Weight loss shakes

I started doing a weight loss shake diet last Wednesday, you know one for breakfast, one for lunch then a healthy dinner. Just wondering if anyone has tried this kind of diet and what kind of success you've had.


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I tried it several times and was never able to stick to it or have any success. The vanilla shakes were gross, the strawberry tasted like chalk and chocolate was the only one that was remotely passable, but it got boring. It also taught me nothing about portion control or nutrition.
  • LadyTalulah
    LadyTalulah Posts: 174 Member
    If the calories are right, it will definitely make you lose weight. The problem is, despite being marketed as "a meal substitute" they usually don't provide all the nutrients you need. Also, it's not sustainable, you're not going to live off of these shakes for the rest of your life. You need to inform yourself about a healthy diet and calorie counting and make a change that you will live with forever, or risk just putting the weight back on very quickly as soon as you end this diet.
    That being said, I do believe they can be helpful for a lunch on the go or as a temporary substitute whilst you take the time to inform yourself!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    It sounds boring, and it's the low calorie count that makes you lose (and regain) weight, not anything "magical" in the shakes.

    I've lost 50 pounds (and keep them off) just by eating food I like in moderate amounts.
  • benzieboxx
    benzieboxx Posts: 253 Member
    I'm one of those people who would really rather eat my calories. I get no enjoyment from meal replacement shakes at all because I really enjoy cooking and eating food. It's way more enjoyable to me. Also I'm learning all sorts of great tips for portion control and getting myself into good habits. Would I love to see the scale move faster? Sure. But I would also prefer to not gain it all back (and then some) like a lot of people inevitably do because they don't learn the good long-lasting habits that they need.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    shakes are just another way to reduce the amount of calories you eat by offering a pre-packaged meal. you could do the same with weight watchers or lean cuisine meals, or you could simply pre-measure your own food to lower calorie portions. some people here premake several meals in advance so they can grab and go.

    btw, if a slimfast shake has 180 calories, for the same calories you could have

    two eggbeaters (50 calories) with reduced fat cheese (60 calories) and a half a piece of toast (depending on the size of your bread) with 10 grams light butter
    a dannon light & fit cherry greek yogurt (yummy!), 20 grams of oats cooked in 2 oz non-fat milk sweetened with stevia or another non-nutritive sweetener.
    170 gram baked potato with 30 grams light sour cream and 15 grams light butter

    i could keep going all day. there's lots of foods with around 180 calories. if you were going low carb, you could grab a quest bar. but if you want a liquid that's easy to grab, a meal replacement shake could work, but at 180 calories unless you eat many smaller meals, you'll probably run out of energy long before lunch - and either feel bad or eat something early, which will pretty much ruin the point of the shake.

    me, i'd suggest having around 300 calories for breakfast to give you energy.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    There's nothing special or magical about the shakes that bring about weight loss...you're just going to be consuming less calories...so yeah, they work in that regard. The bigger issue is that you're not really going to learn anything in regards to how to eat for maintaining weight which is pretty important.
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    Sure I like a nice shake every now and then. But I would never replace a meal with them on a regular basis. You want the weight to stay off so you should really try to begin as you mean to continue. Unless you plan on living the rest of your life replacing meals with shakes, I wouldn't do it.
    And meal replacement shakes aren't great nutrition. I typically make my own for a snack (frozen bananas, pb and cocoa powder and milk) or after a workout (protein shake).
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    I like real food.

    And the only good shakes are proper chocolate thickshakes. OMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 799 Member
    I did that for a couple months a couple years ago and I did lose quite a bit of weight, but since I wasn't learning about eating properly and portion sizes etc I gained it all back in months with interest:/ I don't recommend it to anyone.
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    I started doing a weight loss shake diet last Wednesday, you know one for breakfast, one for lunch then a healthy dinner. Just wondering if anyone has tried this kind of diet and what kind of success you've had.

