Low fat & low carb possible for weight loss success?



  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    I'd tighten up my logging first before cutting both carbs and fat. Eating mostly protein is not going to be sustainable and you likely won't feel too good from it. I took at look at your diary and notice your final calories daily are rather low. That leads me to believe you are not logging everything that you are eating, if you were then you would be losing weight rapidly at that intake.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I just have to wonder what you would actually be eating. I have this mental image of eating 1200 calories of broccoli or something.

    I agree with @TeaBea. If there is no medical reason it's not necessary to cut out fat or carbs to lose weight.
  • KaysKidz
    KaysKidz Posts: 208 Member
    I don't even look at fat anymore. And in years past, I was convinced I had to stay below 30 grams of fat to lose weight. Now, as long as the fats I'm eating are healthy fats (nuts, avocados, meat etc), I could care less. I count carbs and calories. 6lbs down in 2 weeks. Not a bad start. And best part???? I'm not starving. I'm eating real satisfying meals. :smiley:
  • KaysKidz
    KaysKidz Posts: 208 Member
    a good place to start is 1 carb per pound of body weight.

    Maybe if I weighed 100lbs!!! But when you are obese, that's a LOT of carbs!! 1 carb per pound of IDEAL body weight might be more appropriate.

  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    fourcheeze wrote: »
    valbar61 wrote: »
    suggestions on whether I can do low-carb and low-fat and if so what is the highest I should go in carbs. Also how much fat.

    I wouldn't suggest low carb and low fat, because that basically leaves you protein only.

    I'm doing low carb and low calorie, the Blood Sugar Diet by Michael Moseley. It's relatively high fat but because it's very low (800) calorie I'm probably eating less fat than I was before.

    High fat food is tasty, which makes it relatively easy to follow despite the small portions.

    I've lost 20kg/44lbs in 12 weeks.

    Good luck.

    Yea, don't do that. There is no reason to eat so few calories. It's not sustainable. Your body needs nourishment!
    OP, whatever you choose, make sure it's something you can stick with. You can't resume old eating habits and think the weight will stay off.
  • eeejer
    eeejer Posts: 339 Member
    KaysKidz wrote: »
    a good place to start is 1 carb per pound of body weight.

    Maybe if I weighed 100lbs!!! But when you are obese, that's a LOT of carbs!! 1 carb per pound of IDEAL body weight might be more appropriate.
    when you are obese you need a lot of fuel.
  • greentart
    greentart Posts: 411 Member
    I'm doing the LCHF, but screw Atkins. I eat real food, avoid highly processed food, am gluten-free, and simply plan my meals around low carb and higher fat items. I stay within 40 carbs/day, and am at 1380 calories (give or take- I don't beat myself up if I go over or am a bit under). I lost 5.6lbs within the first week, have plenty of energy, and feel fantastic.
  • KaysKidz
    KaysKidz Posts: 208 Member
    eeejer wrote: »
    KaysKidz wrote: »
    a good place to start is 1 carb per pound of body weight.

    Maybe if I weighed 100lbs!!! But when you are obese, that's a LOT of carbs!! 1 carb per pound of IDEAL body weight might be more appropriate.
    when you are obese you need a lot of fuel.

    I fuel my body with protein and fats. Carbs I keep to 75g. I'm obese. Well, for now. Don't plan on being this way forever. I would never be satisfied if I ate my weight in carbs. Give me a steak and salad thank you very much! :wink:

  • shadowmanlocal
    shadowmanlocal Posts: 15 Member
    Would suggest forget Atkins - I' ve managed to lose 68kg ie 150 lb in 21 months - intake 1500-1800 calories per day output c 2800 calories exercising 6 days per week . Concentrated on balanced healthy fresh food veg , salads fruit , fish and chicken all in very tasty combinations . Portion control essential ie weighing and checking packaging carefully . Have snacked on cherry tomatoes , gherkins , pickles - even had the occasional meltdown with chocolate or ice cream as one offs but with compensation next day ( maybe once in 2 months max ! ) Never really been hungry . Patience and perseverance are key as is finding exercise programe that works for you to burn 500 - 700 calories per day . Ive also eliminated the word diet from my vocabulary and substituted with lifestyle change ! I also had acupuncture to boost metabolism but as have moved back to UK from Dubai have not been able to continue with that . Hope some of this may help - If I can help with any details feel free to message me ! Best of luck !!!!!!it canbe donelife is 1000 percent better for me now although still some way to go to my final target .
  • eeejer
    eeejer Posts: 339 Member
    KaysKidz wrote: »
    eeejer wrote: »
    KaysKidz wrote: »
    a good place to start is 1 carb per pound of body weight.

    Maybe if I weighed 100lbs!!! But when you are obese, that's a LOT of carbs!! 1 carb per pound of IDEAL body weight might be more appropriate.
    when you are obese you need a lot of fuel.

    I fuel my body with protein and fats. Carbs I keep to 75g. I'm obese. Well, for now. Don't plan on being this way forever. I would never be satisfied if I ate my weight in carbs. Give me a steak and salad thank you very much! :wink:

    Some people are trying to do activities that carbs are useful for (as should everyone losing fat). I know all about keto and low carb, that does nothing to argue the fact that 1g of carbs per lb is a decent starting point for most people. Oh, and you can eat steak, salad and carbs by the way ;)
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    eeejer wrote: »
    Some people are trying to do activities that carbs are useful for (as should everyone losing fat). I know all about keto and low carb, that does nothing to argue the fact that 1g of carbs per lb is a decent starting point for most people. Oh, and you can eat steak, salad and carbs by the way ;)

    Carbs are optional. You pulled that ratio out of your [kitten]
  • Lovee_Dove7
    Lovee_Dove7 Posts: 742 Member
    valbar61 wrote: »
    I've been trying the Atkins low-carb high-fat and it's just not working for me something about eating all this fat just does not seem right looking for suggestions on whether I can do low-carb and low-fat and if so what is the highest I should go in carbs. Also how much fat.

