So, I am pretty happy with myself. After a month of eating well, tracking my foods and making better choices using MFP, coming in under my calorie goals and making an effort to be more active, I have lost nine pounds. YAY!

Then aunt flow came to town.

My seemingly great stride has been broken, I simply want caffeine, chocolate, chips, and ibuprofen for all my meals. Also I'd prefer to sleep all day, but since I can't do that I have planted myself in my couch cushions.

Is this me? Am I crazy? Last night, as the stack of Jillian Michaels DVD's taunted me from across the room, I tried to summon the powers inside me to do something to continue on my productive journey. Something - Anything?

I managed a few deep stretches through my tight hips and thighs and calves before pouring myself a small glass of red, and a handful of gummy bears.

Periods are the worst. Right?

How do y'all do it?


  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member
    No, periods aren't the worst. They're a sign that your body is young and fertile.
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    The PMS 5 days before is what gets me every time. I want alllll the chocolate. Then when I have the terrible torturous pain on the first day I have the mentality that I deserve alllll the chocolate. So, yeah, not just you. But don't let it derail you. You're going for a long term goal. A few days a month shouldn't dictate your life! Good luck sister!!
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    As much as I want to laze around during my period, I find that I feel better when I'm active. I don't want to be active and I have to convince myself to workout, but I feel so much better afterward. Enough months in a row of this knowledge makes it easier to just do it.
  • themeddler
    themeddler Posts: 10 Member
    I just allow myself an extra salt treat and sweet treat and a glass of wine, but I increase my water intake to balance it out. My diary from yesterday contains a hard cider, a handful of swedish fish and some sesame crisps. I wouldn't deny myself those treats, but still be mindful of how much you consume and allow for that in your calorie budget.
  • Ohjeezitskim
    Ohjeezitskim Posts: 129 Member
    I haven't had much of a problem yet since I've only had my period once while on my diet. (Though I am due today, I imagine I'm going to be one day late since that's been my trend for a while.) I noticed I do have a little bit more cravings, but I've gotten better at controlling those urges. I have been walking at least 30 minutes 4x a week, so hopefully I'll stick to that still. (My PMS attitude is what kills it though lol!)
  • kaylajane11
    kaylajane11 Posts: 313 Member
    As much as I want to laze around during my period, I find that I feel better when I'm active. I don't want to be active and I have to convince myself to workout, but I feel so much better afterward. Enough months in a row of this knowledge makes it easier to just do it.

    I agree with this. For me, cramps and low energy improve a lot after a good workout, or even just a brisk walk. Also, if you have a hard time controlling cravings, additional exercise can counter the extra calories a little bit.

    A lot of people also choose to eat at maintenance during that TOM, so you may not see a loss but you won't see a gain, either, besides temporary water weight, which is common around that time.
  • sarahpphotography
    sarahpphotography Posts: 4 Member
    celadontea wrote: »
    I get so much pain during mine that I do think they are the worst. I also get irritable, cranky, exhausted, insatiable cravings for everything...etc. Exercise exacerbates the immense pain and I tend to fall off of every diet and exercise regimen I've ever set for myself. Just take time to care and treat for yourself on those days. If you can manage a walk, go for it. If not, just remind yourself that this is what your body is demanding from you; rest. That you can always pick back up from where you left off right before it hit you. And just fit your treats within your goal. It doesn't have to bust your diet. I also wouldn't weigh in that week...

    I have these kind of periods, too. Incredible pain for the first 3-4 days, heavy heavy bleeding, bad PMS in the days before. I have checked the scale and I am maintaining at where I left off, no gains, so that's good. I think I forget that some women don't have as heavy/crampy cycles as mine, so yes, the attitude of self-care is important to foster.

    Forgetting that I need to take care of myself and listen/pay attention to my body's needs is how I got to be 70 pounds overweight in the first place! Rest is important. Need to remember.

    Gosh, why can't we just hit the 'easy' button on this one?

  • tahxirez
    tahxirez Posts: 270 Member
    If I'm having bad PMS or pain I try to up exercise, I know its not always possible believe me. I find that when I'm moving/active I notice the pain less (or it eases i really don't know) plus I get more calories to play with. Bottom line if I want potato chips I'm eating them that week. The difference is I balance them with something satiating like cottage cheese (instead of dip) and I make the calories work. I'm usually only hungry the week before and the week of I'm too busy contemplating my uterus's demise to be hungry. Good luck! Remember one bad day or a day at maintenance doesn't negate how far you've come!
  • AmberSpamber
    AmberSpamber Posts: 391 Member
    If you think about how much work your body goes through during a period, it makes sense why we are cranky and want to lounge around all day. I look at is an excuse to let my body relax for one day and then get back to it. I find the longer I am at eating healthy, the easier the cravings are to get through- especially if I don't have any of my cravings in the house. So, stick through it and it will get easier month by month. And if you can't, allow yourself a few pieces of dark chocolate. Satisfying, yet wont kill your goals ( assuming you don't eat the whole bar) :):)
  • alittlelife14
    alittlelife14 Posts: 339 Member
    Period sucks and I definitely eat maintenance during the time and I try to stay below it but the food desire is endless and it sucks for sure.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited April 2016
    Watch this.. It is a long video, but to all the women out there that suffer during this time, Lye really does nail it. Exercise, drinking loads of water and actually keeping my carb laden food out of my diet (munchie food, loads of chocolate, etc..) this week helped me.

    Best advice, keep exercising even during the "menses" week. Symptoms do keep better if you keep exercising consistently. You may not perform anything 100% this week, but it helps.
  • cbihatt
    cbihatt Posts: 319 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    If you feel the need to take a few days/week off, it's okay. I get bad cramps and heavy bleeding when I'm not on BCP. My brain wants me to Netflix and chill in bed with all the cookies, but I don't because if I did I'd be putting on the weight I lost. I'm not going to tell you "Exercise will fix everything, lulz" because I know it doesn't for many females. Ovaries and uterus are in control, but you can talk them into hanging on for a short walk (with the promise of chocolate, of course).
    trjjoy wrote: »
    No, periods aren't the worst. They're a sign that your body is young and fertile.
    This is one of the biggest piles of BS I've read on this board, moreso because it's written by a female. Not every female's period is rainbows and cupcakes. Some of us have nail-me-to-floor cramps/back pain that make us long to actually be pregnant because hard labor is infinitely easier and less painful than bleeding every month.



    As to the OP, I go with what feels right. Some months I eat all of my son's Little Debbie snacks and skip the exercise. Other months, I stay on target with my calories and get in a few good workouts.
  • thunder1982
    thunder1982 Posts: 280 Member
    For me exercise makes my period finish quicker. I used to get really bad cramps and clotting so it was much better to get it over and done with. Since having kids my cramps and clotting have gone but I find that if I laze around my period will often stop and then restart a day or 2 later esp if I go from lazing around to suddenly being active. I also often get a surge of energy the day before it comes, my husband loves the cleaning monster that comes out. I get so much done plus I often get my best run times in the day before.