85lb for over 10years



  • emoran1223
    emoran1223 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey. I'm in the same boat as you. I'm 21 years old, 5'4 and 94 pounds, I've never been more than 98 pounds besides when I was pregnant with my daughter and I was only a maximum of 117 during that pregnancy. I would ideally like to get to about 120-130 but just like you I have a hard time taking in the calories I need.

    Well last night after an all nighter of research until 7am this morning, I came across a bunch of YouTube videos on this product called Apetamin. It basically slows your metabolism while increasing your appetite and your bodies ability to store fat. A lot of the girls who take that easily ingest 2500-3000 calories a day because they are now so hungry. I just ordered some and it should be here tomorrow so that will be the new start of my weight gain journey.

    I'm not sure how to work this app yet I just downloaded it literally 10 minutes ago but if you can add people as friends I'll add you and we can keep in touch about this.

    Yes, I have heard of it. Let me know how it works for you. So far I have actually gained almost 4lbs now from these drinks and increasing my calories. I want to try it out, but I wanted to try this method first since I had the stuff.
  • kuftae
    kuftae Posts: 299 Member
    I always just smoke a bowl if I need to eat more. I am in CO though so it is easily accessible.
  • Rom3oJuli3tt
    Rom3oJuli3tt Posts: 42 Member
    I had the same issue as the OP before I got serious in the gym. I eventually just forced myself to eat. I found things that I enjoyed cooking and sat down until I finished that meal. Each meal was pretty much a battle until I got used to consuming that amount. I took it in small stages every couple of week. 2000, then 2500, then 3000, then 3500. Slow and steady wins the race.
  • saragd012
    saragd012 Posts: 693 Member

    Well last night after an all nighter of research until 7am this morning, I came across a bunch of YouTube videos on this product called Apetamin. It basically slows your metabolism while increasing your appetite and your bodies ability to store fat. A lot of the girls who take that easily ingest 2500-3000 calories a day because they are now so hungry. I just ordered some and it should be here tomorrow so that will be the new start of my weight gain journey.

    I'm not sure how to work this app yet I just downloaded it literally 10 minutes ago but if you can add people as friends I'll add you and we can keep in touch about this.

    Thats not actually at all how Apetamin works. Its a shame that this forum has basically become an advertisement for this product, which is essentially an old fashioned antihistamine (which people generally would use to treat allergies). Not surprisingly, this has many of the same symptoms of benadryl (also an antihistamine). This can of course increase your appetite, just like any other antihistamine, but it is NO WAY changing your metabolism, ultimately it comes down to you have to eat more calories. Do yourself a favor and avoid the drowsiness, fast heart rate, and dry mouth that often comes with antihistamines and instead focus on eating more calorie dense foods.
  • rviola30
    rviola30 Posts: 2 Member
    I was 85 pounds til I started megestrol acetate. I'm 97.5! I have 3 kids and only made it to 101-103 when they were born!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Hey. I'm in the same boat as you. I'm 21 years old, 5'4 and 94 pounds, I've never been more than 98 pounds besides when I was pregnant with my daughter and I was only a maximum of 117 during that pregnancy. I would ideally like to get to about 120-130 but just like you I have a hard time taking in the calories I need.

    Well last night after an all nighter of research until 7am this morning, I came across a bunch of YouTube videos on this product called Apetamin. It basically slows your metabolism while increasing your appetite and your bodies ability to store fat. A lot of the girls who take that easily ingest 2500-3000 calories a day because they are now so hungry. I just ordered some and it should be here tomorrow so that will be the new start of my weight gain journey.

    I'm not sure how to work this app yet I just downloaded it literally 10 minutes ago but if you can add people as friends I'll add you and we can keep in touch about this.

    You don't have to order weird stuff off the internet to increase you appetite. Benedryl can help. Or ladies, ask your doctors for an appetite stimulant. There is an antihistamine called cyproheptadine (Periactin) that is given as an appetite stimulant and also works as an anti-emetic (stops you feeling sick to your stomach). I have heard good things about it.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    edited April 2016
    emoran1223 wrote: »
    Yes, I am 5'4 and I do not exercise but I am very active. I have been drink weight gain powder and eas whey protein powder to help and consuming around 2100 calories a day including the shakes. I find it difficult just to do this because I get to full I feel like I am going to vomit. Thanks for the imput.

    5'4 is too tall for 85 lbs. You really should look in to talking to a nutritionist and get a second opinion from a different medical doctor. I'm only a small framed 4'11" and 85 lbs would be way too thin for me. In fact, 100 lbs would be too low. Not healthy at all. You may have an underlying eating disorder that you don't realize.

    I will also say that with my first child at age 27 that I only weighed 118 on the day I gave birth to him and back down to 100 within a week so I know the struggle. But after two more kids in my 30s and 40s and gaining 50-60 lbs with each of those pregnancies and getting older - I struggle now to not get fat. So it could be age and metabolism as a factor for now but as you get older you will gain and not even try. ;)