weekly "if you continue you will weigh x in 5 weeks"?

I love the daily diary that says "if you continue you will weigh x in 5 weeks" - but I need that for a week end statement. I have set the report tab to week and it shows the calorie deficit but why is that statement not available? I need that to easily see how I am doing, as a week summary is much more accurate than a daily statement!

If not and myfitnesspal is going to force me to add, how many calories is a 2 pound weekly loss?


  • deanvoller
    deanvoller Posts: 8 Member
    1lb of fat is c3500 calories so a 500 cal per day deficiency should see you lose weekly.
  • C1tyG1rl
    C1tyG1rl Posts: 4 Member
  • jandsstevenson887
    jandsstevenson887 Posts: 296 Member
    That would be for a 1lb loss. You would need a 1000cal deficit per day for a 2lb loss per week or 7000cal/week.