Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-June 2011



  • minnesotamama
    minnesotamama Posts: 38 Member
    Oh, and I watched that documentary and thought it was fantastic! Thanks for letting me know about it.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    You all are very inspirational in your cotiniued activities! I have been a runner for a while but have backed off some since finding out I was pregnant. I still haven't talked to my dr. about what is safe for me; have my first appointment today! This is my first so it's all very new and exciting.

    I know I hear from all of you that you have continued what you're doing and I have for the most part. I swam almost a mile on Monday and that was great so hope to do more swimming. I'm trying to up my cardio over the next couple weeks but have been pretty busy si haven't gotten as much as I'd like in this week.

    Minnesotamama.....4 kids and counting?! Wow. That is impressive. I like that you keep yourself put together. I have a friend that has become all about baby since she had hers about a year ago. Her and a group of my girlfriends get together a couple times a month for girls night out and she rarely looks put together and says, "this is how it is when you have kids" (she is the only one with kids). I really want to maintain my identity and "put togetherness" once the baby comes. I know life will change forever, but I still think it's importatnt to still be Ashley, wife, friend, worker, athlete, etc. instead of only Baby's Mom.

    Hope you're all having a great week!

    Just many are finding out what they're having? We are mostly b/c we are big time planners.
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    minnesotamama - So glad you watched it and liked it. I did, too! Have to say, it made me feel a bit better to see all sides to the stories - including the woman who planned for the natural, home birth needed to go to the hospital and have a c-section. Not everyting can go according to plan (as I learned the hard way the first time) but you can only hope! Thanks for the boost about VBAC, too. Doc says as long as baby is in the right position there's no reason why I can't try. My first delivery (42 hour labor) ending in c-section was a result of my son's head being slightly turned and therefore not dropping; not dialating past 7...

    Better_Balance_2 - We're not finding out! Second surprise for us! I'm a big planner, too so it's tough sometimes - especially having a boy already and seeing all of the sweet girl stuff out there... The nursery is done (babies will be sharing a room for now) and if it's a boy I'll be excited to put baby brother in big brother's barely worn clothing.

    Heather - Thank you! Starting to come around. Can actually breathe through my nose today. :tongue:

    Baby just went down for his second nap of the day and I'm going to sit in the sun on our front porch and try and finish the current book I'm reading "Superdad: A Memoir of Rebellion, Drugs and Fatherhood" by Christopher Shulgan. A true story of his addiction to crack cocaine. Eeek. Interesting read.

    Anyone reading any good books they care to recommend?
  • minnesotamama
    minnesotamama Posts: 38 Member

    I know so many friends/family members who have completely let themselves go just because they've entered the role of "mother". I don't come from a naturally "skinny" family so I definitely have to work hard to maintain a decent weight and level of fitness. And with 4 kids, it takes a tremendous amount of work and some great time-management skills to keep everything together. But, for me, it's totally worth it. And my husband completely appreciates all the effort I put in. So, I believe that as long as you make it a priority you can still be the most nurturing, loving mother and at the same time take care of yourself. You just may need to have a really good sense of humor on some (if not most!) days. :laugh:
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Happy Friday!

    I had two late nights with my girlfriend in town so getting up to run this morning was tough. The fact that it was raining really made me want to crawl back into bed. I didn't want to let myself or my fit, fabulous and pregnant friends down so I forced myself out into the rain and got in my four miles. So happy I didn't give in to the lazy monster!

    Stephanie - I love that you make it a priority to stay put together. :-) Definitely a goal for me once our bambino arrives. Drives me crazy when people use the excuse of having kids or being a mom as a reason to let themselves go. I think moving into motherhood a little later in life has my priorities in some different categories. I know that being a mother is going to be the best thing I have done in my life, but I will not let it change me. I will make it a priority to continue to take care of myself and plan to make time for date nights and my marriage as well. Plus, still need my occasional cocktails with the girls! Very much looking forward to enjoying a martini in a few months ;-)

    Ashley - hope the appointment went well! I know for me the first appointment helped cement the fact that I truly was pregnant. As for finding out the sex of our baby, I've just felt strongly from the beginning that I wanted to be surprised. My husband and I are just tickled that we get to have this experience in our lives so we could care less if it's a boy or girl, we just want a healthy baby! The only thing I've found more difficult with the planning is buying clothes - they do tend to be quite specific for boys or girls. I guess we'll just being doing lots of white for the first few weeks.

