this is my confession.

hecallsmebyname Posts: 2
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
i have been lying to myself and hiding my eating problem for a long time. i eat to fill voids in my heart that can't be filled with food (and that leads to me eating A LOT). i really feel the Lord telling me that food has become an idol to me, which is so true and so convicting. i turn to food in my time of need or hurt instead of turning to the Lord and it's a huge problem. it's a big wall in my relationship with Jesus. and for about two years now i've been trying to change that. i've been trying to stop 'filling' myself with food and turn to Jesus, but i've had the wrong motivations. my motivations are to look 'sexy' or to be wanted by guys and that's not okay. i should want to be healthy because this is Jesus' temple. this body isn't mine and i am not my own.
so, all this said, i just had a long chat with Jesus and i've got to change this, but not in my own strength. i need to let Jesus transform my heart and break off the chains that are binding me to food. i need Him to be my strength and to take off all the things burdening me. for so long, i thought i had to be the one to do all the work. i thought it took HOURS in the gym and TONS of boring, bland food. no. it takes Jesus. it takes His grace, His strength and His love. He had the power to raise himself from the grave, how can He not rescue me from this pit. it's such a simple revelation, but now that i've had it, my perspective is changed. my goal is to now turn to the Lord and to lay it all at His feet and let Him have His way. that's my diet plan.:)
i hope this is encouraging to other who are having the same problem as me with emotional eating and trying to fill voids with food. it's an empty, empty lifestyle that's only hurting us in the long run. i pray that my revelation is a help to someone. choose Jesus, He died for your pain. and i'm here to pray for anyone who needs it! good luck in all of your weight-loss journeys! you're all amazing, beautiful people. blesssss you!


  • nicole716
    nicole716 Posts: 43 Member
    thank you so much for posting this.... :)
  • Missylydia
    Missylydia Posts: 304 Member
    AMEN sister! xx
  • What a fabulous revelation. I relate to every word-you're just the one that wrote it. God Bless!
  • I could not have said this any better! I totally agree. Food is always on my mind and controls me. I have tried for so long to break free on my own but the only way is with His strength! Thanks for your motivation :)
  • jacque1109
    jacque1109 Posts: 129
    totally thought this was the beginning of an usher song.
  • westcoastSW
    westcoastSW Posts: 320 Member
    I recommend the book "Women Food and God" by Geneen Roth :flowerforyou:
    It addresses a lot of issues surrounding emotional eating and uncovering more healthy and satisfying ways to live.
  • Yes thank you for posting this. This is true for many of us!
  • fultzjaf
    fultzjaf Posts: 141 Member

    I totally agree and understand where you are coming from. I try to do everything on my own and I know that I need God to help me and guide me. I just nee to learn how to let Him be in control, over everything, not just my weight. There's lots of things I don't let go and I keep holding on to and I need to stop but don't know how to on my own. Thanks for the inspiring words, it's nice to know there are other Christians out there in the same boat, and to have to encourage each other. I pray that your journey goes well, and you can add me as a friend if you'd like to.

    Have a blessed day!
  • anna_lisa
    anna_lisa Posts: 486 Member
    Yes thank you for posting this. This is true for many of us!

    Great book

    I also just wanted to pass along............

    Try to look at yourself through the eyes that Jesus does. Unconditional love truely is unconditional. This is also the Love that God wants you to have for yourself........
  • tjkemommy
    tjkemommy Posts: 15
    Thank you for posting this.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Very brave post! I 'd also like to remind you that there is strength in you too! :) You have already been given the power inside yourself to change, you are just now finding it. You can do it and don't forget to give yourself credit for the hard work you are doing as well. :)
  • luelue1971
    luelue1971 Posts: 23 Member
  • mflm
    mflm Posts: 10
    totally thought this was the beginning of an usher song.

    just when I thought I said I could say a mcdonald's drive says I get a free meal a day...

    (nice post, btw. obsessions=confessions=crummy feelings)
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    Everyone needs Jesus. GREAT POST.
  • kristinhope79
    kristinhope79 Posts: 6 Member
    I love this post! This is where I've come from as well, in the last few months. I've been blogging about it. If you want, add me as a friend and we can encourage each other. *hugs* :)
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