I'm getting really discouraged...

MFP is a great tool, but it's honestly starting to depress me. I liked it more when I was blissfully unaware of how much I was eating. I've lost twelve pounds since the beginning of May, but what with summer here now I can't stop eating barbeque & other delicious edibles that come with the warm weather. I'm over on calories almost every single day & every night I'm left with a feeling of failure after I'm done logging. I can't seem to get my eating under control.

I'm thinking about just giving up... :frown:


  • heathermrls
    dont give up. eat what you want just small portions. you have come to far to give up now. remember why you are here in the first place.
  • widmar
    widmar Posts: 72
    Don't give up. I am right there with you!! I ate horribly this weekend but am determined to get back on track tomorrow. I do not have ANY self control, but am still determined to do this.
    Good luck and just take it one day at a time.
  • stephferg
    stephferg Posts: 4
    I feel like it is totally normal to have entire weeks that are off. Just don't let it continue. Consistensy is what I am striving for this time around, and I hope that I can do it. And I know you can do it too!
    Here is somthing that may help: I have heard that eating more calories, or taking a cheat day, will boost your metabolism, and make you loose more weight the following week. So just look at your "cheats" like that, and make sure you don't give up, and get back on it, and before you know it, it will have been a month since you have been bad, and it really won't make that much of a difference in the long run of your life.
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    It can definitely be hard not to over-eat in the summer, and i know I'm guilty of it, too. I just remember that tomorrow is always a new day, and that either a huge gain or loss isn't going to happen overnight.

    When I know that I'm going to a bbq at night, I'll make sure that I eat super healthy, veggie-heavy meals and exercise that morning. That way, even if I go a little bit over, I know the day wasn't a total loss.

    Feel free to friend me for support. Good luck, and stick with it! You're not alone in your struggles. :heart:
  • Ree_Chatelain
    Ree_Chatelain Posts: 229 Member
    The good thing is that you are logging to see where you are. I understand how that can be depressing. I know when I have a red number I want to kick myself in the butt. If you are having trouble with not eating at the functions maybe try increasing your exercise to cover the calories. that is what I do if i know I have a big eating day I try to get in a really good workout before hand.
    Don't give up, just find a way to make it work. Good luck!!
  • EmilyDezo
    EmilyDezo Posts: 55 Member
    I agree with the previous poster....just cut your portion sizes....maybe start small and then cut more and cut more little by little. I totally understand the feeling. My husband's birthday was this past Friday and we had cake here for three days before I decided I couldn't take it and I ate more than I probably should have today, but every once in a while isn't bad. Don't give up!
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    Don't give up!! Just try eating smaller portions or work out a bit more!!
  • jragan68
    jragan68 Posts: 22
    Don't give up there are options when at a bbq ...try just eating small portons. Also if it is you doing the cooking try some turkey burgrs (I prefer jenni o pre seasoned ones) and ball park light hot dogs (100 cals). Your diet has to just be a change in hat ur doing in the long hal not just a change in what your doing for now I still eat a lot of stuff I havve my good days and bad but if I know I have something bad coming up I just work out more so that my calorie intake is cfoered but don't give up u ca do it!!!
  • rpark239
    rpark239 Posts: 6
    It is great because it REALLY does keep you accountable and you can see exactly what you are doing right and wrong. As others said, keep logging, keep going and eat smaller portions and kick up the exercise a little bit. If you walk, try and double it. If you run add a few more minutes. If you do nothing, start doing something. The good thing about it is as long as you exercise you can eat more as long as you don't go over your net calories. Don't quit! Remember it is hard to lose weight, but gaining is easy! You can and will do it! You're doing great!!!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Don't give up.

    I eat what I want - when I want. I've just learned to eat in moderation. I get a little helping of all the stuff I like and then I eat it slowly - that way I get to enjoy the "good" foods. I make sure I get salad, veggies, fruit too.

    You can do it. You have to switch your mind set from "I can't" to "I can and I will!".
  • mrsmorris13
    mrsmorris13 Posts: 225
    I totally understand your frustration! However, i have to remind myself...and you....that this is a life change, not a diet. AND....life happens and changes and throws curveballs....We need to just LIVE LIFE and get back on track and not feel guilty, or feel like a "cheater". Tomorrow starts a fresh empy Food Tracker and the rest of your healthy life. :flowerforyou:
  • sierraman
    sierraman Posts: 7
    Try a different approach! Summer is also a great time to increase your athletic activity! The more you do the more calories you burn. It's also easier to eat well when you're doing positive things for your body and your health! Somehow in our culture we've lost track of the health value of eating reasonable portions of healthy foods and being active. Portion size is easy,,, veggies and fruits that fit in two cupped hands. Protein the size of the palm of your hand. Eat often (six or seven times a day).Don't give up! Just think about how good you'll look and feel when you meet your goals!

    And...this is very important! You're human! When you fall off the wagon or call a relax day enjoy yourself! Maybe you be disciplined during the week and let your hair down over the weekend? Whatever you come up with life is good! Enjoy!
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    You can do it!! :D Don't give up! It'll be so worth it at the end!!
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    Don't give up on a healthy lifestyle. Remember, no matter what season of the year, you are in control of what you put into your mouth.
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    maybe you could benefit from some planning.....have your meals planned in advance, made in advance and when you go to a BBQ bring your own protein to grill and healthy salad or veggie dish as your contribution so you'll know you have good food on hand. Also, maybe you should enter your planned food for the day into MFP food diary so you can see what your plans add up to. Be practical, allow for some planned snacks of fruit or nuts. Maybe you'll be relieved by planning in advance, maybe the temptations won't be so tempting because A) you're not hungry and B) you already know what the next thing you'll eat will be.

    Where I work people bring in pastries, doughnuts ect everyday and everyday I walk right past them because I've already had a delicious, satisfying and healthy breakfast and I've packed a great lunch for later. You really need to plan ahead so that mentally and emotionally you know your needs are already taken care of.

    good luck and happy eating!