    I wouldn't like that either. If both your fat and carbs are lowered, your protein intake will come up quite high.
    You may not like that, either (I wouldn't).
    I prefer high protein and fat, and low carb, but my carb intake is not extremely low...150g or less if I'm exercising moderately and wanting to lose fat. My fat intake is 45-50% of my calories when dieting for fat loss.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    yarwell wrote: »
    eeejer wrote: »
    Some people are trying to do activities that carbs are useful for (as should everyone losing fat). I know all about keto and low carb, that does nothing to argue the fact that 1g of carbs per lb is a decent starting point for most people. Oh, and you can eat steak, salad and carbs by the way ;)

    Carbs are optional. You pulled that ratio out of your [kitten]

    That depends on how you define optional.

    They aren't an esssential nutrient but for many people, due to satiety, personal preference, and especially athletic performance they are absolutely not optional.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited April 2016
    You need to pick one or the other. Doing low carb AND low fat would leave you very hungry and unsatisfied IMO.

    But before switching up macros/diets make sure your food logging is on point, you wont lose weight on any diet combination if you're not logging your food, all of it, honestly and accurately. AKA eating too much, or more than you think..
  • rosecropper
    rosecropper Posts: 340 Member
    I did low carb low fat by accident. Couldn't process fat after gallbladder surgery, probably wasn't getting more than 10gm/day. Didn't care for sugary or starchy food either. Wasn't tracking calories or macros as I wasn't trying to lose weight.
    After 2 months of fat free Greek yogurt, whey protein isolate, egg whites, lean poached meats, raw leafy veggies (and a good bit of dry red wine & gin) - dropped from around 145 to 120.
    Weight stayed off until I started eating like a normal person again. So yeah not sustainable.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I did low carb low fat by accident. Couldn't process fat after gallbladder surgery, probably wasn't getting more than 10gm/day. Didn't care for sugary or starchy food either. Wasn't tracking calories or macros as I wasn't trying to lose weight.
    After 2 months of fat free Greek yogurt, whey protein isolate, egg whites, lean poached meats, raw leafy veggies (and a good bit of dry red wine & gin) - dropped from around 145 to 120.
    Weight stayed off until I started eating like a normal person again. So yeah not sustainable.

    Does this mean you went back to eating the same as you were when you gained weight? Or you somehow gained weight eating at your maintenance calories?

  • rosecropper
    rosecropper Posts: 340 Member
    Wasn't tracking because wasn't purposefully dieting. But being able to add fats, sugars, starches back into regular meals- that certainly increased my daily caloric intake.
    A couple yogurt whey smoothies during the day, then some poached chicken breast & a bowl of plain lettuce for dinner can't add up to many calories. Even with a couple glasses of wine, probably wasn't north of 1000 calories most days.
  • INFPerseverance
    INFPerseverance Posts: 4 Member
    Ideal Protein is low fat and low carb. It's extremely restrictive but very effective. The amount of protein you eat is supposed to preserve lean body mass, so it seems pretty high. This also means you can't work out. There's official Ideal Protein with a clinic, coach, and access to specialty vitamins and food but it is pricey. There's also alternatives in which you follow IP's eating protocol but buy cheaper, publicly-available products. Facebook has groups for both the official program and alternatives. Even if you choose not to do it, you can still learn a lot by joining. I lost 30 lbs in 12 weeks and have been maintaining for almost a month.

    Low carb, low fat is not for everyone. It requires a great deal of self-control and knowledge to do it safely. I have a friend that's a registered dietitian. For weight loss, she suggests setting your calories at your goal weight x 10 +200 for exercise unless you are more than 50 lbs overweight than it's current weight - 30lbs x 10. Strength training 2 - 4x a week makes a huge difference and I highly recommend it for EVERYONE (losing, maintaining, or gaining muscle). Your body burns more calories with more lean muscle mass and wants to store carbs as glycogen (rather than fat). Cardio is obviously good too. Don't feel like you have to be super knowledgeable and athletic to do cardio or weight training. There are ways to start of slow and steady and build up.

    I, personally, eat 1 gram of protein per lb of body weight, eat no more than 150 net carbs (carbs - fiber), and eat around .3 to .5 grams of fat per lb. For me, that's a 40% carb, 30% fat, 30% protein macronutrient split. I've messed with my macros so much and it's what works for me. My diet consists of 3-4 servings of 3-5 oz of lean protein, 4 cups of veggies, 2-3 carb sources (whole grain), 2 fruits, 2 dairy sources (low or high fat), and 1-2 fat sources. I have some eating guidelines I use that help me stay on track and keep my weight in check. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wewYU3X3O6MYHawQplrMOPRhaSBBkcM9ko32yhA8BQU/edit?usp=sharing Sometimes, I take a "day off" and eat zero carb the next day. Sometimes, I'll sub a snack (of comparable calories) for one of my healthy food servings. I feel happy with what I'm doing and know I can keep it up for life.

    So, maybe Ideal Protein or its alternative could be an option for you. Maybe not. Personally, I think cutting back and creating lifelong, healthy eating and activity habits is the best way to go.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    How can 40% carbs claim to be "low carb"??
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I've been eating 40% carbs, 30% protein and fat, which I guess is like the Zone diet. I usually come closer to 40% protein though. It's working! I've lost 9lbs in the past week. MFP doesn't set protein high enough, in my opinion.