How do you find the time?



  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    While I clean house, I lift weights.

    Do a rep. Clean the bathroom sink and toilet.
    Do a rep. Do a few dishes.
    Do a rep. Do some more dishes.
    Do a rep. Put clothes in the washer.
    Keep repeating. I set the stopwatch and do this for 20-30 minutes. House is clean and I've exercised. I also try to get a lot of steps in.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    I start at 4am!!! love my mornings!
  • odddrums
    odddrums Posts: 342 Member
    I don't have any kids but get up at 5am every day for work, so I find time in the evenings to do workouts. My friends with children often do early workouts (4am) to get the day started and I think if I didn't have evenings open I would go for this as well.

    The biggest thing is consistency. If you can find 30 minutes 3 times a week that you can do something to raise your heart rate and keep it there, that's plenty. Then it's just diet and maybe 10000 steps a day. It's not easy, but you can do it if you commit to it.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I don't. I struggle to keep up with the household stuff like laundry and cleaning. I had the time to get in exercise the last two days and I probably won't the next two days. I should have evenings at home later this week so I'll probably work in some there. I think figuring out a way to fit it into your lifestyle is the best way to stick with it, for me anyway.

    Diet is the biggest factor in weight loss. I don't have specific fitness goals, so I don't beat myself up because I can't commit to a workout everyday.
  • Serendipity0913
    Serendipity0913 Posts: 385 Member
    edited April 2016
    Check out this for ideas. I'm in the same boat and this lady gave me many ideas. Genius!!
  • Jamiepk1985
    Jamiepk1985 Posts: 463 Member
    I guess I may try to wake up in the mornings! That's the only time that wouldn't take away from family time. I just HATE waking up. Guess I have to learn to love it. Thanks for all the ideas!
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I go late at night. I'm not into mornings. Come 9pm when those little buggers are in bed I hit the gym. Sometimes, I manage to go on my lunch break since we have a gym in our office, but more often then not I just go at night. I'm already getting up at 6am. I just can't seem to get up earlier.
  • jaga13
    jaga13 Posts: 1,149 Member
    Just a word of caution about early morning workouts: if you have to get up so early that you can't get a decent night sleep, it may not be something you can continue in the long run. But if you can manage going to bed early enough to
    Get enough sleep, it could be an option.
  • NHDaisy2
    NHDaisy2 Posts: 151 Member
    Because going to the gym before/after work doesn't work for me - I walk during my coffee break at work. I'm fortunate that my office has a small gym so in the winter I walk on the treadmil and during the summer I walk around our building outside. This is what works for me and what I will actually do.
  • SpiderGwens
    SpiderGwens Posts: 87 Member
    I keep telling myself that nothing is more important than my health.

    There's always something in my day that I can give up in order to make time to exercise/prepare a healthy meal. Sometimes it means that all I do in one day is work, exercise, and eat. Worth it.

    Also, I make sure my workouts are something I enjoy and look forward to. Find an exercise routine that's fun, and you won't mind getting up early or going to the gym after a long day at work for it!
  • courtnietruman544
    courtnietruman544 Posts: 3 Member
    I work a full time graveyard shift and have two boys under two. I workout at home with Beachbody. I lost almost 30lbs in the year after my first son was born with PiYo and the 21 day fix. Also using my fitness pal everyday kept me in check. I let my friend use the 21 day fix and told her about this app and she is down 28lbs since January.
    There are days you know you just can't fit it in but there are days we all try and just make excuses. Finding people to help keep you accountable is a big help too.
    Clean eating played a big part in my weight loss too. has a ton of clean eating recipes for every occasion. The crockpot meals have really helped me out a lot.
    Try out different things and you will find what works best for you.
  • Abbie918
    Abbie918 Posts: 120 Member
    I'm up at 430 to get to the gym before work. It kickstarts my day and means I can devote my afternoons/evenings fully to other commitments.
  • angfirst
    angfirst Posts: 47 Member
    I had to make the time to exercise by scheduling it in advance. But, I also created a schedule for household chores and other regular commitments too, which has helped a ton and keeps things from becoming overwhelming. I always thought my mom was crazy for dusting on Mondays, doing wash on Tuesdays, etc. But, she was kind of brilliant! Lol.
  • jordanamrussell
    jordanamrussell Posts: 40 Member
    I work full time and also have 2 kids. I either wake up and do it before heading to work, which can be rough because I wake up at 5:45am and leave home at 6:30am.. but I prefer to do it after work. That either means getting home and doing it RIGHT AWAY so there's no excuses to skip it, or doing it after I get other stuff done, like helping with homework, some laundry, or prepping dinner.

    I used to do workouts at home and my kids would join in sometimes.

    You have to make the time otherwise you'll never "find" it. If you have to do it at night, then do that. Workout dvds are especially helpful in that area. Even if you only fit in 10 minutes some days, or 20. Some days may be easier than others. You have to remember why you're doing this. What are your goals?

    If you have a husband, let him help out. All you're looking for is 30 minutes of time for yourself.

    I never feel guilty anymore about taking that time for me to workout. You're making yourself a better wife and mother. You are making yourself healthier to live a better quality of life. if that isn't important, I don't know what it is. Good luck :)
  • karina0679
    karina0679 Posts: 51 Member
    I am planning to start walking during my lunch break...It's a start right?
  • Jamiepk1985
    Jamiepk1985 Posts: 463 Member
    That's smart. I should do that too!
  • karina0679
    karina0679 Posts: 51 Member
    That's smart. I should do that too!

    I get a 50 minute break so I can easily incorporate eating and taking a 30 minute walk :)
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    I workout at lunch. I am lucky enough to have a gym here at work. If you don't have time to do a big workout, break it down into smaller 10 minute sessions. Try including the kids as part of the workout. I used to use the babies to do my leg lifts. They loved it. I would put my feet on their belly and hold their hands. I would also do squats when I picked them up and put them over my head then over again. If they are old enough, let them do a workout video with you. Helps you...helps them and gives you all bonding time. Just some suggestions.