Elliptical Trainer - For or Against?

PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
There's a lot of talk out the pros and cons of the elliptical trainer, and I'm a little confused. I own one and I absolutely adore it, but I've heard on a lot of reality tv weight loss shows that the elliptical is, pretty much, useless unless you want to burn a ton of calories (is that really so bad?).

So tell me; what are the pros and cons of the elliptical? From your experience, do you find it helps or hinders your cardio?


  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Love the elliptical!

    -no impact
    -can vary the muscle groups worked by changing the incline or the direction in which you pedal
    -nearly endless levels of work based on incline, direction you pedal, pedaling speed and intensity level

    -doesn't mimic a real-life activity
    -it's a huge piece of equipment to keep in your house

    For people who normally perform high-impact cardio (runners, people who take exercise classes, etc.) it's a great way to do intense cardio while giving your feet, ankles, knees and back a break from the relentless pounding.
  • MizzCNyle
    MizzCNyle Posts: 40
    I love it!
  • RoanneRed
    RoanneRed Posts: 429 Member
    Definitely For - as long as people are also doing resistance training to build/maintain lean muscle mass.
  • aristel
    aristel Posts: 110
    totally for
  • hkuiuc99
    hkuiuc99 Posts: 79 Member
    I love the elliptical!
  • LOLmerrill
    LOLmerrill Posts: 43
    The elliptical is my main source of cardio. Personally, it works for me. I get a great burn and if I don't do a really intensive floor stretch after, I am SORE the next day. I'll up my resistance when I feel like I'm not having to work hard. I wouldnt trade my elliptical for anything.
  • littlewords
    I have one too and while I wouldn't say I LOVE IT (I hate exercise) I think anything that can help you to GET exercise is great.
    Mine helps because it is in my house, so I don't have the hindrance of having to travel to it (like I did when I was going to the gym) and I can watch Netflix on my computer on it, since it is at home, therefore I am willing to get on it and work out - when I was going to the gym, there was hardly anything to watch on the limited number of channels there, so I didn't want to go.

    Besides that - if you are trying to lose weight, exactly - how IS burning a ton of calories a bad thing?
    I am actually feeling more attached to my elliptical because I can burn a bunch of calories pretty quickly, which means I can eat more like normal person, rather than like a bird, and still end up with a net calorie deficit.

    I also can't see how you wouldn't get ANYTHING else out of it - it raises your heart rate, and while it may not be the best for overall strength/building muscle, it's got to be giving your leg muscles a good workout, anyway, especially if you are using resistance. That and the fact that it is low impact, to me, makes it seem pretty ideal.
  • momma_roo
    momma_roo Posts: 146 Member
    I love it!
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    I love it... I WANT to burn lots of calories!! Don't really care that it doesn't mimic a "real life" activity.
  • Brandon74
    Brandon74 Posts: 453 Member
    I am for it. Love using the eliptical machine at the gym and would like to buy one for home one day.
  • rgoodearl
    rgoodearl Posts: 360 Member
    It's my choice when I am traveling out of town
  • LamsieDee
    LamsieDee Posts: 85
    I have a nordic track. If you are just buying one, get a good one. the real cheap ones are wobbly. I use mine for my cool down time. I do a mile video then the Shred then 10-30 minutes on the elliptical. It's great to keep burning and I feel looser in my legs after other workout. down side is if that's all you're doing, you don't get strength work. My daughter does her elliptical time first then the workout. I don't think you can go wrong as long as you get on and use it.
  • mjemerson
    mjemerson Posts: 141
    I love it! We have one in home so it doesn't get better then that. The best feature though for me is that I have severe back problems and it helps me to do a pretty intense workout without the pain!
  • greenmisty
    greenmisty Posts: 24
    Love my elliptical! It folds up so it takes up less space in my small apartment. Yes it burns a lot of calories and it is a good cardio and that is what helps burn the fat off. I like that it is low impact so it doesn't bother my knees and ankles. I also go reverse and it works a totally different set of muscles. And I think it's better than doing nothing, which I'm tempted to do a lot of the time. It gets me moving.