Dog Lovers!



  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    My lab/chow mix is nearly 13 and still loves her walks. Just not as fast as she used to be and we need to stick to flat ground but I try to get in at least an hour a day with her. She lets me know if it's time for her walk so I can't get away with skipping days. Going a little slower actually works out because the cat can come with us sometimes, which he loves.
  • emmaprocopiou
    emmaprocopiou Posts: 246 Member
    I walk with my chow chow, but he's a sniffer so we often have to stop and I'm found marching on the spot while waiting for him.
  • pipermoom37
    pipermoom37 Posts: 6 Member
    Setting up an little agility course in the garden is fun as well,
    I'm a dog trainer and it's great fun, if you want to puch yourself you can always do the jumps with the dog... Although I draw a line at the tunnel lol
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    cadpro78 wrote: »
    My dog is a rescue as well, looks like a lab mixed with a hundred other things :smile: She LOVES to run. Absolutely loves it. So I got a running leash (wraps around my waist so I'm hands-free) and go on runs with her. She makes me run farther and faster than I would otherwise! :smiley: She loves walks and hikes too, but her favorite thing is running. Keeping me on track for running more this year, for sure!

    I need that running leash? How much it cost? My lab/beagle mix loves to run, run and run some more.

    I got mine on Amazon for $22 - they have several to choose from
  • lisalewis7588
    lisalewis7588 Posts: 76 Member
    cadpro78 wrote: »
    My dog is a rescue as well, looks like a lab mixed with a hundred other things :smile: She LOVES to run. Absolutely loves it. So I got a running leash (wraps around my waist so I'm hands-free) and go on runs with her. She makes me run farther and faster than I would otherwise! :smiley: She loves walks and hikes too, but her favorite thing is running. Keeping me on track for running more this year, for sure!

    I need that running leash? How much it cost? My lab/beagle mix loves to run, run and run some more.

    I got this one: which I have zero complaints with. It fits both me (30" waist) and husband (46" waist) and is very comfortable. I got the longer 48" one to give Piper a little more room to run ahead. Works amazing for us!
  • cadpro78
    cadpro78 Posts: 125 Member
    cadpro78 wrote: »
    My dog is a rescue as well, looks like a lab mixed with a hundred other things :smile: She LOVES to run. Absolutely loves it. So I got a running leash (wraps around my waist so I'm hands-free) and go on runs with her. She makes me run farther and faster than I would otherwise! :smiley: She loves walks and hikes too, but her favorite thing is running. Keeping me on track for running more this year, for sure!

    I need that running leash? How much it cost? My lab/beagle mix loves to run, run and run some more.

    I got mine on Amazon for $22 - they have several to choose from
    cadpro78 wrote: »
    My dog is a rescue as well, looks like a lab mixed with a hundred other things :smile: She LOVES to run. Absolutely loves it. So I got a running leash (wraps around my waist so I'm hands-free) and go on runs with her. She makes me run farther and faster than I would otherwise! :smiley: She loves walks and hikes too, but her favorite thing is running. Keeping me on track for running more this year, for sure!

    I need that running leash? How much it cost? My lab/beagle mix loves to run, run and run some more.

    I got mine on Amazon for $22 - they have several to choose from

  • trainingformordor
    trainingformordor Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for sharing all your stories everyone! I love hearing about all your pups. Titan (my ironically named 40 lb dog) and I just got back from a 3.5 mile. Feeling great!

    Oh, do any of you know a good way to bring water along for the dog?

    I'm fine without any for awhile, but he starts drinking out of puddles after 2 miles.
  • trainingformordor
    trainingformordor Posts: 11 Member
    Setting up an little agility course in the garden is fun as well,
    I'm a dog trainer and it's great fun, if you want to puch yourself you can always do the jumps with the dog... Although I draw a line at the tunnel lol

    Haha! That's a great idea! I bet my little girl would love that too.
  • CurlyCockney
    CurlyCockney Posts: 1,394 Member
    Thanks for sharing all your stories everyone! I love hearing about all your pups. Titan (my ironically named 40 lb dog) and I just got back from a 3.5 mile. Feeling great!

    Oh, do any of you know a good way to bring water along for the dog?

