Dieting with a family

It's so hard to eat right when no one else in your family is. There is a constant flow of cakes and cookies, and if I make a healthy meal it's gobbled up but followed by ice cream or some other treat. And I'm just sitting there salivating so I give in. It's not worth it to diet all week and then on the weekend when the whole family is home having to fight for self control while "bad" foods are paraded in front of you. I've been Dieting for a month and haven't lost a thing it's just too much.


  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 799 Member
    edited May 2016
    Can you eat lower calorie during the day so that you have calories available to indulge a bit with the fam at night? Smaller portions of desserts? Try to make healthier desserts? There's an old ww recipe called 3-2-1 cake (~100 cals). U mix a whole box of angel food cake with a whole box of your choice cake mix. After mixed well you put 3 tbsp cake mix, 2 tbsp of water into a bowl and mix then microwave 1 min. I top with cool whip:)
  • adurham79
    adurham79 Posts: 8 Member
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I plan for those kinds of things ahead of time and factor them into my calorie goal. Pre-logging my day helps greatly with that.
  • adurham79
    adurham79 Posts: 8 Member
    edited May 2016
    My biggest problem is the weekend. During the week I'm home with just my 2 year old, but on weekends it everybody all day. It's hard to stay on track when they eat junk in front of you, or when you don't feel like putting all that energy into cooking.
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    I cook every night for my family who are not dieting. If anything my partner needs to gain weight and my daughter is a fussy eater (narrow list of foods she will eat). So I cook like I always have. We have mashed potatoes 2-3x a week. And pasta and pizza at least once each. And they both have ice cream most nights for dessert. I didn't change my diet considerably when I started this in January because of this. I log everything, eat smaller portions, have salads (I love baby spinach with cherry tomatoes) on the side or steamed veggies (which I also love).

    If you have such a hard time with resisting junk, stop buying it. Or buy low calorie versions.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I agree don't buy it if you are the main shopper or buy it in portions so everyone gets one and there are none left over sitting and teasing you. This worked until my kids started driving and can go out and bring back ice cream. I try to incorporate small treats (100-200 calories) so I am not as tempted when they bring back a quart of ice cream.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    I've started calorie cycling with a fairly large daily deficit during the week, so I can eat as normal with the family on the weekends. That's to maintain however.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    There's always ginger to be cake and ice cream in the world... you need to learn moderation.
  • shawnaleigh210
    shawnaleigh210 Posts: 118 Member
    I completely know where you're coming from. I've been trying to lose weight for about the last 2 years now. I start off strong, and then end up giving up. I have a large family, and it is so very hard when you're the only one who's trying to eat healthy. I've tried multiple times to get my husband to do this with me, but he would never stay committed to it. So being that I was the only one in the house doing so, I'd always end up failing. What finally did it for me honestly, was adding friends here on MFP. I had used MFP before, but never added people as friends. This time around, almost 4 months ago now, I decided to try it, to see if it would make a difference. It has helped me soooo very much! I'm down 17 lbs now, and finally feel like I can actually do this. Having friends on here that know your struggles, who are here to encourage you, motivate you, and cheer you on, makes all the difference in the world! I would definitely try it!

    Once you start seeing the number on the scale go down, it also helps to motivate you. Not only that, but you'll start noticing the difference in how you feel when you avoid the junk food, and you're eating healthier. That right there, helps to curb my cravings for certain things now. I don't like the sluggish feeling that I get when I have sugar and such.

    I would also suggest getting some low calorie substitutes for yourself when your family is having ice cream and other desserts. Fudgsicles, which are only 40 calories, are a great substitute when you're craving ice cream. There's a ton of other things out there as well. You just have to find what you like. I keep things like the 90 calorie Fiber One treats on hand for when I'm craving something sweet. The cheesecake ones are pretty yummy. ;) They help satisfy your cravings, and prevent you from feeling guilty about over indulging.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like. I'd love to be a friend, and help encourage you and motivate you. ;)
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    adurham79 wrote: »
    It's so hard to eat right when no one else in your family is. There is a constant flow of cakes and cookies, and if I make a healthy meal it's gobbled up but followed by ice cream or some other treat. And I'm just sitting there salivating so I give in. It's not worth it to diet all week and then on the weekend when the whole family is home having to fight for self control while "bad" foods are paraded in front of you. I've been Dieting for a month and haven't lost a thing it's just too much.

    Who's buying the cake and cookies? If you are the primary shopper and chef in the house you have a lot of power over what comes in ans what is prepared.

    There is nothing wrong with having sweets in moderation and if it fits your calorie allotment. There are no such things as bad foods. Only over indulging. You can still gain on "good" foods if you exceed your calorie goal. Change your mindset. You can eat well, still enjoy indulgences and lose weight.
  • SLLeask
    SLLeask Posts: 489 Member
    When my skinny husband and daughter have big bars of chocolate, I have a mini snack sized one. I have one biscuit instead of three. I have two sausages instead of three. You can have anything you want, just a smaller portion.

    Unfortunately you have a choice, it's hard and takes a lot of willpower but, either say no to the extras / amounts your family can afford to eat or stay unhappy with your weight... I know which one I chose. Good luck to you, it IS possible, but only you can stop putting the food in your mouth.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    I try to save at least 700 cals (of my 1500), for night snacking. It helps when dh is eating junk after dinner. ;)
  • Jayz395
    Jayz395 Posts: 90 Member
    I feel your pain. When i started I was the only one in our house. When they had Chinese and that I had a bit etc so took a while to drop my 3 stone. Now my wife has started its so much easier, just the kids to keep happy now
  • LLT38
    LLT38 Posts: 172 Member
    It does sound like you need to change your perspective. You are trying to diet and it's not working for you. You want to find a way to eat that works for your life and you can achieve your goals. If you want ice cream, find a way to fit it into your calorie budget. You can portion out a small amount or buy mini portions at the grocery store. If you know dinner is when you get hungrier, adjust your meals earlier in the day so you have more calories at night. Look for solutions to your problem areas instead of trying to fight yourself all the time and you may have better results.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    edited May 2016
    Who buys the food? And why should your two year old (or other kids) have "a constant flow of cakes and cookies"? Treats in moderation is OK, but they don't need a constant flow of it.....
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Ask yourself if you want to lose weight or want to eat cake and ice cream. Or make room in your diet for a bit of ice cream.

    And only buy ice cream or cookies that you don't like that much.
  • adurham79
    adurham79 Posts: 8 Member
    I am the primary shopper, but at least 2 days a week my DH will stop by the store for "stuff". Or he will cook for us and doesn't really pay attention to what he puts in the meal. Unfortunately, I snapped at him the other day about this unsupportive behavior. I apologized, but his trip to the store didn't include treats for the family that evening. He actually brought home salad makings.
  • sharonandwyatt
    sharonandwyatt Posts: 86 Member
    I can relate...ii battle this all the time.. Its so hard when everyone else around you can eat whatever they want. I pretty much eat what they do but smaller portions. I found when they eat ice cream I will eat a fudge bar for 90 calories and that seems to satisfy me. Good luck I know it's hard
  • mandi20662016
    mandi20662016 Posts: 4 Member
    I have the same problem. I just factor this into my daily calorie intake. So far it's been working and I'm not giving up the foods I love too.
  • adurham79
    adurham79 Posts: 8 Member
    I can relate...ii battle this all the time.. Its so hard when everyone else around you can eat whatever they want. I pretty much eat what they do but smaller portions. I found when they eat ice cream I will eat a fudge bar for 90 calories and that seems to satisfy me. Good luck I know it's hard

    Thanks for the tip! I made these pudding pops this morning 49 calories and they were amazing!