How do you get in your 8 glasses a day??

Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
Personally I just can't get myself to drink much water at a time, even if I'm somewhat thirsty. The only time I will really go for the water a lot is if I am extremely thirsty or if I'm eating something dry-ish. I know I need to get a LOT more water as I'm currently getting about 4 glasses a day...far from the 8 I should. And that's without drinking any soda/pop! My goal now is to drink a bottle of water with each meal whether I want it or not.

Do you all do anything to remind yourself or force yourself to drink more?


  • LOLmerrill
    LOLmerrill Posts: 43
    learn to love it! Personally, I drink a gallon+ daily. It helps me sleep better, feel better and not over eat. chug chug chug!
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    One whole glass before each meal. One whole glass after each meal. You force it down. Then I drink 4-6 after a workout as the day and night goes on.
  • anna_lisa
    anna_lisa Posts: 486 Member
    Once you get used to drinking water, your body will begin to crave it. You can try to put some mio flavoring in it (new product at the store - 0 calories) or squeeze some fresh lemon juice in it.
  • MuchMovement
    MuchMovement Posts: 100
    When you think you are hungry, drink more water instead.... Drink a glass before and after every meal. I carry around a gallon of water. Some people think that is unladylike, but F that!!!!!!!!!! When I work out I take a sip during every break. I use the gallon to work out , and I try to drink a whole gallon every day. 8 glasses is a minimum!!!!!!
  • misscfe
    misscfe Posts: 295 Member
    My trainer had me start drinking 16oz of water first thing in the morning when I get up. Before I eat or do anything else. When I do this I take in twice as much water through out the day as I would normally.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I have a one litre bottle. actually two. One at home and one at work. I just have to fill it up twice to get in my water.
  • seasonalvoodoo
    seasonalvoodoo Posts: 380 Member
    I fill up a 54 oz jug in the morning at work and drink it before lunch.

    Then I drink 40 more oz. after lunch.
  • melanienj
    melanienj Posts: 31
    I get a water bottle...with a spout, for some reason it is easier for me than drinking from a glass... I drink one (16 ounce) when i wake up b4 breakfast....sip on another after breakfast...I do not drink juice at all...and I just drink throughout the day. I fil up my water bottles every day and I say, ok, today you must drink all of these bottles and I usually do...

    On the days I don't drink as much I can feel dehydrated. You really don't know that you are dehydrated until you start giving your body what it needs and then stop...I now crave my water daily...

    By the way I drink a gallon of water a day....
  • ShinyFraga
    ShinyFraga Posts: 132 Member
    I have a 32 oz. mug with a lid and straw that I got from the hospital when I had my baby, and I drink my water out of that. I've found that drinking water through a straw is much easier for me than just drinking it from a cup. and I end up filling the mug 4 to 5 times throughout the day and get plenty of water.
  • Rozuki
    Rozuki Posts: 4 Member
    I struggled with this for a while too. What I found works for me is that when I feel hungry, instead of grabbing a snack or eating a meal I first drink a glass of water. If I am still hungry afterward I grab something to eat. Or if I am out somewhere I carry a water bottle and set mini goals for myself. Like, "I am going to drink this water bottle before I get home tonight!" Or "Over the next two hours I want to drink half this water bottle." Just small things that don't require you to chug any. I also try to drink a glass or two while I'm eating my food. That and I drink a lot of tea. You have to be careful, though, some tea can actually dry you up. :3
  • gtbalm
    gtbalm Posts: 14 Member
    Getting in all the water can be the worst!
    I have a couple of things I do to make it a little easier....

    First, I use a large container each time I have a "glass". The one I use I got from Walmart, and it holds 24 oz of liquid. It is a no spill bottle, so I can take it everywhere.
    Second, I always always have one filled with every meal/snack I eat. I try to take a few sips between each bite of food, no matter what the food is. I find it helps me fool my brain into thinking it isn't drinking so much, since it isn't all at one time.
    Third, I make iced tea, using NON CAFFEINATED/HERBAL teas (no sweetner). That way there is some flavor, not just water taste. It's important to remember no caffeinated teas.

    I just keep a full container with me at all times, and I find that now I tend to reach for it without even thinking while doing other things like watching TV, using my computer, walking, housework etc. I don't even notice sometimes and suddenly it empty and I have to refill. I've easily gotten 120 oz or more in a day. Of course, that does mean I go to the bathroom A LOT :) But it really does make a difference.

    I hope this helps you out.

    Feel free to add me as a friend :)


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  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    I love water so I just drink it. I work on a farm and am outside from at least 7:30am till at least 5:00pm all week long, so it is either drink water or dehydrate quick.
  • LittleAngel25
    LittleAngel25 Posts: 6 Member
    I have a 1 L bottle next to me all the time and sip on it with out even thinking, I fill it about 3/5 times in the day if not more, and I have a 2 L bottle at night that is almost gone by morning. If its next to you and in arms reach its easy to remember and becomes habit.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I have a 32 oz bottle with me at all times, and sip throughout the day. I usually have 3-4 bottles before the day is out.
  • kristinhope79
    kristinhope79 Posts: 6 Member
    I have a 34 oz container that I use with a straw. Somehow, using a straw helps me to sip on it all day. I try to get this in at work, then fill it up again when I get home so I can get at least 68 ounces in for the day.
  • Lindz2323
    Lindz2323 Posts: 261 Member
    I make myself drink 16oz of water after waking up, usually ice water, because i've heard it helps kick start your metabolism.. and after that I just try to keep a water bottle/cup near me throughout the whole day, and try to drink at least half a cup to a full cup each hour. Once you get used to having more it wont be so bad =)
  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    I never liked having pop or anything like that before I started to focus on my diet. So I think it was easier for me to switch to all water. I still have orange and apple juice in the fridge, but I haven't been drinking them as much as I use to.

    I have a glass from starbucks [only 15] that is 24oz and I try to drink three of those a day.
  • ltbrdg
    ltbrdg Posts: 19
    I agree with Analisa_C...once you get used to it, your body really does start to crave it. It doesn't take really long to get to that point either. I get at least 8 glasses into me a day but most days it's closer to 12. Before meals, in between meals, during workouts, after workouts...all day long! I always have a water bottle with me.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I drink a glass before every meal. Gives me a quasi full feeling that helps me control my portion sizes.

    In addition I have a glass mid-morning & mid-afternoon. Gets me over my desire to snack.

    Lastly, I am at the gym 5 - 6 times a week and I usually consume over a liter (quart) during/after my workouts.

    Some days I am a little under but most days I hit 8 - 10 glasses easy.

    Good luck!
  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    I drink water with every meal, start my day with a cup before I do anything else, take a cup to bed, and carry a cup with me all around the house. It's like an Easter egg hunt every night going around recollecting them. Also I realized that I take bigger drinks if I use a straw. Just as everything else it gets easier the more you do it. Also I had a doctor tell me that I should drink more than 8 cups. He recommended I take my weight and divide it in half and drink that many ounces each day. For example, if you weigh 200 lbs. you would drink 100 oz. or about 12 cups.