    Amy - hope you are over the yucky part of the cold. As for books....did you read the Steigg Larson (pretty sure I spelled that wrong) books? I really enjoyed all three.

    Wishing everyone a great weekend.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey all. My appointment was relatively uneventful. I got some questions answered, like about working out. My dr. told me if I can talk, then I'm okay. But if I am rather winded, adequate blood flow is not getting to the baby. So I'm going to keep that in mind. I'm also going to cut out the heavier lifting. I had started a new program right before I found out I was prego, and have backed off for the past 3 weeks, but now I will put that on hold for now. Still try to do some strength, just lighter weights. She also checked my uterus and thinks I am more like 8ish weeks rather than 9.5 (the count we got from first day of my last period). I am a later ovulator (day 18) so that already puts me 4 days behind. The good news is I get to go back in 2 weeks to hear that heartbeat. For some reason I felt a little nervous after I left, like I wanted more confirmation that everything is fine. I guess the next appointment will provide me some comfort. We also decided against the extra testing (for Downs, Spina bifita and the one I can't remember). My nurse said a lot of people do it so they can have an early ultrasound, so we thought maybe we'd do it. Then when I mentioned that to the dr. she said that was a bad reason to do it. Once I realized it just gave us a risk factor, we decided we didn't want to know that. If our risk was high, I would be worried for the next 7 months. No thanks. I'm sure I'll find enough to worry about between now and then!

    MinMama - way to go for working so hard on everything! I am a pretty motivated person and I hope I do not lose that part of myself through all this. I am glad to hear you have not! Good attitude and sense of humor is a must in life in general I think.

    It's intersting to hear that so many people aren't finding out what they're having! Part of me wants to wait, but more of me wants to know. Even last night my girlfriends were bumming because "we" have to wait 10 more weeks to find out. :smile: Speaking of friends, most of ours found out the same day we did. We had a wedding reception and I tried to pretend drink and totally got busted. I still have kept it on the DL at work (only 4 people here know), but family and friends all know already. So everything better be good over the next few weeks! :smile:

    Hope you all have a great weekend! I hope to get some activity in this weekend. I've been busy this week and have not worked out as much as I'd like. are awesome. When I was not prego I used to get up every Monday morning to run and those rainy days are HARD to drag out of bed. I do not choose to work out in the morning much anymore. I hate mornings.
  • minnesotamama
    minnesotamama Posts: 38 Member
    Ab question...anyone here keep up an ab routine? What point did you stop or plan to? I have a great ab workout I do now that I'll continue with as long as my baby bump doesn't get in the way but not sure what to do after that. Anyone do planks or any other baby bulge friendly ab excersises later on? I've never kept up strength training in my other pregnancies (only cardio) but I'd like to with this one. Just looking for ideas....
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    Minnesotamama- I kept up with ab workouts till I was maybe 18 weeks? I didn't really get that big though, but I worked out my obliques with weights, leg raises, but I didn't concentrate much on it. I figured that my running kinda sorta keeps my core worked out? I really don't know lol.

    911girl - I read Battle hymn of the Tiger Mom yesterday. I really enjoyed it because I also had really strict chinese upbringing that did almost the same thing in the book, but as I grew older I really do appreciate how my mom raised me because I set really really high standards for myself in school and almost always end up excelling. I have been debating in my head on the best way to raise this child because my hubby is very very "western" as the book defined it and I don't believe in letting kids do their own thing and be "lucky" if they come out right... I rebelled a little when I became a teenager but I turned out okay... My mom softened up when I was 14 because she married an American so I feel like I got a really good balance. The book is controversial in the USA but it brings out the reality of how a lot of asian families... Might want to look that up it was very interesting! Another book I am reading is the Marathon book by Hal Higdon, I think I am going to come around and finally finish it, it is a really good running motivation book...

    Heather- No WE are not taking childbirth classes... Like I told my doula, my husband is not into the whole process of childbirth so to him, understanding why I chose unmedicated birth and knowing he will be there is enough for me. I might go to a couple to help me relax but my doula (who also teaches the classes) says she has met plenty of husbands like mine and reassures me that she will help him in the moment (which he does better at, rather than taking classes in advance). She has also sat down and talked to me about techniques, sent me resources and reading homework... I am debating on taking lactation classes although I think it is pointless for me since I taught those classes last semester and did rotations with the lactation consultant during my rotation... I kinda feel like I won't learn anything new... lol Classes and stuff are in the air.. I might take some.. What do you think? The whole L&D, phases of labor etc is still pretty fresh in my mind from last semester so I am debating...

