Guidance Needed!

Hi! I went to get my metabolism tested this morning and found out that I've been dieting WAY too much and have my body thinking I'm in starvation mode. I was eating about 1300 cals a day and doing half assed workouts b/c I was tired. I am 5/3" and weigh 129 and my weight wasn't really changing but I gained 1-2 inches of body fat everywhere within the past year. I have Hashimoto's thyroid issues which complicates things. I'm here for some guidance on how to lose that fat!

My resting metabolic rate is 1760 cals a day and I was told to eat more than I was in order to lose fat. The dietician gave me a handout that says if I work out 9 hours a week, in order to maintain weight I need to eat 2044 cals a day: 45g fat, 256g carbs and 153g protein.

My question is, how can I get so many carbs and stay low on sugar and fat? I don't really care about my weight but I do want to get rid of the body fat. Should I stick to the numbers above or slightly adjust for fat loss? What do you think? Any advice is appreciated! Thanks, BH


  • bethbhansen
    bethbhansen Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for the reply. I wasn't very clear but I'm looking for guidance about getting back to healthy calorie intake. should I focus and really shoot for 2000 cals a day with workouts and see if the body fat goes away?? Is it safe to say I can expect that to happen safely?