//Six Week Challenge- 6/26/11-8/7/11



  • aabyrer
    aabyrer Posts: 57
    I'm always up for another challenge :-)
    CW: 175.0
    GW: 165.0
  • I am in:)

    CW 281
    GW 260
    Started 6/20/11
  • Count me in :)
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    For Jenny -- To get your ticker on your post you need to go to tools and copy the code for it, and then paste the code under signature right at the top of this page. You can get all kinds of tickers if you do a google search...

    and since it was my WI day:
    SW for challenge was: 202
    CW today: 200
  • CW 128
    GW 110

    Since Sunday I have lost 2 lbs. and a inch in my waist :)
    How is everyone else doing?
  • Trying to get myself in gear. Taking the tiniest of baby steps, hoping that the numbers are going to reflect some of the internal changes I am making. I need to remind myself that I need to move more than I eat. God is the source of all my strength.:smile:

    Today's aim: "You satisfy me more than the richest feast, I will praise you with songs of joy" Psalm 63:5
  • JennySeek
    JennySeek Posts: 8
    Awesome! I won't weigh again until Wednesday. Keep it up!
  • JennySeek
    JennySeek Posts: 8
    Great job!
  • hessond
    hessond Posts: 224 Member
    Checking in! No change since last week, but I haven't been consistent with my diet or exercising. Hoping next week will go a little better!! Good luck everyone!

    6/26 - 189.5
    CW - 189.5
    GW - 180
  • AndreaWard
    AndreaWard Posts: 33
    Current weight is 245.6
    A loss of .4 this week
    15 lbs total loss
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    I weighed in a little later yesterday AM than usual (after my morning glass of water and coffee,) so I re-weighed this AM first thing when I got out of bed, which is my usual way...
    down to 197.5! This is exciting for me because I have been working pretty hard, and feel great...I am sooo close to not being obese according to the BMI scale!
  • AndreaWard
    AndreaWard Posts: 33
    I weighed in this week and there was no change. I'm just glad its not a gain!