Save me from myself. (Vent)



  • Andythefitfamilyman
    The guy needs a good kick in the family jewels
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    There's a better one out there for you. I agree with another poster- at least he put it out there and you can move on with confidence. He's certainly entitled to pass up a gorgeous girl like yourself for someone that fits what he considers to be... whatever it is.

    You're hot, and you'll find the right guy that will tell you so every day! Don't let it discourage you.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    After situations like these, I always think about what I coulda/shoulda said. Had I had the nerve, I would have said, "Well, good thing because I don't think I'M that look like you have a very small penis."
  • missmilarae0213
    missmilarae0213 Posts: 42 Member
    Thank you guys. The nausea hasn't subsided yet. But you made me smile through the frustrated tears.

    Single mom. New in town. Trying to put myself out there. Shot down. Epic Fail.
  • missmilarae0213
    missmilarae0213 Posts: 42 Member
    And for the record, I'm a size 14/ L/XL Top and I'm 5'10. He was a douchy pretty boy who insisted on meeting even though I didn't feel good. He claimed he was 5'11, yet I towered over him like some insane Amazon linebacker.

    *sigh* I swear I'm just gonna start collecting cats. They could care less if I'm soft around the middle. lol
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Thank you guys. The nausea hasn't subsided yet. But you made me smile through the frustrated tears.

    Single mom. New in town. Trying to put myself out there. Shot down. Epic Fail.

    Not a fail AT ALL. He saved you from dating a complete jerk. Some guys are closet buttholes and they waste YEARS of your life before they show their true colors.

    You are powerful, you are in control, YOU make your own decisions.

    I was a single mom for a long time. I met a man who loved my curves then and loves my less curvy body now. I met him randomly after purposefully dating a bunch of jerks. You did not fail. REPEAT-- YOU DID NOT FAIL.

    And think about it, he probably wasn't even that cute, completely uninteresting and he's probably awful in bed. End of story.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    ha, sure the guy may have been shallow, but whats worse is his complete lack of tact.

    fair enough he may not have found you attractive (not saying you are or arent, just saynig different people like diferent things), but what makes this guy a complete *kitten* is the fact that he just came out and said it like that.

    i personally have been out with someone that i didnt fancy for whatever reason, but i sure didnt make her feel bad about it.

    everyone is judgemental, you cant deny that, but its how you handle it that makes you a decent person or not

    edit: dont let this tool stop you from putting yourself out there. i was once extremely shy and never put myself in a position where i may be rejected. never had the balls to ask a girl out until my late teens / early 20s. but one day i had an epiphany. i thought to myself "you know what, who gives a toss, im going to go for what i want and if i get shot down so be it, its their loss, ill just move on to the next one"
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    ha, sure the guy may have been shallow, but whats worse is his complete lack of tact.

    fair enough he may not have found you attractive (not saying you are or arent, just saynig different people like diferent things), but what makes this guy a complete *kitten* is the fact that he just came out and said it like that.

    i personally have been out with someone that i didnt fancy for whatever reason, but i sure didnt make her feel bad about it.

    everyone is judgemental, you cant deny that, but its how you handle it that makes you a decent person or not

    edit: dont let this tool stop you from putting yourself out there. i was once extremely shy and never put myself in a position where i may be rejected. never had the balls to ask a girl out until my late teens / early 20s. but one day i had an epiphany. i thought to myself "you know what, who gives a toss, im going to go for what i want and if i get shot down so be it, its their loss, ill just move on to the next one"

    HA! That's what I did! I gave myself a year to find the perfect man :laugh: That was January of 2007.

    I met my husband on December 12, 2007. Gawd. Took him long enough! :laugh:
  • jasthespazz
    he's a jerk. you met him once. why do you care what he thinks? honestly he's a stranger and you do not survive to please him. your ultimate goal right now is to make YOURSELF happy, and one ofthe ways you've chosen that is 1) by searching for guidance through this post and 2) through exercising and dieting. focus on you, you are the only wonderful, beautiful person you should think about right now.

    if anything, use his insult as a way to motivate you even more. kick your exercises up a notch! you'll get a way hotter guy anyway...

  • grimnir
    grimnir Posts: 61 Member
    How about some nice immature comeback lines?

    Well, you may be skinnier than I am, but you're a much bigger *kitten*.

    Wow, I'm a lucky girl. Lucky I found out what a *kitten* you are on the first date!

    I'm sorry, what was that? I was distracted by your bald spot. It probably wouldn't be such a big problem if you were taller.

    How lovely it must be for you to have such an overinflated ego. Too bad it's so easily deflated by your little prick.

    Hey, it's not MY fault you watch so much porn that you can't get it up for anyone actually willing to date you.

    I'm GLAD I'm too big for you. Otherwise I might not have found out what an undateable creep you are until after we'd ****ed.

    I am so sorry. Sorry for your ex girlfriends.

    Well that's too bad, I guess you'll have to go back to dating prostitutes. Not that it really counts as 'dating'.

