
KendraMariexO Posts: 44 Member
edited April 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
So I eat roughly 1,200 calories everyday. But I splurge once a week or so to keep me sane so I don't over do it, today I ate 2,230 calories. Should I be ok? I always stay at my calories mfp has for me? But I wanted my chocolate today and it helps. I go right back to my diet the next day:)

I'm -1,026 ish.... From doing that so I'll say I'm 1,100 to much


  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I focus on my weekly average more thank my daily goal. As a practical matter that means I "save" calories on some days so I can "spend" them on others (usually in the weekends.)
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    I always eat light during the week so I can splurge on the weekend! Nothing wrong with this approach.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited April 2016
    Are you eating your exercise calories?
    Just curious, because your deficit would be larger than what you selected if your not.

    Granted either way it's fine as long as your not exceeding your weekly deficit in that one day. That means you would have to eat to maintenance + eat the deficit from the previous days in the week + a bit more(so huge amount of calories).
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    Depends on your weight loss goals. If they are conservative you could easily blow most of your weekly progress and have eaten at maintenance for the week. Don't know your stats. At worst you prevented sub .5 lb of weight loss, up to you if that was worth it.
  • KendraMariexO
    KendraMariexO Posts: 44 Member
    How do I average it? How do I know if I have saved calories? I don't know how to do that? Can u explain how that works ? I ate 1,026 I'm neg for today. I have been successful this far I've lost 40 lbs. no I walk at work I'm not sedentary but I did put that. So I make sure I stay where I need to. And it's worked. If I work out my calories sometimes not always in the beginning I did. But now I walk at my job and I eat 1,200 calories :) I stand I'll move and stuff. I walk w kids but I don't even put it bc I'm not sedentary but I feel good eating 1,200 I rather be safe then sry sometimes I'll do 1,300 I do lift sometimes. I've cut excersise out a lot c I'm on my feet all day at work I have kids I stay active through just moving and enjoying life. But idk how to see if I have saved cals
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    How do I average it? How do I know if I have saved calories? I don't know how to do that? Can u explain how that works ? I ate 1,026 I'm neg for today. I have been successful this far I've lost 40 lbs. no I walk at work I'm not sedentary but I did put that. So I make sure I stay where I need to. And it's worked. If I work out my calories sometimes not always in the beginning I did. But now I walk at my job and I eat 1,200 calories :) I stand I'll move and stuff. I walk w kids but I don't even put it bc I'm not sedentary but I feel good eating 1,200 I rather be safe then sry sometimes I'll do 1,300 I do lift sometimes. I've cut excersise out a lot c I'm on my feet all day at work I have kids I stay active through just moving and enjoying life. But idk how to see if I have saved cals

    How many lbs are you trying to lose per week? You can look at your cals by week if you click around. Chances are you're not going to find an extra 1200 calories banked for the week to splurge that much and reach your weekly goal. However, assuming the rest of your logging is accurate you'll still lose weight assuming that you have some extra cals throughout the week and your goal is greater than .5 lb weekly. A pound is like 3500 cals.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Use the MFP app, the weekly average is in there.
  • KendraMariexO
    KendraMariexO Posts: 44 Member
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member

    Don't you use this to log your calories?
  • KendraMariexO
    KendraMariexO Posts: 44 Member
    Where do I find that and I have 2 lbs a week, I'm sedentary I'm 5'1 I'm 145 lbs . I'm at 1,200 for cals I'm not sedentary bc I walk at work . But I rather do that.. How do I see what I have for week left
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    If on mobile, go to Nutrition and press on the day view and switch to weekly.
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    Where do I find that and I have 2 lbs a week, I'm sedentary I'm 5'1 I'm 145 lbs . I'm at 1,200 for cals I'm not sedentary bc I walk at work . But I rather do that.. How do I see what I have for week left

    I'd not set your goals to 2lbs a week at your size. You needed the splurge.
  • KendraMariexO
    KendraMariexO Posts: 44 Member
    Lol I work at a dr office so I move a lot where do I look though to see what I have extra?? I don't get what it means I see one that's a large number then another number the. My 1,200 is my goal? Lol . Yes I have went from 185 to 145 lol ! That's why when I splurge Im worried but I feel it's ok?
  • KendraMariexO
    KendraMariexO Posts: 44 Member
    I look at this this way. I burn calories all day bc I stay busy and active. But I don't do gym as much? I did in the beginning when I started my weight loss but not so much I have kids which burns calories but the working I don't sit very much lol. But do I look at net calories or where do I look?
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    On the phone app, click on nutrition then flip over to the weekly setting. Down the bottom it will tell you how many calories under/over for the week.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    First I recommend going to settings -> weekly nutriotion settings and selecting a week start day instead of rolling 7 day.

    Then -> nutrition -> calories -> weekly -> net
    To the right side you will see your avg net for the week.
    Underneath you will see calories under or over Net goal

    If you haven't been logging exercise though the app won't be able to show you what your net avg is.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Also how much time did it take you to lose the weight? Losing to fast results in lean body mass loss as well as fat.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    @shadow2soul why do you recommend a start day rather than the rolling 7 days?
  • chimaerandi
    chimaerandi Posts: 153 Member
    @shadow2soul why do you recommend a start day rather than the rolling 7 days?

    It's really 6 of one, half a dozen of the other, but for me it helps me 'budget' better, like if I splurge on a random Wednesday it's easier for me to figure out what I have left for the rest of the week rather than a rolling 7 days that's always changing, which was harder for me to plan around, so I go Monday-Sunday.
  • KendraMariexO
    KendraMariexO Posts: 44 Member
    It says I'm over 1000.