30 mins, a girl can do 30...do more!" - I may be a girl, but that inspired me to push myself harder and workout a little extra each time I work out!!!")

    1. PUSH IT Salt-N-Pepper http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCadcBR95oU
    2. PUSH IT TO THE LIMIT Corbin Bleu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3-JA49q-0o&feature=fvst
    *never seen this one before, but this kid can sing, and the dancing isn't bad either...wonder what happened to him...but not enough to google him haha
    3. TILL I COLLAPSE(language warning s word >_>) Eminem http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3oBZ4_TNys

    Have you had days or weeks where you just don't feel like exercising or eating correctly? How do you motivate yourself to keep going? Also do you do anything during your workouts that seem to help you continue? (if its music share a couple of your favorite songs to work out to)

    I personally watch house when im working out, interesting shows make me forget that im running !!

    STAY MOTIVATED: VISIT OUR WEBSITE - www.wix.com/prplangl4/battleofthebulge *newly updated*
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 519 Member
    Tonight a group of us were cooking out on my deck, and the talk turned to MFP!! Lots of compliments were flying around and people were saying it's all thanks to having heard about MFP from someone and gotten into it! Keep going everyone! Have a great week!
  • Soufsidekitho
    Soufsidekitho Posts: 21 Member
    Boy oh boy...I have many days when I just don't feel like doing the "right" thing(s)...such as exercising and eating right! I go ahead and allow myself to have those moment(s), then I jump back on board. The one thing that motivates me to get back on track is pictures. I love taking pictures..and I have PLENTY! In the midst of looking at them, I can clearly tell the difference in when I have a good week and when I don't! So if I see a recent pic of myself...and I see it's looking a lil CHUBBY, that's my cue to get ON IT! "Push It" by Rick Ross is one of my favorite workout songs.......SO MOTIVATIONAL! :wink:
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    There are many days where I don't feel like exercising, or really pigging out on a Caniac from Cane's, but I have put a pic of myself and my boyfriend taken during my freshmen year of college before I gained all my weight back. I just look at that picture and realize, back then there was no Cane's in the town I live in now. If I could do without it back then, I can do without it now, and save some money. I also look at the picture and realize that there is no reason for me to look the way I do now and that I want to go back looking like that. I also listen to music or watch whatever shows I've recorded. "Nightmare" by Avenged Sevenfold, "Young" by Hollywood Undead, "Haunted" by Disturbed, and "Dear Agony" by Breaking Benjamin are some of the songs that really get me pumped up and keep me going.
  • kirianna55
    kirianna55 Posts: 459 Member
    I'm thinking about upgrading to lvl 2 for the 30DS. I may do lvl 2 and then give myself a little push by doing lvl 1 afterwards. I may even go for a walk. I really wan that next 24 pounds to really be gone before I go back to school. I will be at my halfway mark and Really want to actually be at my halfway weight. I am debating on whether or not I want to go down to 180 pounds and be considered only "overweight" or if I want to lose enough weight to be considered "healthy". What do you guys think?
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    i do AT LEAST sixty min. of cardio DAILY.....on weight training days, i do sixty of cardio and my weights take me 28 min. that is what i did today.....no wait, i did 70 min. on the treadmill and then 28 min. on the weights....so i aint afraid to push..hehehehe....i am pushing myself to run 3 min. intervals on the treadmill, walking 2 min. in between....in the next week, i'll be pushing to do four min., with 2.5 min. in between.....im doing this on my own, and i am feeling good after i run....i dont want to just walk all the time...gotta keep it fresh and poppin
  • elcar7
    elcar7 Posts: 124 Member
    The new website is awesome! thanks.

    I've learnt about a lot of foods how how many calories they have and to take them more conciously. Now I am aware of how important it is to do some ways per foot and not going anywhere by car, since it burns extra calories, which are useful for me to keep me healthy. :)
    Sportswise I am having fun doing it, even if it's still hard to stand up and start doing it!

    while excercising i love to watch the tv, if there is an interesting movie/series on. if it's not daydreaming with illusionary people talking to them (I am always afraid of saying out loud something would look really weird) and sometimes we (my illusionary friends and me) are thinking what the other people in the gym might be doing for job, why they are going to the gym and stuff like that.
    when i am doing classes like body pump or body balance, there is no time to do something else, need all my brain to follow the excercises.

    sometimes the best thing for me is just watching how many calories are left to go. in my elliptical i can program that I want to do ie 600 cals, like this i can influence how long i have to be on there ;)

    yesterday I lost track of my water after 10 glasses, but let's see where we're going today :)

    have a great monday!
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