    (study his face) It's awful funny how looks can be deceiving, isn't it? You don't LOOK like an *kitten*...

    Wow, you are just the total package, aren't you? A giant **** AND a small penis.

    I'm sorry, I didn't know you were autistic when I agreed to this date. Oh, you're not? I guess the only explanation is bad parenting then.

    I bet you have a LOT of first dates. Not so much second or third dates, huh? That must be rough, being a huge creep.

    Jeez, insecure much? Or are you just tactless and rude? Enjoy dating around, jerk! Lord knows you'll never find love...

    I think getting picked on as a teenager might have warped my brain... I could seriously keep going...
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    i think you had a lucky escape he sounds a total jerk, and i bet his picture made him look like a nice guy. mark it down to experience and forget about him, you look like a pretty girl and i'm sure you will find someone, probably when you least expect it.

    and those comebacks are great
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    "I'm going to collect cats - they don't care as much if you're soft around the middle"

    Babygirl. See my photos. I've got a 135lb bullmastiff. The only male on Earth I trust :-) He drools, but he loves me! And he loves to go for runs with me (one of the many advantages over cats).

    GET A DOG!!!!! :-D Preferably a big one. They're awesome to cuddle with and great with kids. Check out the rescue sites for them. :-D (I'm a little biased here)

    OH. And the moral of my story - the chick he cheated with and is currently dating:
    she's tall (he likes them tall, but she's only about 5'6)
    she's got an *kitten* (that she sits on most of the day because she's a bank teller)
    she's on the skinny side (...well, okay, I'll give her that one but I'm in better shape and have an hourglass...*****)
    she's pretty (seriously? he goes for the "model faces" - another reason why I didn't qualify)
    ...and all I'm saying is I hope he never sees her without make-up on

    Proof positive that men are dumb. Stick with dogs. They are loyal and honest and cute no matter what.
  • Septembergirl23
    Septembergirl23 Posts: 106 Member
    OMG! You are so pretty! He is out of his mind and definitely not for you!
  • Septembergirl23
    Septembergirl23 Posts: 106 Member
    OMG! You are so pretty! He is out of his mind and definitely not for you!
  • Jdismybug1
    Jdismybug1 Posts: 443 Member
    What a JERK!
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    If a close friend insults you, cry.
    If a jerk whom you have just met insults you, sigh, go home and kiss your babies.

    I know it sucks, but you should feel so relieved. The problem is NOT that you are soft around the middle, but that HE is soft in the head. That guy is getting a lump of coal for Christmas, and will probably die young and alone. Unfortunately, he will probably hurt a lot of people along the way. He's a taker, not a giver.

    You are a good woman who deserves someone who will honor you and your children, and love you for qualities much more meaningful than your body weight. A man who isn't looking for the more meaningful things in your relationship will be filling those needs somewhere else, and that's probably not a good thing in the long run.

    Keep your head up. That was a bad experience, and it was a fail, but it was not your fail. The failure is all his.
    You had no way of knowing he would be a bad person.
  • pittielover23
    So I met a guy on a blind date at the park. His response: "Well, I don't know if I'm interested. You're pictures make you look thinner."

    Ugh? Sorry? I'll try harder next time to be prettier?

    I'm here because if I go this alone, I will relapse into bulimia. Help me friends. Anything to distract me. And go::

    Thanks and love,

    At least he let you know that he was a douchnozzle up front. Consider yourself lucky, you found out he was a jerk really fast and you never have to see his stupid face again. Sorry you had to go through that though, I am sure it sucked. Really though, he is the one with the major issue here. You are strong and can get through this!
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    You are beautiful! That guy was an idiot and like someone said superficial. Just remember he'll get his cause what comes around goes around! You just keep on working out and watching what you eat and you will be fine. Good luck!
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    How about some nice immature comeback lines?

    Bwahahaha! OMG. Laughing out LOUD on this one. And I had to add some more:

    - Oh, okay. So I looked thinner in my photos. Wow, that's so crazy - I was just thinking you looked smarter, savvier, cuter.

    - Hmm. I know, right? It's soooo good we met in person. I didn't realize you were so short. This could never work.

    - I understand, and it's so great you had us meet in person so early. Otherwise, you wouldn't have realized I'm not your type, and you're not in my league.

    - Do things seem bigger looking from behind that tiny penis?

    - Oh, really - you think I'm fat? Hm. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. Want to arm wrestle, pansy-*kitten*?

    - God. It must be awful waking up YOU every day.

    AND, for the record, your size at 5'11'' - Is just about perfect. And the just about perfect guy is out there, too. It took me about 5 years, using online dating services and going out with lots of frogs before my prince finally came in. Almost six years later, we're happily shacking up with 2 dogs, 2 cats, and we still LIKE each other! I was a size 18 when I met him (and I'm 6'0''), now I"m a 20 but working my way back down.... and he's 6'3'' and 170 lbs soaking wet. When he first reached out to me online, I looked at his profile and pic and though--- eh, not my type. But he was lovely in his email and when we met in person: fireworks! Your fireworks are comin', I can feel it!