    I'm fine without any for awhile, but he starts drinking out of puddles after 2 miles.

    I use one of these, as it incorporates a drinking cup
  • ridge4mfp
    ridge4mfp Posts: 301 Member
    I walk with my chow chow, but he's a sniffer so we often have to stop and I'm found marching on the spot while waiting for him.
    I have 4 dogs, all different personalities. I don't take two of them on my "exercise" walks, I take them on leisurely walks at another time. I power walk, and these two have to stop and sniff every two feet. I can't get going!

  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    I take my dog (she's a 5 year old mixed breed rescue dog) out at least twice a week for a 3 to 5 mile walk run. I took her to training as a pup and so she just uses a harness with a decent length of leash but runs/walks right next to me. She only gets to sniff and go pee one time on our walks, otherwise I keep her focused on what she's supposed to be doing. She gets to look around but that's about it, no stopping, sniffing or pulling on the leash.

    She loves our outings and gets pretty excited but I make her sit while I put her harness and leash on and she knows we won't leave until she behaves.

  • upoffthemat
    upoffthemat Posts: 679 Member
    There are two types of walks we go on. The ones for me and the ones for him. The ones for me he doesn't get to stop and sniff everything and it is about exercise, he tolerates those and would rather go with me than sit home, but he really likes when I take a walk and let him take the time to stop and sniff every 3 feet..
  • Ke11yJoAnne
    Ke11yJoAnne Posts: 7 Member
    I have a Beagle who loves her walks but her definition is a little different then ours. A typical walk is 6 steps forward. Sniff Sniff. Two steps back. Sniff 'cause she missed a spot. 10 steps forward. Sniff Sniff. 5 steps back ... LOL ... you get the idea. She lives through her nose and barely looks up <3 So after I take her for her walk I can then go for mine, which are slowly becoming runs now :smiley:
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Our rescue husky was a terrible walker at first...boy, oh boy could he pull! But we worked with him patiently. I walked him twice per day, and my ex took him to work with him and took him to dog park every day. Eventually, he was a great walker.
  • purelyjax
    purelyjax Posts: 6 Member
    I take my dog Bella hiking every day! We walk before work, after work, after dinner and hike weekends. I have a Fitbit watch and I try and walk more each day than I did the day before...then start over every Monday. Bella does yoga with me too
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    My German Shorthaired Pointer gets walked every day. I take him out 3-4 times during the work week. My husband takes the other 1-2 days. Those walks are usually 3-4 miles although this week they have been shorter since we are working on loose leash walking which slows us down. I would like to learn to run, but we need to work on leash training first.

    On the weekends he gets at least 1 hike and the walks are longer. My husband and I either split those or do them together.

    When we are done with obedience training I would like to consider doing agility and my husband is interested in field trial training. We think Waldo would really enjoy both and those exercises would be a good outlet for his energy.
  • ashleyminnich1
    ashleyminnich1 Posts: 60 Member
    I have a German Shorthaired pointer as well. He is my running partner. Now that he is over two, I have gradually taken him out for longer and longer runs. We did 14 miles a week and half ago. He is trained to run like a canicross dog (complete with mushing commands), and he runs in canicross gear. Everyone needs to look at Canicross and push for more races here in the U.S.!
  • trainingformordor
    trainingformordor Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for sharing all your stories everyone! I love hearing about all your pups. Titan (my ironically named 40 lb dog) and I just got back from a 3.5 mile. Feeling great!

    Oh, do any of you know a good way to bring water along for the dog?

    I'm fine without any for awhile, but he starts drinking out of puddles after 2 miles.

    I use one of these, as it incorporates a drinking cup

    That looks great, thanks!
  • mattyc772014
    mattyc772014 Posts: 3,543 Member
    My dog is a 7lb beast. She needs walks to let the beast out. Look at a harness that pulls from the chest. Helps when walking or running. Keep a short leash and tug once they get out of line and then reward them. Like good boy or girl reward when they get back in line. I dont mean treat when they get in line. Thats cheating. lol
  • chulipa
    chulipa Posts: 650 Member
    I walk my Chihuahua several times a day but shes crazy she barks at people and other dogs but worst of all she either wants to walk as fast as she can or other times she walks like shes a turtle