    Define "a healthy dinner".
  • lindarpolk
    lindarpolk Posts: 70 Member
    edited April 2016
    I used to for a while, but they gave me the runs. I finally figured out that's why I had to keep running to the restroom at work. With only 180 calories they never filled me up, so I ate enough food to keep from getting hungry. I can't say I lost anything, except the runs when I quit. I ended up liking the vanilla flavor, so now I usually just add vanilla flavoring to my milk.
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    lindarpolk wrote: »
    I used to for a while, but they gave me the runs. I finally figured out that's why I had to keep running to the restroom at work. With only 180 calories they never filled me up, so I ate enough food to keep from getting hungry. I can't say I lost anything, except the runs when I quit.

    At 180 calories a pop, I'd be so famished by dinner that my "healthy dinner" would likely be a blowout that put me over my calories for the day.
  • jakkrk
    jakkrk Posts: 54 Member
    I do it from time to time to switch things up. Anything you do that is repetition will get boring like others have said. You just have to listen to your body and make a switch every now and then. My wife also does what you are doing. Its really good for her in the beginning because she was seeing results. And with that, her motivation to do more increased. It all just falls into place when done correctly.
  • crazymama2both
    crazymama2both Posts: 195 Member
    Tried multiple times and failed multiple times. Not worth the money when I can be eating real food. That's just my opinion though.
  • Arsenal1919
    Arsenal1919 Posts: 211 Member
    I started doing a weight loss shake diet last Wednesday, you know one for breakfast, one for lunch then a healthy dinner. Just wondering if anyone has tried this kind of diet and what kind of success you've had.

    My Son-In-Law went to a shake diet on Jan 24, 2015 when he became aware (from his local doctor) that his 208kg (458.5 pounds) had eventuated in Diabetes2.

    He immediately started on Isowhey twice per day plus two fruit snacks and a 'normal' dinner.

    A week later he began moves to have bariatric surgery by July last year.

    By the time of his surgery he had lost 42kg (92.6 pounds).

    By xmas last year, he'd lost 77kg (169.75 pounds)

    When I spoke to him on FaceTime last Saturday week, his new mass was 111kg (241.7 pounds), a loss of 97kg (213.85 pounds).

    The shakes gave him the impetus in the 6+ months before surgery and gave him confidence. Do it if you have the right attitude and research the best choices for yourself.

    Me, on the other hand, I chose the diet and lifestyle way. The progress is slower but I have come from 192kg (423.3 pounds) to 136.5kg (300.9 pounds) in more than 25 months.

    You have to suit yourself.
  • Arsenal1919
    Arsenal1919 Posts: 211 Member
    A further note. I have some Isowhey (Madagascan Chocolate & Tropical Banana flavours) in the cupboard. I bought them last May, a couple of months before my S-I-L's surgery.

    They taste fine but I only use one occasionally (maybe three or four times per month) not like the sixty serves per month my daughter's husband lived on for almost 7 months before surgery.

    As shake formulas go, I can see why Isowhey is successful. It tastes good compared to others I've tried.

    Personally though, I prefer fresh flavoursome food and the new lifestyle I've chosen over 25-26 months.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I tried it several times. I always gained any weight that I lost right back because I didn't learn anything about how to sustain the weight loss.
  • osufootballgrl
    osufootballgrl Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for all the advice I really appreciate it. As for a healthy dinner, I was doing a salad and chicken breast or just a salad, but by the end of the week I was so hungry and hanging out with friends who are not eating healthy makes things so much harder. So we will see, I will probably just finish up the shakes I have then just try the portion control and calorie counting. Plus exercise when I can, with work and everything it's just hard to find the extra time.
  • FatMomRun
    FatMomRun Posts: 28 Member
    I use a protein shake on my long run days to help me get enough protein and calories in.
  • jakkrk
    jakkrk Posts: 54 Member
    You have to do it for you. You can't diet for your friends or family. It has to be a 'for you' thing. So, if your friends are not eating healthy, then that should be ok. You have to have the will power to push through that. I gave up alcohol. My wife and friends didn't. I still went to the bar. I did just fine. I still have friends that smoke. I quit. It doesn't bother me. You have to remember who and why you have decided to make this decision.