friends to talk to

So. I am over 400 pounds and started going to the gym. I have a coach and hes really cool and i see him 1 to 2 times a month to change my calorie intake, strength tests, and changes in my workout.

I get excited when i do well and sad when i dont but none of my friends share my enthusiasm for going or understand how hard it is to stick to a calorie plan when all you really want is a 200ounces of slurpee and enough nachos to feed 10 people.

So i am hoping there are others out there that wont down on me when i did well by saying oh you omly lost 2 pounds or big whoop you managed to go to the gym 5x this week you kmow?


  • SisterSueGetsFit
    SisterSueGetsFit Posts: 1,211 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend. You can do this! Any progress is good progress. Just stay positive.
  • GAnTX
    GAnTX Posts: 12 Member
    Happy to be a support!

    I started my journey 3 years ago. Lost 80 lbs. To be successful it's important to have support. :)