Lose 20 pounds in a few months in healthy manner?

I don't want to restrict! But I tend to over eat and even if I'm full I still want more food! I want to get my life back! I'm not over weight but I'm not at my ideal fit weight of 105 pounds. I'm 118 now. I want my life back. I don't want to restrict my calories as it led to my binge eating. I see the weight I gained and get a little discouraged but I remember I lost this weight before (even if it was in a unhealthy way). Any tips?


  • Nicklebee93
    Nicklebee93 Posts: 316 Member
    You have to restrict your calories if you wish to lose weight. But you don't need to go on a crash diet, either. Take out 200-500 calories. And add in some exercise. But it won't be in a few months, with so little left to lose it'll take some time. Aim for no more than 1 pound a week, or you're probably losing muscle and end up being a "skinny fat" (high bf %)
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    How tall are you?
  • tangomecrazy
    tangomecrazy Posts: 2 Member
    I recommend doing keto. You're significantly reducing your carbs instead of calories (you'll still be reducing calories, but it'll be based on your macros that you can calculate here: http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/). I've lost nearly 20 pounds in a month and a half without really any exercise. Any low carb diet will work, though, especially in the short term. The fact is you have to reduce SOMETHING in your diet, be it calories or carbs or both, because it won't matter how much you exercise if you're not on a healthy diet.
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    edited April 2016
    I don't want to restrict! But I tend to over eat and even if I'm full I still want more food! I want to get my life back! I'm not over weight but I'm not at my ideal fit weight of 105 pounds. I'm 118 now. I want my life back. I don't want to restrict my calories as it led to my binge eating. I see the weight I gained and get a little discouraged but I remember I lost this weight before (even if it was in a unhealthy way). Any tips?

    Eating past the point of fullness is a common problem, I think. At least, it's a problem for me. I can't just fill my plate with whatever I'm eating, because I'll eat what's in front of me, whether I'm full or not. I think part of it is that I eat very fast....too fast for my brain to get the "Stop eating, Stupid!" signal.

    The only thing that helps is strict portion control. I weigh out an appropriate portion (based on the amount of daily calories I'm allowed) and THAT'S IT.

    I hope that helps you. I do have to add--and I'm not being mean, I'm just trying to help you put things in perspective--that you seem to be a bit dramatic about this. You're 13 lbs--not even overweight but just not at your "ideal" weight--and want to "get your life back"? There are people here who need to lose over 100 lbs. I started my weight loss journey at 75 lbs overweight, and even though I was unhappy with the way I looked and got winded way too easily, I never felt that I had lost myself and needed to get my life back. Please take a deep breath and get a grip.
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    Log every single thing without restricting. Look at your macros (protein/carbs/fat...). Are there days where your eating is more in control? Look at those days and see what's different--maybe more protein, or fat, etc. Then make sure you're getting enough water. Sometimes our brains confuse thirst for hunger. Are you feeling anxious or antsy? Try going out and exercising a little instead of eating more. Honestly, since you don't want to restrict your intake the way you're going to get there is exercise, so find something you enjoy doing--or is at least convenient for you--and start doing it. There's no magic formula. Looks like you only want to lose 13 lbs in a few months. Perfectly reasonable goal. However the closer you are to being in the normal weight range for your height (hopefully relatively short given your weight goal) the harder it will be to shed weight. Exercise will be key to achieving your goal. I've lost 20 lbs in 3 months, but that's partially because I was in the obese BMI, partially because I stepped up my exercise, and definitely because I carefully logged and restricted (calorically) my diet. Now that I've lost that weight, I've found I need to be increasingly dedicated to shed the remaining 40-ish lbs I have left to go.
  • emmadonaldson95
    emmadonaldson95 Posts: 179 Member
    Ive lost 6.4 lb in 2 weeks so far and although i have cut down calories ive done it by learning some new recipes and swapping things i would normally eat for something lower calorie. E.g i still eat cereal at breakfast but i now have a healthier one and use skimmed milk. At lunch i still have a sandwhich or hummus but use lower cal bread or reduced fat hummus with veg sticks not pitta bread. Etc.
    By doing that it doesnt feel like a restriction really.
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    Ive lost 6.4 lb in 2 weeks so far and although i have cut down calories ive done it by learning some new recipes and swapping things i would normally eat for something lower calorie. E.g i still eat cereal at breakfast but i now have a healthier one and use skimmed milk. At lunch i still have a sandwhich or hummus but use lower cal bread or reduced fat hummus with veg sticks not pitta bread. Etc.
    By doing that it doesnt feel like a restriction really.

    Have you looked at the Skinnytaste website? She does a great job making lighter versions of favorite foods. Recipes are easy, don't require any weird ingredients that might be hard to find, and I can't think of one off hand that I didn't like.

  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    Your title is misleading....do you want to lose 20 lbs or 118-105= 13 lbs? Anyways you have very little that you want to lose, a .5 lb a week defict is probably ideal for you.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    Hey OP, I don't know your height but I'm 5'3" and I went from 139 to 109 pounds. After a few months of a bulk, I'm getting down to my final goal weight of 108. Right now I'm 112. I'm telling you there are three key things you need to get where you want to be: time, patience, and a food scale. Your logging has to be tight and your deficit should be no more than 500 calories per day, although I recommend aiming for a deficit of 125 to 250 calories per day. It's not going to be quick and you shouldn't want it to be, as you risk binging, regaining the weight, and losing muscle which won't be beneficial for your body composition.