    Can't remember who was talking about the 5 kids (don't want to press the back button and lose all this lol) but WOW. kudos!!

    I really need to pop out soon (but hopefully not too too big)
    Here is a 28 week pic

    <img src=""&gt;
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion, Lexi. I have heard many controversial things about Battle Hymn and have put it on my list of things to read! Can't wait to see your "pop" - your pic din't work.
  • otm25
    otm25 Posts: 106 Member
    Well, I had my first appointment of Friday and got my first ultrasound pictures, everything looks great! Doc said not to stress too much over my diet and keep up the exercise! We made the big announcement, because as my bf says, if it isn't of Facebook, it isn't real, lol! So the word is out, the kids are thrilled, life is good!

    We spent the weeknd camping near the Sierra Buttes and had a wonderful time with friends. We ended up hiking (not so fun with a whinning 5 and 3 year old) and then kayaking both days for almost an hour and a half each day. THis was our fist time out the year on the kayak, and the first day it felt really good. I didn't get tired at all! The second day was a different story, after just 30 minutes of paddling I was exhausted! I kept going but this time I really knew I was getting a workout! I have been targeting my upper body for the last few weeks, but it really doesn't feel like it helped! All day yesterday my shoulders were super-sore and my back is aching, I may have over done it. Going to do just a short cardio workout today, followed by a 1 mile walk tonight, taking it easy.

    Hope you all had a great weekend, and that this week is productive as well!

    BTW, I find that it isn't too hard to be well put together and have your children well dressed and groomed everyday, I think it is really a matter of priorities! I take pride in my own as well as my childrens' appearance (as well as behavior) and I think it shows.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Well, I had my first appointment of Friday and got my first ultrasound pictures, everything looks great!

    That's great to hear! You had an ultrasound!? I'm jealous. I got nothing! :wink: The picture is amazing. I'm about 9 weeks too so it's really neat to see that.

    Kayaking sounds way fun. Hiking too. We try to get to the woods to camp and hike at least once a year but we haven't been yet this year and now it's getting a little too hot.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend and you all have a great week! It's a short one for me. We're headed to the mountains of NC to meet up wtih my family. Perhaps we'll get some outdoor time in.
  • otm25
    otm25 Posts: 106 Member
    Well, I had my first appointment of Friday and got my first ultrasound pictures, everything looks great!

    That's great to hear! You had an ultrasound!? I'm jealous. I got nothing! :wink: The picture is amazing. I'm about 9 weeks too so it's really neat to see that.

    It was great, I was actually thinking of you, I am sorry that your experience was disappointing. With every pregnancy I have seen my doc at 8 weeks and he has done an internal ultrasound so we could see the heart beating and get some pictures. That has always been when I was assured enough to tell the world. Do you know when your first ultrasound will be? Our due dates must be really close, mine is January 30th. Good luck getting some outdoors time, and enjoy your week!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Ladies, just want to remind all you fabulous ladies who are on this thread: make sure you have enough fiber. Female need at least 25gram fiber a day. Being pregnant it's probably more important to have enough fiber. I've learned my lessons from my first pregnancy.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member

    It was great, I was actually thinking of you, I am sorry that your experience was disappointing.

    Aw. That's sweet. Not that it was dissapointing per say....I just didn't get any fun stuff. I like my nurse and dr. a lot so that was good. I'll hear the heartbeat in about a week and a half so that is exciting. I won't get an ultrasounds until 20 weeks. Where do you live? NV = Nevada? I wonder if it differs from state to state or maybe it's insurance. Who knows. I'm in KY, this is my first so no prior complications, and that's what I hear is about standard. One ultrasounds a pregnancy unless there is reason for more. Oh well....patience is a virture, right?

    Thanks for the reminder Atomdraco. I take fiber supplements in addition to trying to get lots of fiber through veggies, fruit, oatmaeal, etc. but this made me think to actually change my fiber goal to 25g a day.

