Starting over

lisar_07 Posts: 1 Member
Hi everyone, I'm starting over once again. I am praying that I can continue on & stop the vicious cycle of making progress and falling back into old habits. I am at the heaviest I've ever been in my entire life! I am so ashame that I allowed myself to get to this point. My goal is to lose 50 lbs, I want to feel good about myself & start living instead of just existing. Looking for friends that can be encouraging! Wish me luck everyone!!!


  • heatherdonovan3
    heatherdonovan3 Posts: 32 Member
    Welcome lisar! I am in a similar place. I haven't been able to sustain my efforts to stay healthy. Feel free to add me and maybe we can encourage each other
  • katdell
    katdell Posts: 89 Member
    Hi Lisar, I have just come back on here to start being accountable for what I do, if you want to add me and we can start encouraging each other :smiley: