Food bullies?



  • heart3313
    heart3313 Posts: 89 Member
    My boyfriend gets mad at me because when we go out to eat and I don't eat seconds. He knows that I'm trying to lose weight and then goes and buys food that I really crave and try to avoid. I, however, put whatever I can't eat that is leftover on HIS plate and make him eat it. Well, I don't make him eat it but if he wants to eat extra I might as well give it to him.

    I always say my husband is my garbage disposal lol! Any food I don't want off my plate he takes
  • jlcnuke
    jlcnuke Posts: 31 Member
    Just be glad you don't work where I work, we give everyone *kitten* for all kinds of stuff, and food choices are no exception. Of course we think of it as "friendly banter" not "bullying".
  • heart3313
    heart3313 Posts: 89 Member
    jlcnuke wrote: »
    Just be glad you don't work where I work, we give everyone *kitten* for all kinds of stuff, and food choices are no exception. Of course we think of it as "friendly banter" not "bullying".

  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    Yeah, I just eat at my desk. I don't need anyone's judgement on my lunch, thanks. It's bad enough at "happy hour", where I just have water when everyone else has plates of chips and cookies and popcorn and beer, etc. Every damn person has to comment on my not having junk food, like I'm some freak because I have the ability to say no thanks. I seriously hate it. I don't give a crap what you are all eating or not eating because it doesn't affect me. What I eat or don't eat doesn't affect anyone but me. Stop talking about it.
  • celadontea
    celadontea Posts: 335 Member
    I got a lot of judgement about my food choices when I worked in an office. I feel like it was just people trying to have something, anything to talk about. I couldn't stand being asked about my lunch every single day. I'm introverted and found it a poor way to open up communication. When I was dieting it would be "that's all your eating?" "wow, I wish I could eat like that." and when I was eating something else it would always be "where did you get that?" "did you make that?" "I wouldn't eat that"... yawn.
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    I like my steak still moving. I will bring it to work like this sometimes and I would get asked
    How can you eat that? Simple, one bite at a time
    That looks gross. Perfect, you're not eating it.
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    I don't have too much of an issue. Where I work most people eat from the cafeteria and I bring my lunch and eat in the cafeteria with them. So they do sometimes ask me what I'm eating or make comments, but they're good comments - "that looks good" kind of stuff.

    I do have one friend who is also working on losing weight and struggling. Every time she eats something that she considers "bad" she tries to push one on me. i.e. if she's eating a cookie she tries to push one on me. Sometimes I eat it (if I know it'll fit in my calories) and sometimes I just say "no thank you, I'm not hungry right now." Or I take it, don't eat it, and give it to a co-worker instead (someone who wants it, I try not to push food since I don't like it when people do it to me). I think it's just because we both know that the other is trying to lose weight so she feels guilty about eating that food and feels better if I eat it too - like it's justified or something. I keep trying to get her to come to MFP.
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    This happens to me so often, you'd think I would be used to it by now. It's been happening all my life and it really bothers me and makes me self-conscious.

    I have a bottle of water at my desk constantly, since I drink several bottles throughout the day. Occasionally there will be some other type of drink. I've never gotten a comment on the water that's on my desk literally 100% of the time, but the second I have anything else, I am either wrong for having a diet drink, or I am told that regular drink is bad for me and I should just drink water. OH, YOU MEAN LIKE I DO THE OTHER 99% OF THE TIME? OKAY GREAT, THANKS!

    The only time I eat in front of people at work is for my morning snack at my desk, which may be a yogurt with nuts, maybe some carrots, maybe some chips, who knows? But it never fails, someone has something to say about it! "EWWW CARROTS?? Gross!" Or "chips aren't healthy!!! That's what made me fat!!"

    I literally just want to stab people all the time now.
  • heart3313
    heart3313 Posts: 89 Member
    I like my steak still moving. I will bring it to work like this sometimes and I would get asked
    How can you eat that? Simple, one bite at a time
    That looks gross. Perfect, you're not eating it.

  • robdowns1300
    robdowns1300 Posts: 152 Member
    The worst I've gotten is a good natured "you know, all that healthy eating is going to kill you".
  • chaney3000
    chaney3000 Posts: 261 Member
    I get called fit freak or health nut or picky all the time by my coworkers.

    I don't care. Just do you and keep it moving
  • RicaFit
    RicaFit Posts: 38 Member
    People love to share their opinions. They love to say how my food is or is not for them. Sometimes in a rude way. Their comment does not matter one bit to me. It is their's, and I don't have to accept it. Whether they are someone that likes my food options or hates it does not bother me either way. The majority of the time, it is something they heard from television or others sharing opinions. But sometimes, it is great information. For instant the person had someone look at his yogurt and say it was high in sugar. Hmmm... a person that states fact. We can know take that information and make a decision. Ignore or Apply. Take the fact and decide, I like eating high sugar yogurt, so I will. Which you probably did since you are dieting. You could also reconsider and stop eating yogurt (or maybe eat less). Again, you may have already done that.

    I could not imagine looking at someone's plate, while they are eating and commenting on it UNLESS they ask. But for those that feel compelled, I just let them be them - and usually smile for sharing the opinion and ignore it.

    I hope everyone can just let others be themselves (bully's, opinion sharers, whatever) and KEEP ENJOYING whatever it is YOU decided to put on your plate at that time :wink:

    I say this cause I have family that get so bent out of shape when someone "opposes" their food. It actually hurts their feelings. I just wish they would not let others do that. Other people's opinions do not affect our ego - unless we let it!