    Well I'm off to swim!
  • kellystjohn88
    kellystjohn88 Posts: 52 Member
    This is just what I was looking for! I'm 33 weeks pregnant, with a little girl! This is my husband's and mine's first child! My Husband is in the marine corps and has always been super fit! I worked out regularly in my first trimester but slacked off in my 2nd, so trying to get back on track now!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Good morning ladies! Hope everyone is having a great week so far!

    Stephanie sorry for the late reply...but I've (for the most part) kept up my ab routine with just a few changes. After about 4 months I've mostly used an exercise ball to do my ab workout but also do planks and some laying on the floor but the majority of it is on the ball or doing standing abs. I follow Tracy Anderson Method for my strength training and love it. She also has a post pregnancy workout that is good. My friend who just had her baby did abs until a few days before she had the baby. By the end it was all on the ball and she said it felt weird, but she kept it up.

    Ashley I of course found out the sex of the baby cause I'm a big planner and wanted to be as ready as I could be when she came. I'm glad I did. And I'm glad your doc isn't one of those "no raising your heart rate above 140" old school thinking docs...He is right, as long as you can carry on a conversation you are good. When I hike there are a few time my heart rate gets to about 180 and I feel a little winded but I can talk and when I reach the top I take a break and get my heart rate back down to at least the 140s. And most first appts around here are more like yours with just a routine checkup, maybe some blood work, etc. I only got an early ultrasound when I was 6 and 8wks because I had a history of miscarriage. Hope you have a great visit with the family in the mountains! I'm jealous! :)

    Amy glad you are feeling better! :) All I've been reading lately is baby books...Babywise for the second time this week. lol! I read some Harlan Coben in between the baby books to shake it up. I like him.

    Holly you are a rockstar! I can totally relate to the pain that just pulling yourself out of bed just to workout can be...but it is always so worth it once I'm in that workout induced endorphins state! Keep up the awesome work!

    Lexi I feel the same in the whole "what else can I possibly learn...I am a nurse" thinking, but I don't want to get there and be totally unprepared. It is one thing to read about it in a book and see it happening to someone else and another to have it happen to you. I want to have all the relaxation techniques I can, have women who are experienced tell me about transitioning, and different techniques/positions to get through what might come. I feel that my success for a natural delivery lies in the hands of being completely educated. I personally don't think you can ever have TOO much education. If you find a good class (I wouldn't take one of those hospital classes) that you think you can get a different perspective or learn something new (hence why I'm taking the bradley method class) I say go for it. But like I said, I totally understand where you are coming from too. Oh and try and repost your didn't work and we all wanna see! :)

    Autumn that is so exciting! Congrats! And your trip sounds awesome! I LOVE hiking and kayaking! How fun!

    Welcome kellystjohn! Jump right in!

    Well as for me I'm getting back into my routine as of yesterday. My hubby is back at work and life is starting to get back to normal. I'm about to go on a hike/walk with my workout buddy in a few, just wanted to drop in and let everyone know I am in fact still alive! lol! My 20wk appt went well. It was the first that Al got to come to. It was completely uneventful. We heard the heartbeat, but after seeing Charlee on Tuesday it was nice...but seeing her was so awesome it is hard to compare. I again told the doc how concerned I was with my weight gain to this point (16lbs on their scale and 20lbs on mine). It is hard to be concerned about something when your doctor tells you to stop worrying and that you are doing awesome. She said that with the Prometrium (progesterone supplement) taken in the first trimester that there really isn't anything different I can be doing. She doesn't want me to slow my gain anymore than it has on its own. (I'm gaining now about 1/2lb-1lb per week now) I guess I am just going to be on the higher side of my goal for my weight gain. She doesn't seem concerned and actually said that I am fit and healthy and that I need to stop worrying about it....

    I hope all of you have a wonderful week! Take care of yourselves...and those babies! :)
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Hi All,
    I notice that my workouts have gone down lately. I still workout 30 min a day at least, but my running has gone done to almost nothing. I find it is hurting my hips, and i feel like I have to pee the whole time lol. So I will substitute it with rollerblading instead (don't worry i have played ice hockey for 20 years i can skate np!)...
    Yesterday in prenatal class we talked about circumsion and watched a video- I thank god i am having a girl! I could not believe what was actually involved in this. They tie down the baby and basically torture him for about 10 min without any pain meds (this is the nicer version of it)... if any of you having boys are torn between this here is the link to the video,

    If you are like me maybe you didn't know exactly what is involved and this may help you with your decision. Circumsion rates are way down since our days, where it was the norm. it is less than 10% here in Canada now . Anyway some info if you are interested. Obviously it is a personal choice, sometimes religious so you may have your reasons. But i always like to share interesting things i learn lol

    I am planning on doing a natural birth, but now I am thinking I may want to do it at home- i am more comfortable and relaxed here, i hate hospitals, and feel the experience would be better for me... anyone else doing a home birth or have done one? Any suggestions or advice?

