446th day... 140 lbs gone!

So this is the 1st time I'm on the community page. Wanted to just give a shout out for how proud I am of myself. Still have 80-90 lbs to go, but am staying motivated to get to the end! :)


  • MissiKline
    MissiKline Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks! It's a journey. Started out just cutting back 100 calories a day. Gotta start somewhere... Be encouraged.
  • susannecherry
    susannecherry Posts: 3 Member
    Wow!! Look at you go, Congratulations!
  • MissiKline
    MissiKline Posts: 6 Member
  • 285to170
    285to170 Posts: 330 Member
    That's amazzzzzzing! And so inspirational! Did you also exercise or just cut calories?

    My goal for now is -100 so far I'm -15ish down. Not a lot but it's a start. You go girl!
  • ejb499
    ejb499 Posts: 53 Member
    Awesome! You are an inspiration!
  • barbara3213
    barbara3213 Posts: 98 Member
    That's wonderful!
  • MissiKline
    MissiKline Posts: 6 Member
    I mostly walk for excercise. I'm up to 10,000 steps a day. Started out with very small amounts. I just joined Planet Fitness. Need to do weights to help with arms.
  • jaclynciccone
    jaclynciccone Posts: 13 Member
    wow great job! Keep it up
  • MeaganJo75
    MeaganJo75 Posts: 11 Member
    Way to go!!!
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    So amazing! And deserving of a success story! Go check out the success board, and please consider sharing your story with others.
  • Erin1082
    Erin1082 Posts: 25 Member
    That's fantastic! Ive lost 59 pounds since January. I would like to lose another 100.