Muscle vs. Fat

So, a little about my background, I am a former competitive swimmer and would swim and compete 6 days a week. After high school, I got married and had a baby almost right after that gained 65 pounds. A year and half after having her, we found out that I had thyroid issues and the reason why I couldn't get rid of any baby weight was becuase my metabolism shut down (per 2 different doctors). I started back up working out and eating extremely healthy November of 2015. I currently do functional training 3 days a week, followed my a cardio workout and do strength training 2 days a week. So far I have lost 20 pounds. I am still working towards my goals and feel that I have hit a plateau but have one trainer saying I need to do more strength training and one saying I need to do more cardio to loose more weight. I have a ton of muscle and am worried about bulking up to much! Just as an example ( I can leg press 280-300, and row at a 1400 cal/hr). I need to loose more fat but need some advice for my work out plan. I don't feel I am getting the right one for my body type! Any advice would be appreciated!


  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited May 2016
    What are your stats (age, height, current weight, target weight) and how many calories are you consuming now? How are you measuring these calories and how are you measuring your calorie burns?

    Also, the metabolism only shuts down if you're's constantly working, even when we sleep or are in a coma.
  • GraceAnneU95
    GraceAnneU95 Posts: 18 Member
    I would definitely say cardio over weight training if you want to be leaner :)
  • taylorewatters
    taylorewatters Posts: 6 Member
    edited May 2016
    I am 22, my starting weight was 260, currently 240, target is 170. I am taking in about 1900- 2000 calories and I am measuring food with a scale and have a food journal, I calculate calorie burn with a fit bit and log that. For a two hour work out I usually burn about 1300-1500 calories, (3 days a week) and the other two days a week I do an hour of kickboxing, burning about 800 calories.

    I understand how my metabolism works, thanks. Both doctors told me since my thryoid wasn't functioning the way it was supposed to, it was like my metabolism shut down ( moving extremely slow, and not doing anything for my body) because of those issues. I am on medication for my metabolism.
  • taylorewatters
    taylorewatters Posts: 6 Member
    I would definitely say cardio over weight training if you want to be leaner :)

    Thank you!!!
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited May 2016
    I am 22, my starting weight was 260, currently 240, target is 170. I am taking in about 1900- 2000 calories and I am measuring food with a scale and have a food journal, I calculate calorie burn with a fit bit and log that. For a two hour work out I usually burn about 1300-1500 calories, (3 days a week) and the other two days a week I do an hour of kickboxing, burning about 800 calories.
    What does Fitbit give you for your total daily burn? What is your deficit?

    I disagree with cardio over strength training to be 'leaner'. This is a myth. Weight loss is purely eating less than your daily total burn (and eating your daily total burn worth of calories will cause you to maintain). Exercise is purely for health and aesthetics.

    800 for an hour of kickboxing? Wow... I'm heavier than you and burn around 600 for an hour.

  • taylorewatters
    taylorewatters Posts: 6 Member
    I am 22, my starting weight was 260, currently 240, target is 170. I am taking in about 1900- 2000 calories and I am measuring food with a scale and have a food journal, I calculate calorie burn with a fit bit and log that. For a two hour work out I usually burn about 1300-1500 calories, (3 days a week) and the other two days a week I do an hour of kickboxing, burning about 800 calories.
    What does Fitbit give you for your total daily burn? What is your deficit?

    I disagree with cardio over strength training to be 'leaner'. This is a myth. Weight loss is purely eating less than your daily total burn (and eating your daily total burn worth of calories will cause you to maintain). Exercise is purely for health and aesthetics.

    800 for an hour of kickboxing? Wow... I'm heavier than you and burn around 600 for an hour.

    Daily burn is normally 3000 - 3400. Okay, just curious on the type of workouts I should be doing. What is your heart rate? Do you maintain a high heart rate for the entire time? This will increase your calorie burn! I am also with a trainer and get pushed, that could be why.
  • taylorewatters
    taylorewatters Posts: 6 Member
    I would definitely say cardio over weight training if you want to be leaner :)

    I'm going to go against this and say the opposite.

    Strength training helps preserve your muscle mass when you lose weight. Combine that with a reasonable deficit and decent protein intake (0.8 g per pound of body weight) to help make sure most of your loss comes from fat. This results in a leaner look at higher weights.

    Cardio is great for increasing calorie burn and allowing you to eat a bit more than you other wise would be able to. It also helps your cardiovascular health.

    Thank you very much, this helps!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    For weight loss - you need a calorie deficit. Eat less then you burn. Calories in - calories out.
    Weight loss - calorie deficit. Cico.

    Weight loss comes down to a calorie deficit . thyroid problems or not , it doesn't negate cico.

  • theconnertys
    theconnertys Posts: 31 Member

    800 for an hour of kickboxing? Wow... I'm heavier than you and burn around 600 for an hour.

    I also do kick boxing with a trainer. When we really push it, I can hit 1000 kal in an hour. It is a very difficult workout, but it can be done. I'm 5' 10" and currently 234.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I would definitely say cardio over weight training if you want to be leaner :)

    I'm going to go against this and say the opposite.

    Strength training helps preserve your muscle mass when you lose weight. Combine that with a reasonable deficit and decent protein intake (0.8 g per pound of body weight) to help make sure most of your loss comes from fat. This results in a leaner look at higher weights.

    Cardio is great for increasing calorie burn and allowing you to eat a bit more than you other wise would be able to. It also helps your cardiovascular health.

    One thing to check for is to make sure your using accurate entries from the database. There are some really wrong entries in there and if your using those by mistake you might be eating a bit more than you think. You also might just want to consider cutting back by 100 or 200 calories and see if that helps.

    I agree with this.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    I would definitely say cardio over weight training if you want to be leaner :)

    I'm going to go against this and say the opposite.

    Strength training helps preserve your muscle mass when you lose weight. Combine that with a reasonable deficit and decent protein intake (0.8 g per pound of body weight) to help make sure most of your loss comes from fat. This results in a leaner look at higher weights.

    Cardio is great for increasing calorie burn and allowing you to eat a bit more than you other wise would be able to. It also helps your cardiovascular health.

    One thing to check for is to make sure your using accurate entries from the database. There are some really wrong entries in there and if your using those by mistake you might be eating a bit more than you think. You also might just want to consider cutting back by 100 or 200 calories and see if that helps.

  • taylorewatters
    taylorewatters Posts: 6 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    For weight loss - you need a calorie deficit. Eat less then you burn. Calories in - calories out.
    Weight loss - calorie deficit. Cico.

    Weight loss comes down to a calorie deficit . thyroid problems or not , it doesn't negate cico.

    Thats fine, thats what Im doing already, I was just worried about my work outs. We also got my thyroid under control and have noticed a huge difference! I am in medical school so I understand this part of it extremely well. Just a background for those who understand thyroid issues! Thanks
  • speeno
    speeno Posts: 55 Member
    Its not the type of exercise that determines weight loss its diet, if you want to be leaner you need to reduce calories
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    I would definitely say cardio over weight training if you want to be leaner :)

    I'm going to go against this and say the opposite.

    Strength training helps preserve your muscle mass when you lose weight. Combine that with a reasonable deficit and decent protein intake (0.8 g per pound of body weight) to help make sure most of your loss comes from fat. This results in a leaner look at higher weights.

    Cardio is great for increasing calorie burn and allowing you to eat a bit more than you other wise would be able to. It also helps your cardiovascular health.

    One thing to check for is to make sure your using accurate entries from the database. There are some really wrong entries in there and if your using those by mistake you might be eating a bit more than you think. You also might just want to consider cutting back by 100 or 200 calories and see if that helps.

