Losing size but not weight. What's wrong??



  • lizzelspark
    lizzelspark Posts: 178 Member
    Do you know what your body fat % is ? I would go by that for sure and not so much the scale muscle takes up less room then fat in our bodies so your definitely gaining the muscle and shrinking your fat which I think is the best way to get that perfect body .
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    You lost two pant sizes! I'd be ecstatic if I were you!
  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member
    I don't see why you're concerned about how much you weigh. You're doing just fine!
  • loafer0303
    loafer0303 Posts: 5 Member
    I always find drinking "enough" water is a bit of a hidden formula. I never used to drink enough, despite thinking I did, and I always had weight stalls, 4-5 weeks of weight staying the same. I researched a lot and read up, I now make sure I drink 4-5 litres of water a day. It's amazing how much water the body stores when you're not drinking enough. Up to 8lbs.
    Drink plenty of water and after 2-3 days that excess lbs flies off.
  • krayzcan
    krayzcan Posts: 4 Member
    loafer0303 wrote: »
    I always find drinking "enough" water is a bit of a hidden formula. I never used to drink enough, despite thinking I did, and I always had weight stalls, 4-5 weeks of weight staying the same. I researched a lot and read up, I now make sure I drink 4-5 litres of water a day. It's amazing how much water the body stores when you're not drinking enough. Up to 8lbs.
    Drink plenty of water and after 2-3 days that excess lbs flies off.

    I do. It drink enough water for sure. I'm just. It a drinker unless I'm working out. I'll up my water intake and see if that helps. I know it's not too many carbs or sugars because I cut all that out. Slowly adding some carbs back for energy. Thanks!!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Nothing's wrong - you're making visible progress and buying new clothes - who cares what the silly scale number is?
  • Jams009
    Jams009 Posts: 345 Member
    AmyRhubarb wrote: »
    Nothing's wrong - you're making visible progress and buying new clothes - who cares what the silly scale number is?

    Exactly, more people should do it this way: lose fat, not weight.

    The weight will come down eventually, but until then you are maintaining the maximum amount of muscle, or maybe even building some... Makes it much more efficient in the long run.
  • purple_cloud52
    purple_cloud52 Posts: 1 Member
    Start swimming more than anything, I saw my best friend become so lean right in front of my eyes.
  • erinc5
    erinc5 Posts: 329 Member
    I am 5'7" and I was stuck at 160/161 for what seemed like a super long time (at least 3 weeks). I just recently dropped down to 158 after being at 161 the day before.

    I eat around 1400-1500 and work out. Just keep at it, and the weight will come off. Triple check that you are being strict and weighing everything if you're eating your workout calories back. I know after losing 20 or so lbs, I will feel "I know what I'm doing" and get lazy with weighing. It's important to check in and make sure you don't get overconfident and think you don't have to weigh/track every bite.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    krayzcan wrote: »
    I weigh 160 and I'm 5'6. That's still overweight.

    Eventually the weight will follow. Give up now and you'll never see how far you could have gone. I was the same for 3 weeks, inches lost off my waist but not a pound lost. Now I'm down 5lbs this week, idk how much is water and how much is fat but I'm showing scale progress now. Had I gotten mad a week ago and changed things up I may have broken whatever plan my body had going on.

    Give it time.
  • eeejer
    eeejer Posts: 339 Member
    krayzcan wrote: »
    I weigh 160 and I'm 5'6. That's still overweight.

    If I were 5% body fat I would be considered overweight according to BMI.
  • LPflaum
    LPflaum Posts: 174 Member
    Ignore the BMI, ditch the scale. If you're trying to accelerate fat loss (and it seems like you've already lost a good amt of fat), adjust your macros so you're eating a ton of protein (feed those new muscles!!) and not many carbs. Your body will burn the fat calories you're eating and then dip into your stores to fuel the deficit.
  • Suzanne106
    Suzanne106 Posts: 149 Member
    I'm sure when you started this journey you would have been happy to drop 2 pant sizes but now that you've done that you aren't happy. It's kind of a damned if you do and damned if you don't mentality. Enjoy your success and stop obsessing!
  • VykkDraygoVPR
    VykkDraygoVPR Posts: 465 Member
    If you aren't losing weight, then you aren't eating at a deficit. You are probably eating right around maintanence. If you want to lose weight, invest in a food scale, and set your food goal to .5-1 lb loss a week. Should start seeing results pretty quickly.
  • jen_bush
    jen_bush Posts: 679 Member
    You are losing fat. Do you want to tell me that people who are ripped and have loads of muscle mass are overweight because their BMI says so? The world is not black and white.
  • ericabarker22
    ericabarker22 Posts: 1 Member
    Think in terms of FAT loss and not WEIGHT loss. I recommend getting your body fat tested so you can gage your progress that way. I say that you are on the right track if your losing inches and going down in sizes but your weight stays the same. If you are lifting, most likely you are gaining more muscle which takes up less space in the body than fat does. ;)