    2nd prental yoga class today- hope its easier than the first lol !
  • minnesotamama
    minnesotamama Posts: 38 Member
    Heather- thanks for the ab info. I definitely want to keep up the ab work so any and all info is helpful.

    Atynk - I'm also planning a homebirth! This is my 5th baby and the previous 4 have been in a hospital. I've never had a completely natural childbirth, but I've come awfully close. With my 3rd delivery, I was only in labor 45 minutes and they barely got the epidural in before I started pushing. And with my last delivery, I opted for a 2 hour medication that ended up wearing off for the last half hour of labor. I didn't even need it when I got it and I so wish I would've just gone without it. But, as soon as I was in the hospital, they had hooked me up to iv's and monitors that it was hard to labor naturally and I was terrified of going without meds like the labor before(apparently when you dilate so fast, it's like 10 times more painful and I was in panic with my 45 minute labor). This time around, I'm confident in my body's ability to handle the labor/delivery and I know that I labor so much better at home. Also, with quick labors, I want someone to come to me instead of me going somewhere!! : D We haven't met with a midwife yet, but I have talked to her over the phone a couple times. Those conversations just made me so much more excited about the homebirth idea!

    I've been able to keep up my workouts, but the fatigue is definitely starting to rear it's ugly head. I've been trying to stay away from coffee, but come mid-day I feel like I'm a zombie. And napping isn't always an option with 4 little kids under the age of 7!! So, while it's not ideal, I still occasionally indulge in a cup of coffee. It keeps me going, sadly.

    Have a good day and keep up the good work, ladies!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member

    I notice that my workouts have gone down lately. I still workout 30 min a day at least, but my running has gone done to almost nothing. I find it is hurting my hips, and i feel like I have to pee the whole time lol. So I will substitute it with rollerblading instead (don't worry i have played ice hockey for 20 years i can skate np!)...

    She is human after all! :wink: Sorry.....I have been very amazed by your level of ativity and all your races and times and everything! Sorry you're hurting but glad you have found something that works for you. I've been substituting swimming a lot lately and am loving it. I swam a mile last night. It took me 40 minutes but considering I just started swimming (lap style anyways) less than a year ago, I was pretty impressed with myself. :blushing:

    I'm interested to hear all the convo about abs. My nurse told me to cut the ab work out already (at 9 weeks). I thought that seemed a little extreme, but I guess I shoudl listen to the medical peeps. I have to imagine I am getting some abdominal benefit from the swimming and other cardio and strength I'll be doing.

    Also interesting to hear about home and natural births. I like the ideas in theory, but think I'll just go standard with my first - hospital, dr.'s, epidural....

    Keep up the good work ladies!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi all! Hope everyone is doing well.

    I think it is great that many of you are going to do home births. I am very interested in them but with this being my first I feel better being in the hospital in case there are any complications. I do however want a natural birth. I absolutely do not want pitocin. It will be interesting to see how the hospital pushes on this when the time comes. My husband said that he will be my rock to help make decisions when the time comes. He also believes a natural birth would be great. So we will see.

    I had my 15 week appointment today. Everything is going well. We get to find out the sex on July 25th which I am excited about. I think it would be cool to be a surprise but I want to get ready and be able to plan for what to get and to decorate the nursery for either a boy or girl.

    Tomorrow we leave for the week. We are visiting my hubby’s family in Buffalo, NY. It will be an 11 hour drive from where we live in NC. I am really excited to see everyone. I love my sister in laws and their hubbys. They are some of my best friends. So I probably won’t be back on here until next Wednesday. I still will do pretty good because we plan to do some hiking, kayaking and some Zumba classes. Plus one of my sister in laws has an amazing garden that she cooks from all the time. I can’t wait!

    Well I hope you all have a Happy 4th of July! Keep healthy, fit and of course fabulous:0)