How did weight loss change your life?



  • lauracups
    lauracups Posts: 533 Member
    It has DRAMATICALLY relieved my pain due to pressure on L4, L5 .
  • mzfrizz15
    mzfrizz15 Posts: 135 Member
    I am far from even my half way goal, but I've noticed some good things:

    - I have more energy/endurance. A year and a half ago, walking 3 blocks would have worn me out. Now, I can walk multiple miles and still be raring to go when I get back home. I can even jog for part of it!
    - I have much less knee pain! As a result, I take much less medication for pain.
    - I feel a little bit more confident. Due to the confidence, I've been able to say yes to dates and am dating a very wonderful guy now.
    - I've finally lost enough weight where I can find some clothing in the plus size sections in some stores instead of having to get everything but socks online.
    - I've not needed my asthma medicine as often when I exercise. 90% of the time I take it, it's for allergen exposure instead of just over exertion.
  • HaleCry
    HaleCry Posts: 387 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    I can buy clothes I want rather than what is in my size.

    I can fit through doorways without having to turn sideways and really suck in the gut.

    I make a better window than I do a door.

    People aren't afraid to touch me for fear of the fat rubbing off onto them.

    This really made me chuckle :D Congratulations on the weight loss though, it's a great achievement!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It's actually a bit tough to answer because I've been this weight for 2 years now.

    I'm more active than I used to be, and I can bend over without losing my breath, for sure. It's also nice to be able to shop in the normal size section (and wear Small! Crazy), have way more endurance (I can walk for hours without being tired), and I also cook now, which I never did, and it's actually fun to make tasty meals. I also occasionally find an outfit I think that I actually look nice in.

    But overall my life hasn't changed that much, I think. My social life hasn't changed one bit, for one (I didn't have much of one and I still don't). I mean, you think that everything's suddenly going to be awesome when you lose the weight, but it's really not true. I don't think that my confidence and self-esteem have improved much because I'm still not happy with the way I look and don't think I will ever be, even if it's obviously better.

    So yeah. Losing weight unfortunately doesn't fix everything.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
    HaleCry wrote: »
    zyxst wrote: »
    I can buy clothes I want rather than what is in my size.

    I can fit through doorways without having to turn sideways and really suck in the gut.

    I make a better window than I do a door.

    People aren't afraid to touch me for fear of the fat rubbing off onto them.

    This really made me chuckle :D Congratulations on the weight loss though, it's a great achievement!

    It's true and it hurts. I have a friend who I only see once every 2-3 years because she lives in Australia. When I weighed 300+, her hugs goodbye would be minimal touching, aka "please don't let her think I like her". Saw her a year ago and she had no problem putting her arms around me in a "I really miss you" hard hug.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Strangers (men and women) seem to be talking to me more. It is weird and I'd like them to stop.
    Maybe I seem more cheerful and approachable?
  • tugsandpulls760
    tugsandpulls760 Posts: 206 Member
    in every way possible all good better outlook on live better mood better health better sex better well being
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Equal parts for me of weight loss and vastly improved fitness/strength....
    Six years past predicted date for total knee replacement - knee now tolerates 100 mile cycle rides with minimal complaint.
    Been living under final warning of spinal surgery for ten years and it seems further away than ever - far higher levels of function and also pain reduction. Quality of life is so much higher when your back doesn't hurt all the time. Used to virtually live on anti-inflammatory meds and now they are a rarity.

    Feeling of achievement in finally beating something that defeated me for twenty years of being fat and making excuses.
    Far more confident - would never have used nudist beaches before getting in shape (I know - TMI !!).
    Just plain happier in my own skin.
    I'm very self-competitive and hitting new goals is fantastically satisfying at a time of life when I'm "supposed" to be slowing down.

  • ThunderZtorm
    ThunderZtorm Posts: 27 Member
    I can fit into XL shirts again. My pants don't feel like they're strangling me when I sit down. I'll soon be able to fit a pair of pants I got for christmas a few years ago. I've kept them for when/if I'd ever get down to that size again because they're nice pants.

    14kg down, 15-20 left to go for ideal weight.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,039 Member
    I was slender most of my life ... it's only been in recent years that I gained some weight and slipped into the overweight category on the BMI scale. And when I looked in the mirror, I didn't see the overweight me, I saw the usual slender me. The scale, however, told a different story ... and now when I look back at photos I can see the weight gain process.

    So I think my personality has remained the same. It wasn't that long ago that I was in my normal BMI category.

    I did exercise a bit less during the heavier years because I found exercise more difficult. I'm exercising more again now.

    About the time I hit my peak weight, I saw the Dr and she told me that my cholesterol was a bit high and that *something* had come up on a liver test that concerned her a little. I was also suffering from some digestive issues (acid reflux etc.) and exercise induced asthma.

    Four months later I returned to the Dr and had my cholesterol checked again, and it was normal. My Dr rang me at work to let me know, she was so excited! I had more blood work done just the other day, and whatever that *something* was in my liver is gone, it had fixed itself. I also rarely have acid reflux or other digestive issues, and haven't had to use my inhaler on a bicycle ride in months. :)

  • kathygk56
    kathygk56 Posts: 28 Member
    I can easily do some things that were difficult when I was heavier, like navigating through a crowded store or restaurant, moving around obstacles, traveling on an airplane, finding clothes that fit, etc. I no longer snore and my reflux is gone and my ibs has become a non-issue (that may be due to a healthy diet rather than weight loss) and my chlosterol levels are good.
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    I didn't have much to lose and it may be more related to growing up (I was 19 when I decided to lose weight and 22-23 when I found my happy place to maintain) but I feel comfortable in my skin now. I used to feel awkward and almost apologetic about my appearance (not solely weight related). I don't think I'm beautiful, and I still don't like being touched by those I don't know well (not a casual hugger at all), but I feel happy and content with what I look like and grateful for having a healthy body.